Newfound Power.

Although time magic was very convenient, Ark quickly stopped thinking about it as he sat down to eat with his family. For now, the only thing he needed to focus on was enjoying his time with his family, the exploration of his newfound capabilities could wait until he had eaten. While eating, they naturally talked about all kinds of things, Eventually, Ark's apparent evolution came up, and he decided to tell them about his newfound strength. 

"So what does it mean that you've become a Sovereign?" Thufrat was the most curious of them all.

"It means I've awakened my soul and become something like a higher lifeform. My strength has taken a huge leap, and I've gotten a bunch of skills and affinities that I didn't have before." Ark replied.

"You awakened your soul? What does that mean?" Thufrat wondered. He had never heard of someone awakening their soul before.