The Terminal (part 5)

Jack closed down the Talent Tree. He was starting to get frustrated with everything of value seeming to be out of his reach. Looking at the menu of options, he wasn't even going to bother checking the magical or alchemical items pages. He knew he probably wouldn't be able to afford anything on either of them, and his previous experience with tabletop RPG games told him that any magic item he COULD afford with 60 gold was probably completely worthless.

Skipping past those two options, he opened the Mundane Items menu, and started looking through what was available. There were sub-menus for weapons, armor, clothing, travel gear, commodities, food, and numerous other options. Looking through them, Jack selected the Armor option, and started digging through what was available.

To his surprise, armor was significantly cheaper than he expected. While the other menus he'd looked in had been ridiculously expensive, most of the items he was looking at were actually within his price range. From the looks of it, the higher end armors like plate mail were still out of range, but he could actually afford a decent set of leather armor, or a chain shirt. He could also probably afford a shield too, from the looks of it. He opened a couple of sets of armor and read their descriptions, but as he did so, his excitement slowly faded. Each description had a distinctly highlighted line of text that the bottom that read "Requires Light Armor Proficiency to use effectively".

And naturally, of course, he didn't have that Talent. He even re-opened the Talent Tree to check.

Jack turned to Frumpkin, who was now sitting in front of a floating tiki bar, drinking what looked like a margarita.

"So let me get this straight- you made me a great warrior, but didn't give me the ability to wear armor?" He asked.

"Hey, your wish was specifically worded, and I quote 'I wanna be a powerful warrior with a magical weapon I am proficient at using'. There are plenty of powerful warriors in this world who don't wear armor, so I assumed that's what you meant." Frumpkin said, kicking his feet up on the tiki bar.

Jack rubbed his face, and sighed. Frumpkin was right, again. It was his own fault for not wording the wish better.

Well, that made getting armor useless, then. It didn't do him any good to wear something to protect himself if he couldn't fight effectively while he was wearing it. He closed out of the item purchasing screen entirely, and dropped back onto the main menu. He was about to tell the Terminal to shut down when he notice the alert at the bottom of the screen about having unclaimed rewards.

Getting a little more excited again, he selected the prompt. Maybe he'd get lucky and the Terminal would give him something useful so this wouldn't end up being a complete waste of time.

The screen went blank for a second, before bringing up two boxes filled with text.

The first box read ["New User Welcome Gift - Random Magical Item Ticket"], with a description below that read "this ticket with reward the user with a randomly selected item from the currently available magic items in the Terminal's menu, with the likelihood of a prize being randomly selected being based on how valuable the item is. More valuable items have lower odds of being awarded than less valuable items."

The second box read ["New User Welcome Gift - 250 gold"], with a description below it that told him this gold would only be available for purchases inside the Terminal.