Show of Strength

Even though Thufrat and Ephine were both a little surprised, they understood what Ark was trying to do. Ark wasn't someone brutal who would kill anyone who got in his way, but at the same time, he wasn't a saint. His purpose in hurting these people badly was to deter anyone else from coming after them. Atar wasn't even phased by the screaming of the adventurers as he jovially looked around the street, this was his first time in a city after all. 

Ark didn't know if more people were going to come after them, but if he had to guess, then that would definitely be it. Surely this noble wasn't going to be happy with them, and they probably had some experts that were going to take action shortly, but Ark wasn't worried. He was a little tense, but he tried his best to relax. Not many people would be able to rival him in strength in such a small city. He would be way more apprehensive if he was in the capital, no matter the country.