The Heavenly Beast Master?

"The Heavenly Beast Master?" Thufrat mumbled to himself, he had never heard of such a person before.

"You're probably confused, but I think that The Heavenly Beast Master is the only one who can help you. I have no idea what happened to your companion, but The Heavenly Beast Master will definitely know, if not, then no one knows!" Arthur tried to answer Thufrat's doubts.

Thufrat pondered a little, if what Arthur said was true, then this would probably be hard. Just from the name, Thufrat assumed that this person was very powerful. To get someone like that to help him, Thufrat knew it wasn't going to be easy. He wouldn't leave Ark like this though, and he would do whatever it took to get him back to normal. Ark was his best and only friend, and Ark had saved his life multiple times. If he didn't help him now in his time of need, then could he really call himself a man?

He took a deep breath to calm himself down a little. "Do you have any idea where I could find this Heavenly Beast Master?" He asked shortly.

"I can't be one hundred percent sure, but I think the Heavenly Beast Master created her own force not too long ago, called the Heavenly Beast Pavilion. This force consists only of beast tamers, and is surprisingly strong and influential."

"The Heavenly Beast Pavilion huh?" Thufrat engraved the name into his memory, before asking one final question. "Where can I find it?"

"If I don't remember it incorrectly, then it should be located in the capital of Geatopia Kingdom."

As Thufrat heard this, he was a little disheartened at first. Geotopia was actually pretty far away from Steoteya, as it was the 6th biggest kingdom on the continent. He didn't lose hope though, even if it was far away, a roundtrip would only take a couple of months. Even though a couple of months was a fairly long time, as long as nothing happened to Ark, then Thufrat didn't mind how long it took for him to find help.

Thufrat swiftly bowed deeply after thinking about it a little. "Thank you, your majesty! Can I entrust his safety to you?" He said as he looked at Ark lying on the ground.

"I don't know what happened, but I will keep him safe until I can get a clear explanation!" Arthur said with a slight frown on his face.

Thufrat heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing this, and he decided that he wouldn't waste any more time. It was currently the afternoon, and Thufrat decided that he would leave right now. Staying around and doing nothing wouldn't be of any help at all. All he could do to help Ark right now was to get help from the Heavenly Beast Master and to do that, he had to cross numerous kingdoms. Thufrat didn't know it at the time, but him leaving as fast as he could was actually advantageous to Ark.

Even though the seal was supposedly harmless, after suppressing his bloodlust and hatred for months on end, it was only natural that the bloodlust and hatred would be multiplied. Before doing anything else, Thufrat bowed before the elders, and thanked them sincerely for their help this time, without them, Thufrat had no idea how he was supposed to save Ark from his predicament.

After expressing his gratitude, Thufrat left the mansion behind, and quickly found himself inside a spacious shop. This shop sold numerous breeds of horses, some of the more expensive ones were actually magical beasts, which allowed them to travel at up to thousands of miles every day. This was what Thufrat was here for. To travel through so many countries, he would naturally need a horse, and if he just bought a normal one, then his journey would take forever.

After walking up to the clerk, all he asked for was how much his fastest horse cost. Even though Thufrat looked quite shabby, the clerk answered respectfully. The fastest horse they had was a magical beast and it was a Thunder Horse. Even though the name sounded fairly ordinary, this magical beast was aligned with the thunder element, and had both tyrannic speed and strength. With the help of such a horse, Thufrat regained some of his confidence, it would still take him a long time to get to Geotopia, but compared to the speed of a normal horse, he would at the very least travel 5 times as fast.

The Thunder Horse cost Thufrat 2 rose-gold, but in his opinion, it was definitely worth it, he had plenty of money right now, and he didn't really need it for anything else. After buying the horse, Thufrat stocked up on some necessary supplies such as food and other appliances that he would need on his trip. Spending some extra money for comfort was worth it in his opinion, what was the reason to have money if you couldn't lead your life the way you wanted to.

You only live one life, and Thufrat was determined to make his own the best it could be. And to do that, he needed Ark. What was life without friends and family? No amount of wealth could make up for your family, and real friends were hard to come by. After leading his horse through the city and past the gates, Thufrat quickly left. As he sped away at an insane speed, Thufrat couldn't help but look back at Frostfell. Such a majestic city and he could only stay there for two months before having to leave again. Even though he felt that it was a pity, Thufrat didn't grow too attached to the city. No matter how grand it was, it couldn't be compared to any of the cities he had visited and passed through with Ark. In Frostfell, Thufrat had been all alone again, and he realized how complacent he had grown with his life.

Shifting his gaze back on the road, Thufrat silently vowed to himself. No matter what happened, he would see to it that Ark was saved. If not... there was no "if not", Thufrat would get the job done, no matter what.