Chapter 14 Dark Desire

Jason walk's beside Samantha she is talking with Henry "so let me get this straight you survived the explosion and then go on a massive adventure to fight zombie's then Thomas tries to kill you guy's wow and I thought my life was crazy."

Jason look's back "we're here finally" Chloe rubs her wounded arm "I still thought it was a bad idea to fight all those undead I can't feel my arm now" Jason roll's his eye's "oh stop being a baby you got nicked on the arm." Jason stop's in his tracks when the smell of smoke fills the air gun fire erupts from the distance.

Everyone rushes to the camp to see bandit's raiding Jason runs in he fire's with his gun drawn at two bandit's that crumple to the ground Jason see's Amelia crouched behind a box she fire's a submachine gun over the box hitting one bandit in the head and wounding another.

Jason continues firing at the bandit's four of them all drop the other's spread out a loud explosion catches him off guard another one hit's next to him making him fly through the air he hit's a car and everything becomes dark. Jason wakes up it's night time his body is all numb he spits out some blood he stand's up everyone is gone the camp has been set fire too.

Jason walk's past the camp he then feel's pain climb up his body he fall's to one knee the pain goes on for minutes then stop's he feels weird but his body's scar's start to heal even old one's Jason walk's around town for a few hours but nothing is left it's a ghost town.

Samantha wakes up in a tent she has stitches on her arm she groans Chloe sits next to her she look's more cleaner that usual "where are we" Chloe smile's "where at my parents farmhouse where me and Jason grew up" Samantha just remembered "wait Jason where is he?" Chloe look's at the floor "we don't know when the bombs hit I couldn't find him but don't worry he will find us it was our plan to get here anyway."

Samantha stand's up and see's a large farmhouse sitting there she see's Amelia carrying a bucket she waves at Samantha she look's like she had a shower she turns to Chloe "do you guys have a shower?" Chloe nods "come on I will show you to you're room" Chloe lead's her to the house it's giant and look's sturdy they walk in Abigale is cooking something "morning Samantha I've made breakfast" she smile's "I'm gonna have a shower first I'll be down soon Abigale smile's.

Samantha is lead to a room which has poster's of rock stars and bands "this was Jason's room you can use it the shower is just in that door" she points to the door that is in the fair left on Jason's room. Samantha smile's Chloe's leaves Samantha chuckles to herself she closes the door and undresses instantly she goes to the shower room and turns it open warm water hit's her hand.

She sighs she hasn't had a shower in years she stand's there for nearly an hour she turns of the shower and dries off and see's what clothes there are she open the wardrobe and see's shirts pants and other types of accessories she grabs a white shirt and some pants they don't exactly fit but they will do.

Chloe's is playing chess with Henry while Jake is doing push ups by the fireplace Hannah and Mia sleeping on the sofa Abigale stand's next to Samantha "poor things they have been through so much" Chloe look's at Samantha "weird you look like a female version of Jason."

For another week Samantha and the rest of the group continues to stay at the farm with no trouble with bandits or Thomas's men or so they think. Samantha wakes up to the sound of gun shots she quickly puts clothes on and rushes out of her room to see Chloe and Amilea crouched by a window Mia and Hannah are behind a sofa and Jake and Henry move past Samantha with two M16.

Abigale looks out the window "you guys have to leave now use the back door and go they will kill you all" Chloe looks at her mother "you're not coming?" Abigale smiles "you don't need me anymore you're a women now find you're brother and go" Chloe shakes her "no I'm not leaving you alone."

"Chloe you're the most stubborn daughter on the planet please go I don't want to see my daughter dead" Chloe wipes tear's from her eyes "but I've just got you back" Amilea grabs Chloe by the arm and holds her "come on Chloe we don't have much time."

Everyone gets out the back door Abigale sits down by the table and pulls out a bottle of whiskey four men bust down the door a man in a black uniform with a mask on walks in Abigale takes a swig of the bottle "hello boy's" black veins appear on her body and she gives a massive smile.

Samantha and the other's run into the woods that are behind the farm Chloe sobs quietly Amilea comfort's her by a tree Samantha looks back the farm house is starting to burn they must of finished raiding it.

Henry sighs "where to now?" Samantha see's everyone turn to her "we keep moving try and find somewhere we can rest Samantha walks through the woods Samantha keeps thinking to herself is anything safe anymore Samantha then is pulled out of thought when she sees a group of zombies that have be ripped to pieces.

Samantha walks closer that reveal that something or someone has had them for lunch as their remaining flesh and bones as marks of where they've been chewed on Samantha then hears the sound of chewing coming from behind a bush which normal humans can't hear.

Samantha walks slowly to the bush where she sees a human eating a corpse the human looks up to show no symptoms of being a zombie or hybrid she jumps up and yelps at being watched.

"God damn it didn't you know watching people eat in public is rude?" Samantha tilts her head "why aren't you turned" the girl looks at Samantha then her meal which is leftovers of a rotten torso. "Oh that yeah I'm well I'm an odd experiment made from GEO they are the ones that started this thing by injecting a young baby boy without his parents knowing oh yes as well as his twin sister to see how it effects genders and stuff."

Samantha looks back at Chloe who shrugs Samantha turns back to this odd girl "and how do you know this?" the girl smiles "oh this really hot guy was found stumbling around a little town he turned like me back to human as well different types of superhuman things like extremely fast healing but it's quite costly because to have this you need to have the hybrid strain which turn back to the black virus but then break into little tiny bits of a new virus called Red or know as Reactive Eviction Disease."

Samantha rubs her neck "you said there was a handsome guy in you're camp is his name Jason?"