Plans for the future.

After arriving at the cave once more, they all decided to do their own things. Ephine needed to absorb her new mana crystal and enhance her strength once more, Atar needed to train and learn how to control his strength more, whilst Ark needed to plan for the future. Since Thufrat didn't need any urgent training, he helped Ark with making plans, as Ark needed some help when it came to the common sense of this world.

Getting themselves a home was something that Ark really wanted, since it would make his stay in this world a bit more organised. And it would be his very own home, something he had never felt like he had, even in his old world. He used to rent a small apartment in his old world, but he had never felt like it was actually a home, which wasn't too weird, he lived by himself, and the only thing he did was sleep and just laze around when he was at home.