Chapter 13 The Unlikely Alliance

Jason sits up groaning in pain his head hurts like hell he hears Chloe's voice above him "hey you good down there?" Jason gives a thumbs up "yea I'm fine get to another room or something that one is not safe." "Okay what ever you say be careful that Henry guy is down there" Jason look's around he must be in a basement of some kind.

As Jason move's through the basement he see's various items light up by a single light bulb "how does this place still have power?" old clothes boxes the word fragile on them a piano sits in the corner of the room he see's something dart past him from the corner of his eye. Jason spin's around to see Henry standing in front of him they stand there for a few moments silently Henry is the first to speak "look Jason if you think of fighting me I got a better idea."

Jason raises an eyebrow "and what is this plan of yours?" Henry sigh's "okay I didn't want to fight you guy's mostly my sister Thomas made me do thing's that I'm not proud of if we help each other we can take out Thomas once and for all."

Jason reluctantly nods "okay but if you do betray me I will kill you" Jason turn's back around and keeps moving with Henry beside him "so what happened to you?" Henry shrugs "don't know when the school exploded I remember being dragged out and then seeing everyone being executed." Thomas turned me after I was brought to him he told me to kill anyone who got in his way when he said I needed to kill you he didn't tell me Samantha was with you."

Jason see's a door at the end of the basement "come on let's see where this lead's" Jason opens the door to show staircase's leading up Jason goes first with Henry behind him "okay time to meet up with the others."

Samantha wakes looking around she's in a bedroom Chloe sits by a lantern looking out a window "hey you're finally awake" Samantha tries to sit up but her body refuses to move Chloe stand's up and move's over to Samantha "don't move you have a massive concussion and I do not advise moving for you are making it worse." "Where....Where is Jason?" Chloe shrugs "he fell through the floor I don't know where he is but I'm sure he'll make it back to us"

Jason move's up the stair's quietly with Henry behind him as they move to a wooden door the sound of nails scrapping across the ground make's Jason turn around to see a nightcrawler coming down the stair's Jason and Henry moves slowly back down the stair's but a group of zombie's come from behind.

"Oh bloody hell" Jason and Henry run forward to the door Jason gets in first but a nightcrawler slashed his back he feel's warm bloody trickle down his back Henry kick's the nightcrawler in the face making it tumble town the stair's Henry slam's the door closed. The sound of banging on the other side and angry snarling is loud in Jason's ear's Henry turn's to Jason is dizzy and leans on a wall his knees buckle and he collapses on the floor he but as quick as he fell his strength came back.

Jason see's Chloe run out of the room and goes up to Henry and punches him in the stomach Henry falls to the ground groaning in pain.

Henry groans in pain "oh my god you are a psycho" Chloe has an angry look on her face "maybe next time don't try to kill my girlfriend and brother." "Don't even get up from the ground" Henry nods and stays where he is Jason sigh's "come on follow me" Jason grabs Henry who is stumbling and mumbles to himself.

Jason follows Chloe to a room that has it's numbers torn off Chloe opens the door Jake sleep's on the couch Samantha sits in a chair she rubs her head Henry is sat in a chair he look's more better than before the black line's have faded and he look's less feral he must of regained some sanity when falling.

Jason walk's over to Samantha who look's in bad shape she look's up at him "hey I feel so dizzy right now" Jason examines her cut and bruises she has a gash that goes down her arm but it look's like she's healing. Samantha look's over to see Henry her eye's widen she tries to get up but Jason see's she is straining to move.

Jason shakes his head "don't move by what I can see from you're wounds you have gotten a grade 2 concussion you're lucky to be awake at all just rest" Jason look's back at Henry and then Chloe I guess we are staying here for awhile.

Jason wakes up hours later it's still night time the room is quiet Henry sleep's in a chair Jake on the couch and Chloe sleep's on a big Chair Jason gets up the white light of the lantern's light up the room Samantha sleep's in the bedroom she opens her eye's.

"Can't sleep?" she nods "yea me neither" Jason sits beside her on the bed how's you're head Samantha sits up "I feel way better perks of being a hybrid" Jason smirks Samantha pulls Jason down next to her. She hold's his hand "do you ever think we can have a normal life after this if we can development a cure."

Jason look's at the ceiling "I hope so I just want to have normal life again hell I would love to actually take you on a date Samantha chuckles "ask me when we're finished surviving and we can go somewhere." Jason smile's "deal."

As day time comes around Jason wakes to have Samantha cuddled up next to him she yawns and rubs her eye's "morning" Jason sits up Henry is looking through the peephole on the door "ah we got a problem" Jason see's a lot of zombie's standing there just waiting for there lunch.

Jason sighs well there is one way out Henry look's out the rooms window "yea he's right that is way too high up" Chloe load's her pistol Jake pulls out a large hunting knife Samantha loads her AR Jason does the same and Henry is giving a hatchet.

Jason grabs the door handle he breath's slowly and opens it quickly he put's three down instantly Henry take's out quite a few Chloe's does the same Samantha shoots five while Jake has killed four. Chloe is tackled by a zombie the was laying on the floor it makes a large scratch on her arm Jason grabs the zombie the the neck and throw's it into the wall everyone looks at Jason in shock.

Jason's never been able to be this strong before the zombie gets back up now dragging it's left foot a bone sticks out and Jason then goes up to it and aims his AR point blank in it face and pulls the trigger. Jason turn's around Chloe is having her arm bandaged Henry cleans his hatchet and Jake whistles the the other's "down here."