Meeting of the Minds (Part 1)

When Jack finally made it into Farien's room a short time later, he was surprised to find not only the two brothers, but Rose, the healer Abigail, and another older man with a broad, sun-weathered face and shoulder-length white hair that flowed into a long white beard. To Jack, he looked more than a little bit like a tan-skinned Santa Claus, if Santa was also completely made of muscle instead of fat.

When he walked in, the conversation happened stopped, and the group of them turned their attention to his arrival.

"Glad you could make it." Urien said, nodding to him. "Sorry to drag you in like this, but my brother and I have some questions, and some information to share, and I felt it was best we did both in private."

"I'd honestly be surprised if you didn't, given the recent circumstances." Jack said. "And I'm happy to provide whatever answers I can."

"I appreciate that." Urien said, then motioned over towards Rose. "There's a seat available next to your friend, if you prefer to sit."

Jack walked over and took a seat next to Rose. He felt a little awkward by the tone of formality around everything so far, but said nothing. Rose, for her part, also seemed a bit on edge, though she was in some ways still as much in the dark as the others. What he couldn't figure out, however, was why Abigail was there. Or who the buff old guy was. Since he'd walked in, the old man's eyes had never left him, fixated with a piercing gaze that indicated there was a lot more going on with him than could be immediately assessed. Out of everyone there, he by far made Jack the most nervous.

Once Jack was seated, Urien cleared his throat.

"Since we now have everyone here, I think it's proper that we make introductions." He said.

After Jack and Rose introduced themselves, Abigail reintroduced herself.

"I'm Abigail, chief healer for the Green Company. Since I'm sure that doesn't fully explain my reason for being here, I will also add that Urien in my husband, and that I help run a lot of the company's day to day." She said. "I also happen to be trained in the Druidic arts, for what it's worth."

The realization that Urien's wife had been caring for him personally was strangely meaningful to Jack. There was the implication of him being valued or important that made him feel both special and a little awkward. Then he realized that Urien's wife had seen him naked. And then things just got super uncomfortable.

Before Jack could sit with his feelings for long, the old man, whose gaze had still never left Jack, finally spoke. His voice was deep and resonant, and seemed to fill the entire space they occupied without effort.

"And I'm Farlo. This is, well.... was.... my mercenary company. Nowadays, I spend my time ranging while my two sons here keep things running. I don't normally come back into camp, but at their insistence, I've returned because they insist I need to meet you." The old man said, locking his steely eyes with Jack's.

Jack swallowed hard. He had an overwhelming urge to avert his eyes, but, thinking better of it, grit his teeth and stared back, forcing his face into an expressionless mask.

"They tell me that you can disapparate and reapparate at will, accessing some kind of armory in the process, wield magic weapons, cast high-level spells, and can apparently completely recover from wounds in a day that would kill most men dead and cripple the rest." The old man continued. "Now, hearing all of this, I think I have a pretty good idea of what you are, Jack."