628 - 636

Chapter 628: Underground World (1)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

Angele thought for a while and looked down the balcony again.

He sighed slightly after the sunset and the crescent moons appeared in the sky.

He was holding a green jade stand, which almost looked like a tube that was full of green liquid, in his right hand.

Angele received this item several days ago. Like the invitation letter, the jade stand came from nowhere. He checked the stand carefully and found nothing special. This thing glowed but it did not do anything else.

However, the jade stand started releasing gentle energy waves after he met the monster.

He threw the green jade stand into the air and it floated in front of him.

Several minutes later, the jade stand started melting and quickly turned into a ball of green liquid. An invisible mentality wave was released by the liquid ball.

"Master Angele, nice to meet you, my name is Atlanta." The voice stopped for a second and continued, "You might not be familiar with the name, but I assume you know my title. My title is the Realm Guardian."

Angele narrowed his eyes.

"Realm Guardian? Are you sure about this?"

"There's no point for me to lie, right?" Angele was not sure if Atlanta was male or female based on their voice.

"I'm going to hold a party, and you can join if you're interested. I've stayed in the Gem Sea for so long, but you're the first wizard who broke the limit by yourself."

"A party, huh? How do I go to your party?" Angele decided to believe Atlanta's words. Atlanta's mentality wave was so strong that his power level was at least rank 7 or rank 8.

"This liquid ball will guide you to the party; it starts in five years. You're a strong being but I suggest that you don't break the balance too much. Strong beings at our level can easily destroy a realm, but the realm power won't allow us to do that."

Angele realized the man did not know that he was already fighting the realm power. He hesitated for a second and responded, "Five years from now should be fine. Also, I assume you are merfolk, but… why didn't you do anything during the last war between the merfolk and the human beings?"

Atlanta chuckled.

"I've placed my soul into more than ten different bodies; there's no point to help all the people in the same race. Our life expectancy is nearly infinite; why do we need to care about these boring wars? I'm the guardian of the realm but I'm not going to make sure that no race is extinguished."

Angele could understand what Atlanta just said.

"Why did you send me the letter, then? You wouldn't have found me just because I broke the limit, right?"

"Do you really think I can't detect the strong energy wave you released when you launched the attack? A magic creature that's not very intelligent can figure that out."

Atlanta smiled.

"Also, I'm not the only Realm Guardian here. There's a guardian who is good at detecting unusual energy movements; he has been staying with me for the last several centuries."

"Understood." Angele finally figured out what was happening. "I accept the invitation, but I need to go to the underground world first."

"Sure, no problem."

The green liquid solidified and turned into the jade stand again.

Angele collected the jade stand and put it into the mirror. He stood on the balcony and started thinking about the guardians.

"Master, the dinner is ready, do you want to have it now, or…?" A maid was calling him.

Angele turned around and returned to the obelisk.

"Have you prepared the information I needed?" He sat down by the table and sipped some soup from the bowl.

"Everything is ready," the maid, who was wearing a black dress, replied respectfully.

"Good, then. I'll be leaving tonight. Inform the president."


Angele started having dinner while making a new plan in mind.

Several minutes later, Andy appeared with some black leather scrolls.

"Master, the map you needed is here. Also, we collected the information from all the wizard organizations we know. We even traded with the white wizards."

He handed the leather scrolls to Angele.

Angele cleaned his mouth with a piece of cloth and opened the scrolls.

With a light noise, the scrolls turned into a large map that had the length of around one meter. There were many routes marked in black and red on the map. The dangerous locations and tips were also marked on the map.

Angele glanced at the map and recorded everything using the biochip. He nodded as he was satisfied with the result. "How about the other things? Is everything ready?"

"Yes, you can leave whenever you want," Andy responded politely.

"Mira and Jayce will be communicating with you when I'm not around. Also, two of my friends will help the school when necessary," Angele said.

"Alright, you can leave now."


Angele suddenly lost his appetite, so he asked the maid to clean the table and take away the dishes.

He sat in the chair and put his hands on the table. He was playing with a blue string. The blue string was translucent and glowing slightly.

"Power of time… Power of time…"

Angele hesitated.

'I assume this guardian named Atlanta will keep the realm in balance. I wonder why the guardians didn't do anything when the Nightmare Realm invaded the wizard world… He talked to me because I might actually break the balance? I might be able to get information on the power of time from him. The guardians must know the secrets and he might be able to help me with the ancestor's mark, but five years… I should go to the underground world and see if the tree can solve the problem for me.'

Angele checked all his belongings and walked down the obelisk. Andy and some other important members of the school were already waiting for him. There were also some dark wizards and apprentices.

They left the school together and headed to the original location of Ramsoda.

"The original location of the school was attacked many times in the history, so we relocated to a place that is far from the original location. The ruin is strange. It was still there after all those years and we're proud of it. Also, this was the place where you studied as a student, and I think you are familiar with it. Sometimes, when we need to…" Andy explained as they walked.

Angele nodded as Andy explained the history.

The rest of the wizards were not saying a word, including Sella, the professors of the school, the wizards who served in the war against the Northland Alliance. They were not even looking at Angele's face directly as they wanted to show their respect.

Only the wizards who served in the war knew how terrifying Angele's power was. The attack Angele launched turned him into a star; the young wizards were talking about the strike all the time.

They arrived at the sand city without any problem. There were also apprentices and knights that were checking the surroundings for them.

The monster named Mogo was waiting for them by the bridge. There were two beautiful girls in revealing outfits standing behind Mogo.

They all bowed to Angele slightly after the team arrived.

Angele could see the breasts of the two girls when they were bowing to him.

Angele's brow furrowed. "What's the point of this?"

Andy was a bit surprised. He exchanged eye contact with the two girls, who quickly left the area.

Mogo chuckled after seeing the scene. "I already told you that Master won't be interested. There are many beautiful night elves and—"

Angele glanced at Mogo. Mogo's body trembled as he stopped talking.

"Let's go straight to the entrance, Mogo. We'll be the only two people entering the underground world."

"Master, the night elves hate wizards like us…" Sella sounded worried. "You're strong, but if they decided to attack you in groups…"

"Don't worry about it." Angele stopped Sella and walked to the stone bridge.

The team still followed after him.

They entered the ruin together and passed by the old buildings. They quickly reached a spacious square.

In the center of the square, there were several black robes waiting on a parking lot. They raised their arms and released black energy waves.

The energy waves turned into a dark hole, which was also releasing energy waves.

Angele realized that there was chilling air coming out of the hole as he approached it.

"Alright, you can leave now." Angele waved his hand. "Who's in charge of collecting the information about the night elves?"

"It's me, Master. My name is Wayne." An old wizard stepped forward.

The old man named Wayne was the professor of the prophecy.

"Tell me about the general situation."

"Yes, Master." Wayne thought for a while and opened his mouth. "The Night Elf Empire is in trouble right now. There are three strong forces trying to take control of the empire. The strongest force is led by the Spider Queen, the second force is led by the one of the Night Elf Princes with a nickname Poisoned Dagger, and the last force, which is supported by the Night Elf Trees, is led by Prince Nowak."

"Do they all hate the people from the surface?"

"No, Prince Nowak hates them, but the other two forces will work with us when there's benefit to be had. They don't really care," Wayne responded. "Master, this entrance will lead you to the territory of a prince. Some say he has the artifact of the Spider Queen—"

"I want to know more about other information," Angele interrupted. "What about the Mother Tree? Whom is she supporting?"

"Mother Tree is the most respected being in the empire; she is neutral. I marked her location on the map as well. Also, I heard there are inheritors of some noble bloodlines from the ancient Nightmare Realm in the Night Elf Empire."

"Noble bloodlines? Like what? The Hundred-Eyed Monsters?"

Chapter 629: Underground World (2)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

"That's them. These creatures follow their traditions strictly and will come to our world and hunt from time to time. They'll cut the wizard apprentices' heads off and make them into trophies. Well, we hunt them down and make them into materials, so I guess it's fair."

Angele nodded; he still remembered the day he'd encountered one of these monsters.

"Do you have a list of the nobles?"

"We only know some of them as the last war against the underground world was a long time ago." Wayne hesitated.

"Don't worry, just tell me what you know." Angele was not concerned.

Wayne nodded. "Hundred-Eyed Monster is just one them. There are Cave Banshees and Medusas. We have detailed information about them. I don't know a lot about the other ones."

"Medusa? The monster that can turn you into stone and has hair that looks like snakes?" Angele was interested. He had heard about this monster before.


Angele thought for a while and asked Wayne about the resources in the underground world. Wayne answered the question without any problem.

About half an hour later, Angele nodded, satisfied with the information he'd collected.

"Good. I think we'll enter the entrance now. You can leave."

"Yes, Master."

Angele stepped into the dark hole; it felt like he was going through a water barrier. The area behind the barrier was a bit wet.

He got used to the change in lighting and glanced around.

It was a tunnel leading to the endless darkness. Angele had no idea how long the tunnel was.

He looked behind and found a stone door with black patterns on its surface. Mogo, who was wearing a dark cloak, was standing by the door, trying to adapt to the change of lighting.

"I guess we're already in the underground world. Let's move," Angele spoke in a low voice.

"Sure." Mogo sounded excited; a greedy smile appeared on his face.

They started heading down the tunnel. The place was getting wetter and wetter as they proceeded.

Angele's eyes looked like two pieces of glowing red crystals; the monster was hiding in the shadow behind him.

Several minutes later, they reached the end of the tunnel and found a stone gate with the same pattern as the first gate Angele saw.

The stone gate was damaged. There was a large crack in the center of the gate, covered in a white spider web.

Angele rubbed the edge of the crack. The edge was rough and there were some spikes on it.

"Something broke through it. I guess someone cracked the gate to go to the surface."

"Master, do you want to see what happened to the gate? I know some prophecy techniques," Mogo asked politely.

"It's fine." Angele put his finger on the spider web and pressed slightly.

The white spider web bounced back, and an egg-sized spider appeared from the right. The spider's body was covered with black fur and its green eyes were glowing.

The spider climbed up Angele's finger, treating his finger like prey as it bit Angele's finger hard.


The spider's teeth cracked. It turned around and wanted to escape, however, Angele captured it using his hand easily.

The spider's body trembled and it stopped moving on the back of Angele's hand.

"Can you speak? Talk to me." Angele sent the message using his mentality waves.

The spider rolled up, trembling in fear. It seemed like the spider could not understand Angele's message.

Angele's brow furrowed. He picked the spider up and threw it into his mouth.


The spider exploded in Angele's mouth and Angele started chewing. Several seconds later, Angele swallowed the salty sticky liquid that was mixed with carapace and fur.

Angele opened his mouth slightly and released a string of blue light. The string rotated in the air for a while and disappeared into his forehead.

"Tastes bad but full of nutrients. Want some?" Angele looked at Mogo.

Mogo swallowed. He was scared, but a smile still appeared on his face.

"King of Dark Wizards… It's a pleasure of mine to…"

"It's fine if you don't want to." Angele shrugged. He was just teasing the monster. Angele licked his lips and revealed his sharp teeth. The sharp teeth made Mogo's body tremble again.

Mogo's realm form was a mutated spider, so he felt slightly anxious seeing Angele devouring that egg-sized spider. He did not feel sad for the spider, but he was scared.

Angele closed his eyes and thought for a while.

"I found out the direction. It's slightly different from the route marked on the map, but it shouldn't be a problem." He opened his eyes.

Angele pushed the door open and stepped into another dark hallway.

Mogo finally realized what Angele just did. He was searching the creature's memory. It was one of the cruelest methods developed by the dark wizards—Soul Drain.

However, what Angele did was even worse. He consumed the soul and the body of the creature. He was treating the spider like nutrients. Mogo kept glancing at Angele's mouth and started to regret his decision of following Angele to the underground world.

He wondered if the great King of Dark Wizards was just treating him like meat jerky. Mogo was scared that Angele would devour him when hungry.

Mogo watched Angele advance and slowly moved away from Angele to keep a distance.

They traveled after a while and entered another cave, then they walked in the cave for about half a day.

The reached the end of another tunnel again.

By the end of the tunnel, there was a black stone wall covered by the roots of trees. The roots had the size of a human arm.

Angele stood in front of the wall and glanced around. He stepped forward and pressed on the roots carefully.

"Mother Tree?" He sent in a message using mentality wave.

No one responded.

Angele lowered his hand and sneered.

He took a step back and ordered, "Mogo. Hit these things! Break the wall!"

"Leave it to me, Master."

Mogo inhaled deeply and he suddenly spat something out of his mouth.


He released a ray of dark light, which landed on the stone wall in front of them.

The dark light was quickly absorbed by the stone and made some light noise. The stone wall melted and turned into dark liquid, revealing the green light barrier behind it.

The dark light reached the green light barrier, but nothing happened.

"Let me give it a try!" Angele stepped forward and his right arm quickly turned dark. His skin was hardened and the size of his arm increased.

He raised his right hand and hit the green light barrier hard.


The whole place started shaking.



The whole underground world heard the loud noise.

"King of Dark Wizards is here…"

Somewhere deep in the underground world, a dark shadow was talking to a green light barrier.

"He's going after the Mother Tree, Kris. We should pause our battle. Mother Tree is our symbol and our guardian! We shall not let other creatures approach her!"

A female voice came from the light barrier.

"I think you're right… The King of Dark Wizards is one of the strongest beings on the surface; if we ignore his presence, it'll be a problem…"

"I'll head to the Holy Mountain and talk to Elder Nass!" the dark shadow responded.

"I'll go to the Thousand-Eyed Cliff and see if Prince White Stone will help us!" the light barrier responded.

"Yeah. We need to get everything ready as soon as possible."



It felt like Angele was hitting the elves' hearts.

Inside a dark hall, a man sitting in a chair was listening to the loud noise made by the impact, his eyebrows twitching.

"King of Dark Wizards… Are the Prince and the Queen doing anything about this?"

The elves in front of him all had slim bodies and sharp ears. The night elves in the underground world had silver hair and pale skin due to the lack of sunlight.

A female elf stepped forward. She had long hair and there was a long black sword hanging on her belt.

"We're having trouble handling our own matters, yet this King of Dark Wizards appeared. Prince, we don't have many elves in the red sect; we should ask them to handle the King of Dark Wizards. We won't lose anything by asking them to do it for us."

"It's not about the sect, it's about the Mother Tree," Prince responded calmly.

"We need to send people to him, but we need time to figure out a plan. Lance is about to reach the next level and they are close to the tunnel. We shouldn't be the first one to react."

"I think we should guide the King of Dark Wizards to the Queen." The female elf realized what the Prince was trying to imply. "We don't know how strong the King of Dark Wizards is. I don't think he is much stronger than the Princes. We can attack him after he wastes his energy on Lance and the Spider Queen."

"You're right." The Prince smiled.

"They'll have to try to stop the King of Dark Wizards even if they know what we're planning because the King of Dark Wizards is going after the Mother Tree."

"Maybe we can try to capture Princess Nina using this chance. Without Lance, they are nothing to us and it's impossible for them to destroy the new Magic Eye Cave we just built." A male elf joined the conversation.

"We'll see. If they decide not to attack the King of Dark Wizards, we should gather our army and stop them from returning to their own territories."

Prince listened to the loud noise and was happy with his new plan.

"We might need to thank this King of Dark Wizards for invading our world at this time."

Chapter 630: Unstoppable (1)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu


After hitting the green light barrier for 13 times, the light barrier finally cracked.

Angele did not stop, he hit the barrier again.


The whole light barrier cracked into pieces, and a hole that was about one meter tall appeared in the barrier. The chilling wind coming out of the barrier was blowing over his face.

"Let's go." Angele jumped into the hole, and Mogo followed after him.


Under the dark sky was an endless dark green land.

There were countless night elves and orcs. They were holding long bows, crossbows, and something that looked like rocket launchers, aiming at the sky. There were pieces of green debris falling from the sky which looked like cracked glass pieces.

Finally, two dark shadows jumped out of the sky after some light noise. They turned into two black strings and started falling.


With loud noise, green dust was blown into the air and turned into some green mist.


The orcs and the night elves predicted their landing point. They started firing arrows and bombs, aiming for it. The night elves were not hesitating at all, doing everything they could.

The two dark shadows landed and were attacked immediately. The dust kicked up by the projectiles blurred everyone's vision.

Suddenly, a dark light dot appeared in the mist. The dark light lot expanded quickly and flew to the night elves.


The light dot went through the army.


They were surprised by the attack.

The night elves and the orcs were groaning in pain. Their bodies started melting after contacting the dark light, and the dark liquid from their melted bodies had a similar effect. The ones who touched the dark liquid also fell to the ground.

The rest of the night elves and orcs started running away. They dropped their weapons and did not care about their injured comrades. It only took them several minutes to leave the area.

"Weak… So weak…"

Mogo stepped out of the green mist with a strange smile on his face. He looked at the dark liquid and the injured night elves on the ground while licking his lips.

"These night elves are much weaker than the night elves I knew…"

"How strong were they?" Angele stepped out of the dust as well. He was not injured at all.

"They were much stronger than these night elves… I wouldn't let them fire arrows at me like this years ago. They used to infuse their arrows with elements," Mogo quickly explained.

Angele nodded and walked to the dying night elves and orcs. It was the first time he saw these creatures.

The night elves all had feminine appearance. They had slim bodies, long silver hair, and pale skin. Their hairstyle varied but they all had vibrant green eyes. The color looked identical to the color of fresh leaves.

Angele could smell the blood from the night elves; it seemed like they were all experienced soldiers.

He stepped on the dark liquid, apparently not afraid of it.

The elves on the ground had high resistance. There were around ten of them still alive, groaning on the ground, when all the orcs died. The night elves had no beards nor mustache and all looked feminine.

Angele picked up one of the elves and looked at him carefully. His skin looked smooth but the texture felt a bit rough.

"Die! Die! You bastards from the surface! The light of Master Hill will turn you into the food of the spiders!" the night elf was shouting like crazy.


Angele hesitated for a second after hearing the noise and leaned to the side. He noticed that Mogo's saliva was dripping down his chin.

Mogo saw that Angele was looking at him and a smile quickly appeared on his face.

"Master, there are so many night elves here, can I have, like… two of them…?"

"You mean… eat them? Are they tasty?" Angele was surprised.

"Well, not actually eat them but if you…" Mogo quickly replied.

"Let me give it a try." Angele grabbed the elf's collar before Mogo finished his word.


He removed the elf's leather armor and underwear, revealing her breasts and clean skin.

"Damn pig from the surface! You'll…"


The smile disappeared from Mogo's face as the night elf stopped yelling.

Angele took a bite off the night elf's neck and chewed several times. His brow furrowed and spat out some flesh.

"Well, I don't think they taste better than beef…"

He dropped the dead night elf on the ground, while the other night elves stopped groaning right away. The injured night elves held their breath and wanted to make it look like that they were dead. Mogo had no idea that Angele would bite the night elf's neck like that.

Mogo was trying to rape the female night elf, but Angele thought Mogo was talking about the actual taste of their meat.

Angele was not interested in the night elves. He would not eat human beings, but the night elves were like pigs and chickens to him.

He walked over the dead bodies and suddenly stopped after advancing for a while.

'When did I have this thought in mind…' He was surprised by what he just thought.

'All other races are like food to me… Wait, even the human beings…'

He had a vague answer to his own question. He noticed that there was a small lump on the left of his neck; it was covered by the collar and no one knew what was inside.

Angele knew that it was the purple eye; it meant that the ancestor's mark was growing rapidly. Although he tried to spend all the extra energy on fighting against the realm power, it seemed like the ancestor's mark was still growing.

'Sadly, the analysis of the power of time and the power of dimension is too slow…'

The data stored in the biochip could not speed up the process. He needed to learn the secrets by himself. Power of time and power of dimension were like the power of a god. He had the power of time in hand but the analysis' progress was extremely slow.

"Let's go. Mother Tree already knew we were here. This is the first wave. There are more troubles to come," Angele spoke in a calm tone.

"Yes, Master." Mogo lowered his head. He wanted to have some fun with the night elves…

They quickly disappeared into the horizon and the injured night elves started groaning again on the ground.


Two weeks later…

Somewhere below a hill on the endless dark green plain.

Mogo just crashed a night elf's skull while sneering. There were many dead night elves around him.

The night elves had better equipment and stronger abilities than the night elves they encountered earlier.

Mogo noticed that Angele was already leaving. He dropped the dead body and quickly followed after Angele.

Several days later…


A two-headed snake lizard was about to charge at Angele but was eliminated by a strand of red hair.

There were hundreds of black two-headed snake lizards around him—they were all killed by Angele's hair. The hair strands were like living beings. They finished off the enemies and returned to normal quickly.

Angele was not interested in the dead bodies. He walked across the dark forest calmly. Mogo had a meat skewer in his hand. He made the meat skewer using the flesh of the snake lizards.

"Master, why don't you go after the night elves who sent the snake lizards to us?" He followed after Angele.

"It'll be a waste of time. We should go straight to the Mother Tree," Angele responded in a light tone.

Two weeks later…

By a river in the dark green plain.

Angele walked to the river and was about to jump over it. But he suddenly stopped and looked to the right. Something caught his attention.


A mud bump appeared on the right, and several armored night elves jumped out of the bump.

The leader was a female night elf. There were red lines on the edge of her armor; she had a nice body and was holding two thin black swords in her hands. She just stood there and glared at Angele.


The night elves drew their weapons, staring at Angele like he was their biggest enemy.

"Finally, we found you… Bastards!" The leader had a pair of sharp eyes, full of dedication.

"Finally, a decent night elf. Mogo, capture her. I want to study their power system. The energy waves they release are very interesting…" Angele looked at the female night elf like looking at a fine artwork.

Before Mogo responded, the female night elf stepped forward and raised her swords.

"My name is Lance, Lance Karman. I'll be the one who claims your head!"

Lowering her body, she raised the two swords to her chest and was about to strike.


Lance���s body suddenly disappeared into the air. The next second, she was already in front of Angele.


A dark wing blocked her strike and hit her hard.


Some translucent energy waves separated them from each other.

Lance rolled several times on the ground and did not stop until her teammates helped her.

"He has the same power as the Princes…" She was a bit nervous as he looked at the man that blocked her attack. "You have such strong power but you're working for an evil being…"

Mogo chuckled.

"Fool… Same power as Princes? If that's all you can do, I suggest that you surrender."

"Arrogant bastard!"

Lance straightened her back and stopped her teammates from charging at Mogo. She talked to her teammates and her teammates quickly stepped away.

"I'll show you the ultimate sword skill of the night elves! Blade of Eight Arms!" she shouted and three pairs of arms appeared on her back. Her hands were all holding swords with different patterns on the blades. It seemed like all her swords were rare items.

Lance displayed her eight arms and stepped forward.


She left a large hole that was around ten meters deep on the ground and disappeared into the air. She charged at Mogo, and a ball of green mist exploded between them.

Chapter 631: Unstoppable (2)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

The shadows of the swords soared through the air, attacking Mogo from eight different angles. The swords were slashing, hitting, and stabbing Mogo but they were all easily blocked.

They started trading hits. The noises made by the weapons and their abilities were echoing in the area.

Angele kept a distance from them and watched the fight quietly. Large fissures appeared on the ground and created numerous deep holes. Mogo and the elf were moving so fast that they looked like a dark shadow and a silver shadow in the air.

Several minutes later.


The silver shadow was blown away by the impact, landing in one of the deep holes. The dust splashed in the air, and Lance was revealed.

Her leather armor was damaged and there was barely anything left on her body. Three of her arms and her right leg were fractured. Her left eye was tightly closed and there was blood coming out of her mouth.

"Power of the princes… You mean the power of a rank 3 wizard?" Mogo stood there and licked his right hand. "Arrogant fool, how dare you try to stop us here." Mogo charged to Lance, grabbed her hair, and lifted her up. He did not care about Lance screaming in pain.

"You have good strength, good speed, and high resistance. Sadly, your opponent is not a random rank 3 wizard. You'll have to become the lab subject of my master now, ha!"

He returned to Angele with Lance and dropped her on the ground. He also blocked a random arrow that was flying to him.

Lance remained silent; she was gritting her teeth and it seemed like she was not going to surrender.

Angele nodded, satisfied with the result. He looked at the other night elves—they already started retreating. It seemed like they did not care that their leader was captured.

"Lance, you're always talking about the power of Princes. I assume they are the strongest beings in the underground world."


Angele was not concerned at all.

"You're probably one of the strongest beings in the Night Elf Empire, right? Tell me, how many people in the empire have similar power to you?"

"Bastard!" Lance spat on Angele's face and turned her head to the side.


Angele kicked Lance in the head, blowing her away. She rolled several times on the ground and stopped.

Half of Lance's face swelled. She was dizzy after taking the hit, and the arms on her back slowly disappeared. Everything returned to normal.

Angele walked to Lance and stepped on her chest.

"I'll talk! I'll talk!" Lance screamed.

"You should've just surrendered," Mogo mocked.

Lance told Angele everything about the other princes. She finally realized why the others asked her to try and stop Angele—they all knew that no one could stop Angele, but they had to send someone because of the Mother Tree.

Around ten minutes later, Angele and Mogo started advancing again. Lance was injured but she could still walk, and Angele asked her to follow them.


About half a month later.

A tall black wall appeared in front of the dark-green plain. The wall was so long that it looked endless. There were countless armored night elves standing on the wall, equipped with the magic rocket launchers that Angele had encountered many times.

Angele, Mogo, and Lance were on a hill about one kilometer away from the wall.

Lance was staring at the wall in the front.

"You have to go through this wall if you want to find the Mother Tree. This is one of the Spider Queen's fortresses, Dark City. The city is guarded by over 300 000 soldiers and over 3 000 magic cannons. They also have the strongest barrier, the Eye of Sama. There's no way that you can pass through this fortress."

"Let's give it a try." Angele smiled.

"Mogo, see what they can do."

"Sure." Mogo chuckled and flew into the sky with his dark wings. He was charging to the city at full speed.


Countless glowing red arrows hit Mogo, the light from the arrows illuminating the sky.

Mogo was laughing like crazy; the soldiers were shouting. The place turned into a mess.

Angele raised his head and looked at the battle in the sky. He could feel that his body was getting heavier and heavier. He could no longer fly and could only walk on the ground due to the pressure from the ancestor's mark.

"Lance, point the direction for me."

Lance started walking without responding and Angele followed her.


A ray of dark light landed on the wall and left a large crack on it. The bodies of the soldiers who were caught in the dark ray started melting right away.

Mogo's voice was getting louder and louder in the sky. He kept breaking the wall using the black rays.

Dozens of night elves were trying to stop him in the sky. Some of them fell to the ground and died, but they were quickly replaced by other soldiers.

The rest of the night elves started retreating; they were trying to protect the VIPs.

"Leave now! Queen! We'll take care of the rest!"

A team of night elves in golden armor with greatswords in their hands were protecting several female night elves.

Two of the female night elves were children and the other one was around 30 to 40 years old. The adult night elf was wearing a golden crown and she looked quite attractive. The young night elves were only around eight years old; fear was written all over their faces. They were holding their mother's hands tightly while watching the fight.

"Captain Vain, how many soldiers can still fly? Can we still stop that monster?" The Queen sounded tired.

"There were around 12 people left, but they escaped…" Vain sounded helpless. "Don't worry. We royal guards will never leave you!"

The Queen forced a smile on her face but she did not say anything else. She knew that the night elves were selfish and would only fight to a certain point. They would surrender to the enemy as long as they could survive. It was a common thing in the underground world.

She looked at the cracked wall and noticed that a tall man in a black robe was walking toward them with Lance. He stepped over the broken bricks and the dead bodies. It almost looked like he was walking in a park as he looked so calm. There was even a smile on his face.

The man raised his head and looked at the Queen. They exchanged eye contact.

The Queen could feel pain coming from her eyes as she looked directly into the man's eyes. She felt anxious and uncomfortable after being stared at.

"Retreat! Retreat!" the Queen shouted and started running with her daughters.

"Protect the Queen!" the royal guards shouted.

Angele watched them retreat and shook his head slightly.

"That's the Spider Queen? She has the power but she's not even fighting with her people. She's a coward."

Lance snorted but did not say a word. Angele ate many random body parts of the night elves on the way here, and Lance witnessed everything. She saw Angele eating female night elf's legs, male night elf's hearts and brains. It seemed like Angele was studying the night elf's body by eating them.

After Angele found something new, he would do some experiments on Lance's body. The experiments made her stomach ache and head dizzy. He tested many things on her body.

Lance could see that Angele's red hair was moving into her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth during the experiments. The feeling was unpleasant, it felt like there were worms moving inside her body. Although Lance was trained to handle tortures, her mind almost collapsed.

Lance's body would tremble if she looked at Angele's face directly after all the experiments. She finally understood why the monster was afraid of Angele. Although she was scared, she knew that there was no way for her to escape. She would be captured every time she tried to run. Angele made her vomit for two whole days after she was captured; she decided to obey Angele's orders after that.


A black energy wave exploded in the sky as the night elves around Mogo were all blown away. Mogo laughed and charged to the Spider Queen. He kept releasing black rays from the sky, and the night elves hit by the rays were all killed. Each of the black rays could deal over 100 degrees of damage and the wounds left on the night elves' bodies could not be healed.

Mogo was clearing the path for Angele and Lance. There were dark liquid and broken limbs everywhere on the ground. The blood of the elves turned into small rivers—the blood rivers were running down the stone piles. A sour and stinky smell permeated the air.

The Dark City was destroyed and the underground world all experienced the terrifying force of the King of Dark Wizards. The rumors quickly spread to all the underground races.

If the Mother Tree was destroyed, the whole Night Elf Empire would collapse, and the underground world might be destroyed.

The princes learned that the Spider Queen's force was eliminated by Mogo easily and were getting anxious. They wanted to guard the entrance to the roots of the Mother Tree, however, they decided to retreat after learning about the rumors. Some of them even wanted to move to the surface. The strong beings of the underground world were preparing for the worst.

Angele, Mogo, and Lance did not encounter any new enemy on their way to the roots of the Mother Tree.

Chapter 632: Ancestor (1)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

On the gray roof above, there were countless stone spikes, from which light green liquid was dripping down, turning into small pools on the ground.

On the endless plain below the roof, a tall tree was moving slowly on the ground. The roots were the tree's feet, and it was moving without any noise for some reason. The area under the tree looked like a swamp. All the soil and stones that touched the roots were turned into muddy liquid.

The tree was more than 30 meters tall and its trunk was white. It almost looked like a statue made of white stone. There was also a humongous human face on the trunk of the tree, which had a disturbed, if not frightened, expression on it.

Angele was sitting on a branch of the tree with a blank expression on his face. He was releasing intense red light through his body, and it looked like there were red fish swimming in the red light.

The white tree stopped moving and said, "Sir, you can find the Mother Tree in the front… This is all I can do for you…

"The Mother Tree's roots are in the front; if I touch her roots, I'll be turned into her life energy…"

Angele jumped off the branch and landed on the ground without any problem. The roof was getting lower and lower. His head was around 100 meters away from the roof.

He checked the area ahead and found a deep dark fissure on the ground which blocked his path.

There was sticky dark-green liquid spurting out of the fissure like a fountain. The sticky liquid landed on the ground and painted everything green. Some of the green liquid solidified and formed a substance that looked like tinted glass.


He inhaled deeply and smelled something sour.

"Alright, come down."

Mogo jumped off the white tree and suggested politely, "Let me clear the path for you, Master."

"Don't worry about it." Angele pursed his lips into a sneer. "We're right in front of the Mother Tree; I can confront her alone. You can just stay here."

Angele already started advancing before Mogo responded. It took him several minutes to reach the edge of the fissure.


A strange vibrating noise came from the fissure and the whole place started transforming. The fissure melted and turned into a large green crystal as a humongous hand appeared in the darkness.

The hand was around ten meters wide; it grabbed the other side of the fissure, turning into a bridge.

Angele smiled and stepped on the green hand. He walked to the center of the hand's palm and stopped moving.

On the other side of the fissure was an endless green plain, but it seemed like Angele was not going to advance.

Raising his hand, he looked at the roof.


With a loud noise, the green hand started lifting Angele up. When he was about to hit the roof, a green hole appeared, just big enough to let Angele through.

Angele applied some force to his feet and charged into the hole.


It felt like jumping into a pool full of sticky glowing green liquid.

Angele's body was surrounded by a red light barrier, which kept the green liquid away from him. He looked like a red ball that was moving upward.

"I know why you're here…" A neutral voice echoed in front of Angele.

"Huh?" Angele glanced around but did not see anyone around.

"Are you the Mother Tree? And you said you know my purpose? Tell me about it."

"Sorry, you're currently in my vein. My body is too big for you and I can't shrink myself. In other words, the green liquid around you is my blood. I think you're here for the mark on your back, right?" Mother Tree sounded emotionless. "I could feel the evil power from the mark when you entered my vein."

"I heard that you're the most knowledgeable being here. Do you have a solution to my problem?" Angele went straight to the point.

Mother Tree remained silent for a while.

"Do you know why I didn't want you to enter the underground world? I thought you were going to die and didn't want to fight against another ancestor. However—���

"There are many unexpectable things here but I don't want to waste my time. You just need to tell me if you can solve my problem," Angele interrupted.

"First, I need to figure our whose mark it is before I can do anything…" Mother Tree hesitated for a second and continued, "Based on the energy wave the mark is releasing… It's a special mark from Sha, the Lord of the Eternal Night.

"Lord of the Eternal Night? Mark of Sha? Is there anything you can do?" Angele's brow furrowed. He had no idea what the tree was talking about. "Also, can you tell me about this lord?"

"Lord of the Eternal Night is an ancestor from the ancient times, living around the wizard world. She created the Night Realm; her power came from the darkness. She was invited by the strong wizards of the wizard world and helped them fight the Light Ancestor. She was severely injured after the battle and disappeared with the Night Realm. No one could communicate with the Night Realm after that; I think the realm is already destroyed. Mark of Sha is not a punishment. It's like a realm guardian's mark. With the mark on your body, you can only move freely in the Night Realm. When you're in other realms, you'll lose the ability to fly or teleport as time passes."

"Interesting… So, the Lord of the Eternal Night wanted me to become a realm guardian?" Angele concluded, though he was not sure if Mother Tree was telling the truth. "What can I do to remove the mark?"

"It's simple. You need another ancestor to transfer the mark for you. Also, you can go to Guardian Cinderella. She's familiar with ancestors' marks and can handle most of them. Also, I can temporarily help you with your movement."

"Sure, what do you want as a payment?"

"I found something I need from your storage device. If you can give that to me, I'll be grateful."

Angele nodded and untied the mirror from his belt. He threw the mirror into the air.

The mirror rotated in the air and poured a lot of random things out.

���Go find the item you need. Here are the items that I can give to you as a payment." Angele dumped all the random items he collected over the years; he only kept the rare bones and weapons.

Mother Tree stopped talking. She coated the items with some special green liquid, which turned into a bubble. Several minutes later, Mother Tree found something that made her feel excited. It seemed like she got what she needed.

Angele was not concerned at all. He did not need any of these items. There might be a hidden treasure among them, but he did not care.

The green bubble returned to Angele with a lot of random items inside. Angele checked the items and noticed that a piece of green crystal was missing. The crystal piece was from the green jade greatsword he'd used in the intestine of the world.

"You can have all of them if you want." Some red light flashed in his hand. "Let's sign the contract. In the name of chaos."

"Sure," Mother Tree responded quickly. "I would have invited you to my world had I known you had such a rare item."

"It's okay." Angele waved his hand and a red scroll appeared in front of him. "In the name of chaos, we agree that…"

He listed the rules and what the Mother Tree needed to do for him in the contract.

Angele slowly pressed on the scroll after finishing the word.

A translucent arm appeared on the other side of the scroll and also pressed on it.

Their palms touched through the scroll while leaving their handprints on it.

Angele exhaled slowly after lowering his hand, and the red light disappeared.

"Alright, I removed the remaining mentality wave from the crystal piece. You should help me with the mark now."

"Of course." Mother Tree chuckled.

The green liquid around Angele's body turned into rays of green light, rotating around him at impressive speed.

The green rays were moving faster and faster. They almost turned into a light circle.

Some purple light dots started coming out of Angele's body and flew into the green light circles after moving through the red light barrier. The purple light dots screamed after entering the green light circles.

It took a while for all the purple light dots to leave Angele's body.

Angele felt relaxed after everything was done. His sight fell upon the floating scroll.


The scroll suddenly broke into shreds of paper and disappeared into the liquid. It meant that the trade had been completed.

Angele was satisfied with the result.

"I've temporarily removed the negative effects for you, but you need to find Guardian Cinderella within five years if possible. The negative effect won't impact you during this period but it'll get worse after that."

"A guardian, huh?" Angele nodded. If one was strong enough, he could easily find the realm guardians.

Angele just needed to do something to break the balance and the guardians would come to him.

"Also, I can send you and your friends to the exit of the underground world through my roots," Mother Tree added.

"Sounds good." Angele knew what she was worried about.

She did not say anything else.

Several hours later…

By the exit of the underground world, a brown root that was over ten meters long appeared in front of a black stone gate. The root cracked and released some green liquid. Angele, Mogo, and Lance were covered in the liquid. They landed on the ground with a red light barrier around them.

"That was fast…" Angele smiled. "Alright, let's return to the surface."

"Master, even the Mother Tree respects your power…" Mogo thought Angele and the tree had a fight.

Lance was staring at Angele anxiously. She was scared that Angele might take her to the surface. Lance took two steps back and was ready to escape.

Lance disappeared into the air when Angele was not paying attention to her.

She ran for a while and sighed with relief after she noticed that Angele was not going after her.

Angele did not care that the night elf escaped. He stepped into the damaged stone gate and disappeared into the darkness with Mogo.

Chapter 633: Ancestor (2)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

In the roots of the Mother Tree.


The roots cracked, green liquid spurting out of them.

Mother Tree's tired voice echoed. "The polluted energy of the Nightmare Realm… If not for the green crystal, I would've never helped him…"

"You sent him to the surface in time. The King of Dark Wizards' power is increasing every minute. You would've taken more damage if he stayed here for too long," a male voice interrupted.

"I still need to rest for a couple hundred years…" Mother Tree sounded helpless. "I didn't know there was a dark wizard like him on the surface. My blood started boiling when he entered the underground world."

"Have some rest now. I'll stay with you," the man said in a gentle voice.



Several years later.

Somewhere deep in the Gem Sea.

The bottom of the sea was endless; there was a blue crystal palace standing in the center of the gray ground. There were four silver spikes on top of the palace, which bright white light was coming out of.

In the main hall of the palace, there was a middle-aged man with a white fan in his hand. The man had blond hair, blue eyes, and pink lips. There was also a ring in his chin. The man was talking to his guests through energy particles with a smile on his face.

There were two groups of guests in the main hall. Most of them were creatures like octopuses, crabs, centaurs; there were not many human beings. Some of them were naked and the rest was wearing human outfits.

The guests were all talking to each other; it seemed like a lot of them knew the people here.

Suddenly, a female voice came from outside.

"Dark Wizard King of Ramsoda is here!"

The guests all stopped chatting after hearing those words.

A man in tight black armor slowly appeared at the entrance of the hall. The man had long red hair, which was flying in the water. He was Angele—he came to the palace from Ramsoda.

Angele's appearance changed slightly. One of his red eyes turned blue and both of his eyes were glowing. They looked quite strange.

The man in front of the guests stood up and laughed.

"It was not Cinderella who invited you here. I have something that needs your help with." He clapped his hands.

Angele entered the hall and sat down on the right. The guests in the hall all nodded and greeted him.

There were around ten guests in the hall. They heard the man clap and realized that the man had something that he needed to discuss with Angele in private, so they stood up and left.

Only two guests stayed in the hall and there was a total of four people left.

Angele looked to the other side and noticed that there was a tall fish man in the seat. The fish man, who had a pair of glowing dark eyes, was eating a lamb leg. The fish man noticed that Angele was looking at him and smiled.

"Atlanta, who are they?" Angele looked at the middle-aged man.

"Let me introduce them to you." Atlanta smiled. "This is the god of the Echinate Whales, Leonard."

"Echinate Whale?" Angele was a bit surprised. He still remembered the day he saw the Echinate Whale for the first time. He looked at the fish man, who smiled at him again.

"I assume you know the Echinate Whales, King of Dark Wizards. You didn't know we can shrink, right? To be honest, without Cinderella's help, I don't think this is possible," Leonard spoke in a loud voice. "Nice to meet you by the way." He glanced at Angele.

"The Gem Sea is enormous and it's understandable that you don't shrink yourselves…" Angele smiled. "Sorry, who are you?" He looked at the other guest.

The other one was a young woman with no clothes on her body. Her long hair looked like hissing black snakes. Also, the woman's eyes were eye-catching. It was a pair of gray eyes that looked like two stone balls.

"I'm the Queen of the Medusas. You can call me Sofia," the woman responded in a light tone.

"I didn't meet any Medusa when I was in the underground world. I didn't expect to meet one here." Angele observed the Queen carefully.

The Queen's brow furrowed. She did not say anything else and closed her eyes.

Atlanta's brow also furrowed slightly.

"Alright, it's about the time. Since the King of Dark Wizards is here. I'll explain my plan."

He clapped his hand and released some invisible energy waves.

The entrance of the palace closed slowly.

"The Queen just came back from the Time Realm, but I think she's already noticed the problem." It sounded like Atlanta was talking to himself.

Medusa nodded. "That's why I'm here. I want to know what the guardians are thinking."

Leonard put down the lamb leg and started listening as well.

Atlanta chuckled. "It's nothing serious. The Sea Flowers are going to blossom and they attracted some realm monsters from the Time Realm. That's why I invited you here."

"Sea Flowers, huh?" It seemed like Leonard was interested.

"They are treasures to us. I didn't expect them to blossom again so soon."

Atlanta nodded.

"Excluding the ones from the sealed land, you're the strongest beings of the wizard world. Cinderella and the royal members of the three-eyed race are not coming. With your help, our chance of winning the competition will be higher."

"Sea Flowers are treasures to the beings living in the sea but I don't really need them." Angele pursed his lips and sent the words using energy particles.

"I understand, but the thousand-headed birds have something that Cinderella needs. You're still having trouble with the mark, right? That's why I asked you to come," Atlanta responded using energy particles.

"Thousand-eyed birds…" Angele narrowed his eyes. "I can use other materials as a replacement, right?"

"Of course, but the thousand-eyed birds are the best."

Atlanta explained and started talking to the other two. It seemed like they were also negotiating.

Angele started thinking.

In the last several years, Angele gained a deeper understanding of the power of time and the power of dimension. Cinderella promised him that she would make a potion to remove the mark, but she did not say when the potion would be finished.

Atlanta and Cinderella all had the power level of a rank 8 wizard. Leonard and Medusa had the power level of a rank 7 wizard. Strong beings like them all had one common problem—they did not care about time.

100 years were nothing to them.

Angele hesitated for a while and started talking with Atlanta through energy particles again.

"Atlanta, I think you know that I don't have much time left. If it'll take a long time, I'd rather go for other options. So, you must give me an accurate time if you want me to join. Cinderella is close to you, and everyone knows that."

Atlanta nodded.

"I understand your situation and I know that this is the last material you need. I promise you that you'll get the potion after the mission is completed. We can sign a contract if you don't trust me."

"I have a seed of the fountain here. We can sign a contract." Angele was waiting for Atlanta to talk about the contract.

A bitter smile appeared on Atlanta's face.

���Well… How many realms is this fountain connected to?"

"Four realms, I believe."

Atlanta shook his head. "That's like handling the pressure from four realms…"

"There are so many realms in this universe. Signing the contract doesn't mean you have to keep your promise. If you become an ancestor, the contract will be like nothing to you."

"Yeah, right…" Atlanta was speechless.

"Talking about the ancestors. Another injured ancestor is in this area—this is the third injured ancestor from the Chaos Realm. The ancestors still have different power levels and their special abilities can be countered. They can still be severely injured when they know too much about each other."

"The war of the Chaos Realm already lasted for hundreds of years and none of the ancestors died, also…" Angele suddenly stopped after he realized something. "You mean, the ancestors' special abilities are what makes them different?"

"Well, in the ancient times, only ancestors with extremely powerful abilities could kill other ancestors during a war," Atlanta explained. "To become an ancestor, you need to be able to control time and dimension. You also need to find out the secret of the origin. The special abilities will make you different; they decide how strong of an ancestor you are."

"Can we, like… You just said there was a severely injured ancestor, right?" Angele did not finish the question.

"Don't even think about it. No matter how weak an ancestor is, he can still kill us in the blink of an eye." Atlanta shook his head.

"Only two strong beings became ancestors by killing injured ancestors. Their bodies were different. Their bodies were so big that they were larger than average-sized realms."

Angele remained silent for a while and continued, "If I can control the time and dimension, how do I get my own special ability?"

"I don't know. I can already control the time and dimension. The origin is also not a problem for me. After the war ends, I'll go to the world intestine of the Chaos Realm. I may have a chance to finish the last step." Atlanta was not trying to hide his progress. "Many rank 8 beings failed at the last step. They turned into the nutrients of the realm and were removed from the history. In another world, if you can go to the world intestine of the strongest realm, you'll get the strongest special ability."

Atlanta sighed with mixed emotions.

"We all know what need to do to become an ancestor, but we're all afraid of losing everything."

Angele remained silent after hearing those words.

Chapter 634: Star Lord Palace (1)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

"Alright, let's get ready. We need to start moving. The Star Lord Palace will open soon. We can contact our old friends from other realms; maybe someone will help us." Atlanta smiled.

"Are we the only four going?" Leonard's brow furrowed. "What about the people in the inn?"

"They are doing everything they can to guard the chaos gate. I don't think they have time to this," the Queen answered. "Also, the void tunnel is a bit unstable recently, so we should be careful when we head to the Star Lord Palace. Sadly, there's no ancestor in our world; otherwise, the void tunnel could be easily fixed."

"Master Atlanta has the chance to become an ancestor. The Master Three Eyes tried to break the limit, but I heard that he didn't have much time left…" Leonard's brow furrowed.

"It's hard to break the limit…" Atlanta sighed and his blue eyes started glowing. No one knew what he was thinking.

Angele remained silent in the seat. He was listening to the others talking about the recent events they experienced while drinking wine.

Several hours later, Leonard stood up and left. Angele also decided to leave.

After he left the crystal palace, he heard the voice of Atlanta coming from behind.

"Make sure you're prepared. There might be some trouble."

Angele nodded without replying. He started swimming to the surface of the water.

Atlanta and Angele were the only two people here who had the power of a rank 8 wizard. That was the reason why Atlanta decided to remind Angele.

'It's about time for me to get everything sorted out.' Angele remembered that he needed to use the bloodline of the princess that he'd helped several years ago.


It was autumn on the west coast.

Red maple leaves piled up on the ground. The streets and the forest were red like flames.

In the white obelisk of Ramsoda, there was a dark room.

A girl with a beautiful face was carefully pouring hot tea into a coup. The orange tea was poured into a crystal cup, and the fragrance of the orange permeated the air.

The girl's long blonde hair trailed over her shoulders, touching the white dress she was wearing. She also had a pair of white silk gloves on her hands. The girl was still young, but she had the potential.

"Anne, you know that it's about the time, right?" There was a man with long red hair in the room with the girl. The man had a blue eye and a red eye. He was wearing a tight black outfit with a pair of long leather boots. It was Angele, who just came back from the Gem Sea.

"I understand…" Princess Anne responded in a light tone.

"How's your life being?" Angele was not concerned. "You know why I brought you here; tomorrow will be the day. I need you to do one thing with your bloodline."

"My pleasure," she responded.

"I imprisoned you but you were not complaining." Angele was a bit interested. He looked at the girl.

"I have to pay you back and follow your orders." Anne reminded calm.


Angele stood up and walked to the window, looking at the maple trees.

"Three years ago, I replaced all the trees around the school with maple trees because this is your favorite color. Although you can't leave the room, I still want to make you feel comfortable. After tonight, you can leave this room and do whatever you want. I promised you that. If everything goes well tomorrow, you'll be free."

Anne nodded and watched Angele take out a golden cylinder from his pouch.

She grabbed the palm-sized cylinder and looked at it carefully. The cylinder had a smooth texture and felt like it was made of jade. There were also some strange engravings on its surface.

"I've already told you what you need to do with it. After everything is done, you just need to let it dry and you'll be freed from this place. You can do whatever you want later!" Angele explained.

Anne nodded with a serious expression on her face.

Angele nodded as well. He stood up and left the room. He stepped out of the obelisk and asked the servants to make sure that no one was around. He wanted to isolate this area for three days—all visitors should be kept away from this area.

He returned to the obelisk and started meditating in the room. One day passed quickly.

The sky was blocked by dark clouds after the sunset. There was no moonlight or starlight.

*Knock Knock*

Someone knocked on Angele's room.

Angele was sitting on the bed. His eyes opened; he looked relieved. He pointed at the door and the door opened by itself.

Anne was standing outside the door, blushing. The girl was still wearing the white dress and there was a silver plate in her hands. The golden cylinder was standing on the plate quietly.

"Master, I followed your order and fulfilled my mission." She slowly stepped into the room; it felt like she was having trouble walking.

Angele nodded. He got off the bed and walked to Anne. He picked up the cylinder and observed it carefully.

There was some fresh blood about to dry on top of the cylinder. He could smell the blood from the cylinder.

Anne blushed again. She knew what she just did with the cylinder and felt a bit uncomfortable after seeing Angele stare at it.

"As per what I promised you, you can leave now." Angele was satisfied with the result and did not do anything else with the cylinder. A woman in black stepped into the room and helped Anne walk.

Angele threw the golden cylinder into the air after they left.


The cylinder exploded into a boiling ball of red mist. It felt like something was spinning inside.

Angele pointed at the center of his brow using the right hand and a drop of golden blood was released from his head, then slowly merged into the red mist.


There was a sharp voice screaming in the red mist.

The red mist quickly solidified and turned into an expressionless red mask. The mask rotated around Angele for a while before disappearing into the air.

Although the mask disappeared, Angele could still feel that the mask was rotating around his body.

"Finally, the magic device is completed! I finished half of it around two years ago, and this is the last step." Angele was excited. He released a ray of blue light from his eyes and it landed on the invisible mask.

'File created… Please name the magic device…' Zero's voice echoed in his ears.

'Blood Face.' Angele gave it a simple name.

'Testing the magic device…'

Seconds later, rows of data appeared in Angele's eyes. There were many different graphs and the data on the graphs was changing constantly.

"My refined true form is too strong and most magic devices are useless to me. This magic device is designed for my true form; it should work." Angele spent all the materials he'd collected in the world intestine on this magic device. He even added a drop of his blood essence into it.

The biochip finished the analysis about ten minutes later.

'Blood Face: Semi-intelligent. Automatic defense system. Its defensive power is twice your defensive power. Its attack power is half of your attack power. Special Ability: Illusion Scream.'

Angele thought for a while. Although the magic device was strong, it was a bit different from his expectations.

"It's good enough. I can use it when I'm on the mission."

He needed to head to the universal space, where countless realms were. There was no time and no dimension in the universal space. Only the ancestors with the origin could survive in the void.

There were two types of realms in the universal space. The high-level realms were strong and complete. They were already in the universal space before the ancestors appeared. The low-level realms were supported by the ancestors. Without the ancestors, the low-level realms would collapse over time.

Angele's summoning skill was developed based on the general rules of the universal space and he could only communicate with the low-level realms. He decided to accept Atlanta's offer because he wanted to get rid of the mark. Also, he was going to visit the meeting hall of the realms, the Star Lord Palace.

When there was a conflict between the realms, they would settle it in the Star Lord Palace. The realm guardians all had long life expectancies and no one would start a war over small conflicts. Only the realm raiders like the ones in the Nightmare Realm would do whatever they wanted. The normal realms relied on places like the Star Lord Palace.


Several more years passed. The Gem Sea was peaceful and quiet. The King of Dark Wizards stopped expanding his territory and the dark wizards stopped fighting with the white wizards. The wizard world was separated into two areas.

The white wizards had strict rules and laws in their cities; power was the only thing mattered in the dark wizards' territory.

Some races moved from the underground world to the surface. Most of them joined King of Dark Wizards after they witnessed his power. Some crazy apprentices even started a religion to worship the King of Dark Wizards. They decided to work as hard as they could to improve.

It felt like the whole wizard society changed. Everything was going well for the wizards.

Somewhere deep in the Gem Sea.

Four people appeared above the blue sea, all wearing black robes. A middle-aged man with a ring on his chin was standing in the front—he was Atlanta.

Angele was also in the team. He stood beside Atlanta and overlooked the sea. Leonard and Medusa Queen were floating behind Angele.

Atlanta nodded after they checked the surroundings. He suddenly opened his mouth and took a bite of the air.


He ripped the space in front of him apart and made a dark hole. It felt like he was breaking through a canvas.

Atlanta repeated the process several times and swallowed the fragments of the dimension. He then slowly stepped forward and entered the dark hole.

Chapter 635: Star Lord Palace (2)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

Angele followed the three into the hole.

The darkness inside the hole was endless. The four stood on a floating silver path that was surrounded by the darkness. There were some colorful meteors flying in the space. Some of them came from top; Angele could also see meteors below him. The meteors were traveling in random directions.

With a flick of Angele's finger, he sent a ball of red flames to the right.

The fireball slowly traveled several kilometers, getting smaller and smaller as it moved. Around ten seconds later, Angele could no longer see the fireball, but he could still feel it through the energy connection.

Angele's brow furrowed as he looked at the path under his feet. The path looked liked like a thin layer of silver glass. Its surface was covered with tiny cracks.

"This place is severely damaged…" Leonard was a bit disappointed.

Medusa tried to scan the area as well. She lowered her hand and spoke in a light tone, "There's nothing I can do. This is the dimension universe. Everything related to us will be stopped. It's lucky that the void tunnel is still working."

"Let's keep moving. The Star Lord Palace is far from here," Atlanta spoke in a light tone.

They nodded and increased their speed on the silver path.

Angele had no idea how long had passed before several different routes appeared in the area ahead. The routes almost looked like a big spider web.

Angele followed after Atlanta as they advanced. A humongous silver-blue palace finally appeared ahead.

The palace was standing in the dark, releasing bright light. It felt like the palace was designed using an Ancient Roman style.

The white stone staircase in front of the palace was long. They quickly stepped on the stairs and entered the white gate.

Two groups of people were already sitting in the hall. The group on the left was a group of shadows without physical forms. They looked like human-shaped floating smoke.

The group on the right consisted of human beings in white robes and with wings on their back. They all had beautiful faces, however, Angele had no idea what their gender was based on their appearances.

One of the people with wings stepped forward after the four stepped into the hall. The man—apparently—had black hair and green eyes. A gentle smile appeared on his face as he walked to them.

"Master Atlanta, it has been years since we last met, your body is still very strong!" The man's four wings on his back swung slightly. It seemed that was how he greeted people.

Atlanta smiled as well, then walked to the man and hugged him. They also kissed each other.

"Mane, you're still so beautiful. You're over 2000 years old, but you still look young! I'm glad that you're still alive."

"The world intestine would've turned me into nutrients if Master Dragon Seal hadn't been with me…" Mane's expression changed.

They greeted each other and had a short conversation. It seemed like they were not familiar with each other, making Angele wonder why they kissed.

Leonard knew what Angele was thinking and explained through energy particles.

"In the Four Wings Realm, people kiss each other when they meet. It doesn't mean that they are close to each other. However, Atlanta usually overdoes it. These people enjoy kissing with Atlanta for some reason. I heard they were collecting the saliva of strong beings. I thought it was just a joke."

Angele was a bit speechless.

"They collect saliva? That's a weird tradition…"

"Let's sit down and wait. We need to wait for other realm guardians."


They found a corner and sat down with their legs crossed. They were just minding their own business.

Time flew. Around ten days later, more people appeared.


They heard loud noises from outside the palace. An invisible vortex slowly entered the hall. The vortex went around everyone's body, and a floral fragrance permeated the air.

Angele opened his eyes slowly and glanced around. People's expressions changed after hearing the noise. They looked a bit anxious, especially the shadows. One of the shadows stood up with the help of a cane. The two silver eyeballs on his face were staring at the entrance of the palace.

The men with wings were not concerned, but they still moved back slightly.

Atlanta's expression turned serious; he quickly explained in a low voice, "Be careful, the strongest beings around have arrived. Don't talk unless it's necessary. I'll take care of the rest."

Angele, Leonard, and Medusa remained silent after hearing those words. They looked at the entrance of the hall—just like other newcomers, they all wanted to know what the strong beings looked like.

Several minutes later, the gate was pushed open. A chubby man walked into the hall slowly. His footsteps were so heavy that they made loud noises.

The man had red skin. He had no hair on his head; instead, there was an enormous pink bud. The bud was the source of the floral fragrance.

"Flower King Ying, the only guardian of the Illusion Realm. Be careful, he's short-tempered and hates it when people look at his head," Atlanta quickly sent the words to Angele. Leonard and Medusa already lowered their heads. It seemed like they knew about this.

Angele glanced at the Flower King and slowly lowered his head.

The Flower King glanced around the hall, and his sight fell upon one of the shadows.

"The Shadow Demon is also here. That's rare. I thought you were going to hide in the Shadow Realm forever." He chuckled.

"Shadow Realm?" Angele narrowed his eyes and looked at the shadows.

The shadow man did not respond. He coughed several times; it seemed like he was scared.

Flower King snorted and moved his sight away.


He walked to the other side of the hall and sat down with his legs crossed.

The outfit he was wearing looked like green leaves. With the bud on top of his head, he looked like a large plant. No one would know that he was a person if he did not move.

Several more days passed. Then, a translucent being flew into the hall. It was a man with a blank expression. The man found a corner and sat down without saying a word. The people in the hall glanced at him; it seemed like they were not concerned. The man only had the power level of a rank 7 wizard. He was probably a guardian of a weak realm. The Flower King and the Shadow Demon both had the power of a rank 8 wizard.

People who were weaker thank rank 8 were not allowed to talk here.

They waited two more days, and a man with long dark hair entered the hall. The man was handsome and there was a long sword hanging on his belt. The man looked a bit weak with his pale skin; he was wearing a formal white suit.

"Flower King, you're here too?" The man found the Flower King right away. His left eye turned purple and the length of his eye increased slowly. The eye looked a bit strange after the change.

Flower King laughed in a strange tone.

"Hey! It's Ken. The man who took the position of his own sister's daughter! I assume you've completed your Oblivion Strike; otherwise, you wouldn't be here."

The man's brow furrowed.

"Flower King, can't you talk like a normal person?"

"A normal person? We're all normal when compared to you! You betrayed your teacher and destroyed your family for power. Also, you took the position of your sister's daughter and joined a different organization. Ha, Ken the King of Holy Seal, what a beautiful name! Your life can be turned into a touching novel." Flower King was not worried.

"Your teacher's organization was weakened because of you and he had to join my realm. Thousands of years of history is gone. With the Oblivion Striker, you now have great power, but you're a scumbag!"

"It's none of your business. Don't worry about me," Ken spoke in a light tone. He walked to an empty corner and sat down.

"The most talented being of all time… What a joke! I'll tell all realm guardians about your glorious history!" Flower King stared at Ken and spat on the ground.

The gate of Star Lord Palace slowly closed after Ken entered the hall. Suddenly, a ray of white light soared through the closing gate and landed on the floor, turning into a middle-aged man with pale skin. He stabilized his body and glanced at all the people in the hall.

"Zoe! I didn't know you were still alive!" Flower King was surprised.

"What do you mean?" Zoe spoke in a cold tone. He was not speaking in the universal language; instead, he was sending the message using his mentality wave.

"I knew you went to challenge the world intestine, but I didn't expect you to be still alive after three tries…" Ken glared at the man. "You were severely injured when you escaped. I saw that."

Zoe snorted and remained silent. He sat down with his legs crossed by the entrance.

It seemed like Flower King and Ken knew how strong Zoe was. Zoe did not answer their question, but they did not say anything else. They also released energy barriers in front of their bodies quietly.

The shadow beings, the four-winged men, and Atlanta all released energy barriers in front of them. They had serious expressions on their faces.

The real guardians from the weak realms all moved back to the edge of the hall, observing the situation carefully.

Angele's brow furrowed and he was about to ask Atlanta about it. However, he saw that Zoe slowly released some white mist from his body. The mist started spreading quickly.

A herbal smell permeated the hall; the realm guardians from the weak realms were having trouble handling the white mist. Their faces all turned pale.

"Since everyone is here, I'll close the gate. We can start discussing the main topic of this meeting."

A loud voice echoed in the hall. It sounded like an old man's.

No one said a word. Everyone was listening to the voice.

"We gathered everyone here for two reasons. The Sea Flower and the Oblivion Artifact of Nolan Island," the old man was speaking in a serious tone. "We need to set up a rule for the distribution of the flower. Suggestions, anyone?"

"Suggestions? The rule should be simple. The strongest one here should take most of the benefits!" Flower King said.

"Share them equally."

"You can set up a rule."

The realm guardians started talking. When it was about the benefits, no one was backing off. They were all trying to suggest a plan that would benefit them the most.

Atlanta also provided a plan. However, Angele was just listening to them talk on the side.

Chapter 636: Thousand Head Bird (1)

Translator: _Leo_ Editor: Kurisu

These realm guardians turned the place into a market. No one was waiting for others to finish their words. Flower King, Shadow Demon, Ken, Zoe, and the other strong realm guardians were pretty much arguing with each other. They were all trying to find excuses to support their arguments.

The weaker ones remained silent. They just stood there and waited.

The strongest finally reached an agreement after a while.

"Alright, that's it. The guardian of the Sea Flower is the Thousand Hand Bird. The realm guardian who killed the most of its heads will get the most Sea Flowers. The fewer heads you kill, the fewer flowers you'll get. It's fair, right?" the old man concluded.

They remained silent, but Flower King chuckled.

"Do you really think the bird is weak? Not everyone has the ability to eliminate its heads."

"The stronger ones get most of the flowers. It's fair," Ken interrupted.

Atlanta sent the words to the people behind him through energy particles.

"The teams are decided based on which realm you're from. That's a problem. Maybe someone will eliminate some weak realm guardians before we attack the birds."

Angele, Leonard, and Medusa nodded.

Angele remained calm; he was not sure how strong these realm guardians were. With the help of the ancestor's mark, his Strength already reached a whole different level, and he was confident that he had the highest Strength among the rank 8 beings. He was slightly weaker than Atlanta, but with the new magic device he had, he was not worried.

At this moment, the old man started talking again. "Alright, I'll save you some time on the road. I hope you can get it done as soon as possible."

They felt their bodies vibrate after the old man finished those words.

The gate opened slowly, revealing a silver sky. The energy waves outside felt completely different than before.

Angele was a bit surprised. It only took one second for the palace to bring everyone to a completely different place. His ancestor mark did not stop the palace from doing that.

He looked at Atlanta with a confused look on his face, and Atlanta quickly explained, "The old man is the Star Lord Palace; he was an ancestor from a realm around us. However, he lost his ancestor's ability for some reason. He still had strong power, so your ancestor's mark was not a problem to him."

Angele nodded after hearing the explanation.

Most of the realm guardians remained calm, however, the newcomers were a bit surprised. They slowly stood up and started walking out of the gate.

Atlanta followed after them and walked out of the door with the people from the wizard world.

Outside the Star Lord Palace was a silver void. There was no object around, and the silver tunnel was no longer there. Below the stone staircase was pure silver.

A sharp scream came from below as they stepped out of the palace.


It sounded like crying children. The voice was so sharp that they felt like their bodies were being stabbed by iron needles.

Some of the guardians groaned, and their bodies were shaking. It felt like they were about to fall. The rank 8 beings only had their brows furrowed; it seemed like they had no problems handling the pressure.

Atlanta's body trembled slightly, but he calmed down quickly. Leonard and Medusa's faces turned pale. They almost lost their balance. Angele helped them to calm down, and they nodded at him gratefully.

"The bird is provoking us! I'll go first!" Zoe said and left the staircase. He quickly jumped into the air, disappearing into the void.

"Let's go!" Shadow Demon jumped into the void with the shadow beings as well.

Flower King, Ken, and the other weak realm guardians also jumped into the void.

Atlanta glanced at Leonard, Medusa, and Angele. He was a bit surprised to see that Angele had no problem handling the pressure.

"Let's get moving."


They jumped off the staircase and started falling.

A large yellow plain appeared in Angele's sight after they fell for a while. There were countless yellow bird heads on the plain. Each of the heads had the height of over 30 meters; the bird heads looked identical to the head of a parrot, but there were black spiral horns on them.

It felt like looking at a forest of yellow bird heads. There were thousands of bird heads, and the noise they made still sounded like crying babies.

The ones who'd jumped off the staircase earlier were already fighting the bird heads.

There were pink, black, and white lights flashing above the plain. The noise made by explosions and the bird's screams was so loud that it made everyone's body vibrate.

There were black dots falling from the silver sky. Angele and his teammates were on the left side of the sky.

They landed on the ground and some blue light flashed on their bodies, but they quickly disappeared.

More than 30 bird heads were charging at them like beasts with no brains. There was saliva dripping down their chins; they looked hungry.

The larger birds were releasing green mist from their mouths; it quickly expanded to the area where the blue light flashed.

"Move!" Atlanta shouted immediately.

They charged out of the blue light. Leonard was a bit slow, and groaned after he touched the green mist. His muscles and skin on the back started melting right away.

Leonard narrowed his eyes as he quickly touched his back using his right hand. The melting muscles were cut off.


The muscles dropped to the ground and turned into sticky green liquid, with dark smoke rising from it.

The green mist behind him was still going after him.

Leonard turned around and quickly opened his mouth.


Blue smoke and white smoke came out of his mouth, twisting around in the center of the green mist.

Blue light flashed in the green mist, which stopped advancing for a second; however, it was still moving to Leonard.

"Damn! This bird is over two million years old!" Leonard was surprised. He turned around and tried to run. Then, two rays of blue light flew to him and wrapped around his waist, dragging Leonard to the other three members in the front—he finally caught up.

Atlanta retrieved the two blue rays with a serious expression on his face. He sent the message to others through energy particles while running at full speed. "Watch out! We're about to reach the best position. We need to set up the maze after we reach our destination, and can work together to eliminate the bird heads!"

"I don't think it's going to work! The bird is over two million years old, and its heads can merge into each other. If more than ten of its heads merge, we'll be dead!" Medusa shouted.

"This is the only way!" Atlanta wanted to say something else, but more than ten bird heads appeared in front of them. They were charging at the team like ten yellow rays of light. There was no way for them to dodge the attack.

"Wait!" They realized how dangerous the situation was.

"We should regroup at our destination!" Atlanta was blown away by the bird heads the moment he finished his words, and flew to the other side.

Angele, Leonard, and Medusa were also blown away by the impact.

Angele wanted to fight back using the power of his true form when he was being knocked down, however, his body froze before he could do anything. He was stopped by an invisible force, and he watched the three bird heads charge toward him.


Angele's head was dizzy; he had no idea where he was. It took him a while to stabilize his body. He glanced around, but his teammates were nowhere to be found. He noticed that he was standing on an endless yellow plain.


The three bird heads in front of him became translucent and turned into one head. The bird head was still crying, and started charging toward Angele again.

Angele had taken the hit because he had not been familiar with the bird's attacks. The situation changed after he knew how to defend himself.

He quickly checked his body and noticed that he was not injured at all. Angele's bloodline power gave him a much stronger body than other realm guardians'. Most of the bloodline inheritors were evil but strong. They needed the power to take resources from the guardians of other realms.

Angele raised his right arm, and it quickly turned into a black scorpion claw. He swung the claw like a hammer, trying to hit the bird's head.


The bird head cracked into pieces and collapsed. Three yellow crystals flew into Angele's hand.

'This head had the power of a rank 7 wizard… That's a problem…' Angele caught the crystal pieces, and his brow furrowed.

Around seven more bird heads appeared in the front, charging toward Angele. One of the bird heads had white electric pulses around its horn. The dimension around the horn was twisting.

The bird head lowered slightly, and the electric pulses landed on the ground, turning into an earth strike.

Angele glanced at the earth strike and his expression changed immediately.

"White Thunder! I didn't know the bird has this skill… This is the legendary thunder that can damage its target's soul directly! How is this even possible!?"

The White Thunder had the same power level as a rank 8 wizard's strongest damage spell. It could deal around 500 thousand degrees of damage, and Angele was not sure if he could handle it.

Angele had no time to think. He blinked his eyes and a red mask appeared around his body.


A strange smile appeared on the mask, which faced the earth strike directly. The mask was getting larger and larger. Around half a second later, the length of the mask increased to more than 30 meters.


The earth strike landed on the mask, but it did not do anything to it.

Angele felt relieved; he checked the mask's condition and noticed that it was not damaged at all. He then checked the large bird head and waved his hand. He retrieved the mask and started heading to the destination.

Angele wanted to check the defensive ability of the mask, and was now satisfied with the result. His true form could handle an attack with 500 thousand degrees of damage, but it seemed like the mask had higher defense than him.

Angele did not waste any time on the way. He followed Atlanta's energy waves and traveled at full speed. He encountered a lot of merged bird heads, but none of them could do anything to his mask.

He saw rays of silver light striking into the sky after a while. There were injured realm guardians in the silver light—they were being sent back to the palace.

The Star Lord Palace was trying to help the injured realm guardians. Although they were still alive, Angele was certain that there would be consequences. Also, Star Lord Palace could not take care of everyone at the same time.

Angele saw that one of the silver rays was crushed by a translucent bird head when he was still thinking. The bird head screamed and caught the falling realm guardian. The realm guardian was devoured right away.

"WAHHHH!" Suddenly, the loud scream echoed in the sky again.

Angele increased his speed and charged in the direction of the voice. A lot of dead bird heads appeared on the ground. It felt like the earth was shaking; the ground was covered with fissures. There were ice shards and lava spurting out of these fissures.