
Rerbun was looking confused wondering where Alonso went he suddenly heard a voice from behind him saying. "hmm it seems when you go into a rage your physical abilities improve but your judgment ability reduces." I wonder what are the drawbacks of using this state i am sure you cannot use it for long hmmm, looks like that red aura is tearing your muscles it seems if i just keep dodging and delay victory is mine .

The crowd of people watching this was very surprised. They were surprised at how good Alonso perception is just by looking at the skill he has already seen its weakness, not only that he also understands how it works. they all started to fear and respect Alonso.

Alonso then says "but that would be a boring way to win so i guess i have to fight back".

Rerbun starts rushing toward Alonso at an incredible speed as Rerbun runs the ground is breaking, the red aura envelopes Rerbun sword and he swings the sword at Alonso everyone watches in anticipation then.

bang a loud sound is made Alonso caught Rerbun sword with one hand, every single person watching is super shocked with their mouth wide open.

At this point they are happy they did not pick a fight with Alonso they realized that they completely underestimated this youth.

Rerbun was trying to remove his sword from Alonso grip but it was not bulging one bit not even moving and inch, that is the difference in strength between the two. Alonso now used his esper power and started to freeze the sword.

In matter of a seconds Rerbun great sword was frozen as the cold crept up to Ruben's hand because he was holding the handle of the sword he let go and the sword fell to the ground and smashed into thousand pieces.

The crowd was shocked it should be known that Rerbun sword was made out of steel freezing steel should not make it break.

Unless the ice is so cold that it penetrates into the steel, also what also shocked the audience is that they did not feel any magic or mana coming from Alonso when he used that skill.

One should know that Alonso's esper abilities is Cryokinesis this is not magic but science in a world with magic one should know that the development of science is nonexistent because of magic. So it was impossible for these people to know how Alonso abilities work.

Rerbun looks at his shattered sword and looks at Alonso with great fear in his eyes. Alonso noticed and laughs in his hearts he thinks to himself "if he is so scared now what if he see ice titian i wonder what he will do".

Rerbun's rage mode wears off and he starts to feel the backlash from activating the mode he falls on his knees and says to Alonso "please spare me please i will give you anything you want".

Rerbun has already concluded that he could not win his is muscles are aching from going into rage mode Alonso is just to strong for him to defeat so decided to talk his way out.

Alonso is surprise to see Rerbun change of attitude he looks at Rerbun with a frown on his face and says "when you start a fight you have to devote yourself to the outcome of the battle if you are ready to take a life you should also be ready to lose your life".

Rerbun hearing this his face goes pale in fright he feels hopeless, and depression hits him he starts to regret picking a fight he truly deeply regrets it.

Rurbun feels foolish he feels that he is the cause of all this if he has just left this oni alone his life would not be in danger.

Rerbun suddenly stands up and charges at Alonso in a desperate and last ditch effort in securing himself a victory hoping to get lucky.

As Rerbun reaches Alonso range before he could even throw a punch he is countered by a punch to this gutt then several punches to Rurbun's face and a final uppercut lifting Rerbun up in the air like he was a flying kite.

In a few second Rerbun comes crashing down to the ground coughing blood out of his mouth.

Rerbun's face is disfigured, it seems his nose and cheekbone is broken and it is possible other bones are broken to.

Rerbun was still alive but was in so much pain he did not talk he just groaned in pain, Alonso stares down at Rerbun laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood he had a very serious expression on his face.

When people saw Alonso's face it sent a chill down their spine the many veteran Adventures knew all too well what that look is , it is the look of a killer someone who has walked over a thousand corpses.

The more sensitive onlookers could feel the murderous intent leaking out of Alonso which made them step away instinctively.

Alonso channeled ice into his fists and formed an ice sword it looked just like a katana it even had a hilt and a guard, Alonso raises his ice sword.

As the crowd sees this someone says "is this guy crazy does he know who Rerbun is his father is a famous general in the army if he kills Rerbun this oni is as good as dead".

As Alonso swings his ice sword at Rerbun intending to end his life Rerbun could see his life flash passed him but before Alonso's ice sword hit Rerbun it broke in half.