Meeting of the Minds (part 2)

Jack's heart jumped into his throat. What did the old man mean when he said he knew what Jack was? Had he been figured out already?

Farlo appraised him, letting his words settle before continuing.

"Now, there are only a couple possibilities fitting your description. Either you're an agent working for one of the kingdoms, or an adventurer working for one of the top-ranking guilds. Both of those would explain the most of what I have been told." He said.

Jack almost started a sigh of relief when Farlo continued, cutting it short.

"But I have a hard time believing either. First, I'm on close terms with all of the guilds of note in the region, and none of them have mentioned a new recruit that can somehow wield magic and weapons with equal proficiency when I've enquired. Now, either one of them is keeping you a well-kept secret, or you're not with any of them. So that likely rules that possibility out.

However, you're far too conspicuous to be an agent, either. Someone working for one of the Noble Kingdoms, or the Empire, or the Magistrate... they would know better than to demonstrate unique hybrid abilities around others outside of their organization. They also, if they had any inkling of being threatened or found out, would vanish without a word or a trace. They wouldn't just waltz into a meeting like this, happy as can be to give away all of their secrets or be interrogated in a position of weakness."

Farlo locked eyes with Jack, who was squirming uncomfortably.

"So tell me, Jack... just what, exactly, are you?"

Jack's mind was racing. What could he say? There was no obvious or even reasonable explanation that he could give that they would believe. And what if he told them the truth? First, he'd be opening himself up to all sorts of risks if it turned out they weren't actually people to be trusted. And second, what are the odds of them actually believing him even if he did tell them? How on earth would any person in their right mind react when then heard him say "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just the god-chosen savior of mankind teleported from another plane of existence to save you from the lord of darkness. Oh, and you see this red-skinned girl here? She's part of the hand-selected sex harem I wished for. How do you do?"

But he had to say something. He couldn't just sit here and stare at them blankly.

He sighed. He was going to have to try and be straight with them. He would deal with the consequences, if there were any, after he was out of this situation.

"You're honestly not going to believe me, even if I tell you the truth." Jack said, shrugging. "But if you want the truth, here it is."

He proceeded to recount the story of how he'd gotten to this world, and a short snapshot of his life before. He recounted his wishes while omitting the harem aspect, meeting the girls, training, the encounter with the gnolls, and their travels to rescue Eleanor. He explained how he'd come by his powers and equipment without directly telling them about Frumpkin or the Terminal, and how he'd been able to recover so quickly. Finally, he told them about his coming challenge with his rival, and what it would mean if he lost. He did what he could to be as thorough as possible, while omitting any fine details that would be truly useful for someone attempting to report back to someone wanting to do him harm.