Escape (part 6)

When Eleanor finished explaining her plan, Marg'faz stared at her for several long moments.

"I'll be a long shot" She finally said.

"I know. But what other choice have we got that is better than trying it? If you have one, I'm all ears." Ellie said.

Marg'faz shook her head.

"No, I don't. But how do you propose we make you plan happen? I'm still trapped in here, for one thing. And with the camp being on alert like it is, there I no way you will be able to break the wards on this place without drawing a lot of attention. And, as you may recall me saying earlier, spells don't work inside it, so dispelling it from the inside won't work. Trust me when I say I've tried. And once I can leave, I hope you aren't under the delusion I can just walk out of here unnoticed. This place is being watched obsessively. Your presence entering has already been noted, and has likely been reported to my son, though he may not realize who you are."

Eleanor pursed her lips as she thought about that for a moment.

"Well, the way I see it, we have two options- I can try to covertly break the seals, then polymorph you and try and sneak out together, which has a good chance of not working, or we can just skip the pretense of trying not to draw any more attention and just force our way out. You said your son is the only other magic caster in the clan, right?"

Marg'faz seemed to weigh her answer for a moment before replying.

"He is not the only one, but he is the only one of note. The rest have the Gift, but lack any training in its use, so their abilities are limited. I do not suspect any of them to be of much use against a caster of even middling talent." She said.

"Well then it seems to me that unless your son personally intervenes, there probably isn't much that can stop us if we move quickly and take everyone off-guard. We could be out of the cave and with the others before any of your son's followers could try and formulate a serious effort to stop us." Eleanor replied.

The more she talked about it out loud, the less unreasonable the idea seemed. They were going to fight their way out, and then once everyone was rallied together, fight their way back in. And then she would be with her family and Jack again. And then she'd burn every single one of that bastard Shaman's followers until there was nothing left but ashes and dust.

Marg'faz scratched at her ear, and gave Eleanor a sidelong glance.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Well, let's do it your way then. If we are to act, time and speed are of the essence."

Eleanor nodded, and stood up from the bed.

"Grab whatever you need or is of value. I will step outside and work on getting these bans lifted." She said.

Marg'faz looked wryly around at the ransacked interior of the hut.

"Right. I will get right on that." She said.

Ellie opened her components pouch, and gathered the items she would need for a proper dispelling. She used the small ball of waxy fat she'd kept from the soup as the oil, then rosemary and tobacco, then a small piece of stone.

Once everything was gathered, she waited for Marg'faz to indicate she was ready. She did not have to wait long. As soon as she knew, Ellie stepped outside the hut, and made the first dispelling gesture.