The Power of the New Skills!

With that being the case, the experimenting would have to wait until morning, he couldn't exactly test the skill out whilst everyone was sleeping. Instead, he decided to take a look at the other skills he had awakened. 

[Chaos Soul]

[After fusing numerous souls, the first chaotic soul of the universe was born. Allows the user to use soul power. Amplifies the power of all magic used in conjunction with the soul, at the expense of soul power. Grants the host immortality as long the soul is intact.]

After reading through the description, Ark realised why he felt so different. This soul he had awakened was the source of his new power, and also why he felt so different after his evolution. Since he was now a Sovereign, Ark guessed that the sovereign title was because of his awakened soul. He also presumed that there were others out there like him.