The Terminal (part 4)

The text on the Terminal's screen vanished again, and was replaced by an options menu.

[Attribute Improvement]

[Talent and Perk Tree]

[Mundane Equipment]

[Alchemical Items]

[Magical Items]




[Available Currency: 67 gold, 4 silver, 12 copper]

[2 unclaimed user rewards]

He noticed the unclaimed rewards and currency balance first. The currency must be from the money Madeleine had given him in town and on the road. He didn't know how much that actually was, but he wasn't completely broke, so that was something, at least.

As for the unclaimed user rewards, he wasn't sure how he'd managed to earn them, but he'd check them out as soon as he saw what he could spend his money on.

He selected the Attribute Improvement option first, and the option folded out on the screen, displaying each of his current attribute values, and the cost for increasing each by 1, 5, 10, or 25 points.

When he saw the prices, however, his jaw fell open. The lowest possible cost per point was on his Persona stat, and that was 250 gold for a single point increase. His Prowess and Spirit were close to 500 gold a point. He had absolutely no idea how he was ever going to earn enough gold to make meaningful changes to any of his attributes through the Terminal with costs like that. So, that was clearly out of the question for the moment. Shaking his head, he closed out of the Attribute Improvement window, and opened the Talent and Perk Tree.

The Tree was represented less as tree than an eight-spoke wheel, with each spoke dedicated to one of his eight core Attributes. These spokes forked and split and interconnected, showing how different Attributes affected each other. There had to be thousands of possible options displayed, perhaps even tens of thousands. Most of them, however, were marked with the [-LOCKED-] tag, which prevented him from seeing what they were or reading their descriptions.

There were a few small points on the Wheel that were illuminated, and when Jack zoomed in on them, he saw that they were the abilities he'd previously seen displayed on his stat sheet. He had Martial Weapon Proficiency under the Prowess spoke, Magical Aptitude (Sorcery) under Spirit, and Immunity to Cold under Fortitude. There were also a couple he hadn't seen listed before, such as Combat Training, Knowledge: Geek, and Optimistic. Looking at them now, he saw that while he had the base Talent for each of these, there were sub-Talents that branched out from each of them, as well as a clear description of what each Talent or Perk did.

Martial Weapon Proficiency gave him the ability to effectively use any melee or ranged weapon that wasn't incredibly complex or exotic, and allowed him to use the maximum amount of his Prowess when in Melee Combat while using them. There was a link between this Talent and Combat Training, which indicated that Combat Training was a passive skill that boosted a user's Prowess and allowed them to take combat-related Talents.

His Sorcery Talent, it turned out, had a host of useful information in it, and served to explain why he had distinct gaps in his magical abilities. He had the Evocation, Conjuration, and Transmutation general sub-Talents, which allowed him to control elements, move objects or himself from one place to another, change the material or quality of things, and alter his own body. However, the Necromancy, Abjuration, Illusion, Enchantment, and Divination sub-Talents were still locked. There also appeared to be multiple tiers of magic beyond each of these sub-Talents, but they were locked and unreadable.

Much to his frustration, every Talent or sub-Talent he examined was also prohibitively expensive, with the lowest being nearly a thousand gold.

Jack sighed.

"How on earth am I supposed to ever be able to buy anything with prices this high?"