Escape (part 7)

The seals exploded in a thunderclap of sound and a shower of debris when the spellweave holding them together finally failed under the pressure of Eleanor's dispelling efforts. When the dust cleared, the majority of the doorframe had been destroyed, leaving the remains of the wooden door to the hut hanging loosely by a single hinge.

Marg'faz stepped out of the hut and coughed.

"Well, that's one way to do it." She said. She glanced around them. Nearly a dozen nearby clan members stared in their direction as more peeked out of their homes or walked closer to see what happened.

"We need to go." She said.

"Agreed." Eleanor said.

Before any of the gnolls around them could call for the guards or try to intervene, the two of them dashed past the nearest ones and ran for the sloping ramp that led to the ledge that overlooked the camp. One armed gnoll, whose attention had seemingly been drawn by the explosion, saw them running and stepped in to stop them before they reached the ramp. Eleanor reached into her component pouch and pulled a button from it. With a flourish and a word, a sphere of blue flame knocked the dogman flying backwards. It sailed half a dozen feet through the air before landing square on its back, a smoking hole where the firebolt struck him.

Near the base of the ramp, two more guards drew weapons, seemingly alerted by the sound of their comrade's yelp, and rushed towards the two of them. Marg'faz emitted a low, sonorous tone from the base of her throat, and with a sweep of her hand, a jet of black smoke erupted from her fingertips. It swirled and congealed into black tendrils that wrapped and bound both of the guards, before constricting tight around them and toppling the two of them to the ground as they struggled against the bonds.

They reached the ramp and ascended, bounding as fast as their legs would take them. An arrow clicked off the stone near Eleanor's feet, and then a second whistled past their heads before clacking against the cave wall to their left. As they dove into the tunnel at the top of a ledge, a third struck the ceiling only a few inches above Marg'faz's head.

Running down one tunnel, then another, they finally reached the central hub of paths Eleanor had been through earlier. Marg'faz motioned to one of the pathways to the right, which Eleanor recognized as the one the convoy of fighters had traveled down when she'd hidden, and the two of them proceeded down it.

Eleanor's lungs burned, but she couldn't bring herself to slow. She was so close to being free. After what had felt like an eternity, she could feel herself getting closer and closer with each step to getting out of this horrible place and back to the people she loved. They rounded another corner, and there, at the far end of the corridor, was sunlight. Actual, real sunlight. She felt her heart flutter in her chest, and she willed herself to run ever faster, even as her legs and lungs burned in protest.

Just a little bit more, Ellie. You can do this. Cmon. Don't stop now.

Their feet slapped against the stone floor. The light at the end of the tunnel grew closer. Ever closer.

Just a little further. Just a little further. Just a little further.

In the distance behind them, she could heard the sound of bodies chasing after them. But they were too late. Nothing was going to stop her now.

Five steps. Three. One.

And then, sunlight.