Superior summoner

A man walks towards Alonso clapping his hands saying "well done lad well done what a fine display of your abilities unfortunately i cannot let this piece of shit die or you will be in trouble".

Alonso looks over at the man the man had slint eyes with a yellowish complexion he had wavy black hair that is jelled back thin lips and a pointy nose he stands at 6ft 2 inches tall.

That is not what's important about him the most eye catching thing about this man is his clothing.

His armor looked out of this world.

The man is wearing a shirt that looks like snakeskin and over the shirt he is wearing a white caped hoodie that has a mysterious glow to it, his trousers was the same material that his shirt is made out off and finally his boots is a silver colour if one was to look you would think that his boots was made with silver.

But no it was made from a special material called stardust steel this metal is as hard as diamond but as flexible and comfortable as leather it's an incredibly rare material.

It would seem there is a force field around Rurbun Alonso could not see the force field but it seems he could feel it that must have been what broke his ice sword.

Alonso looks at the mysterious man up and down he could tell that this man was not an ordinary man even the crowd began to panic when they saw him.

Someone in the crowd shouts "ehh what's the guild master doing here he never comes out don't tell me he came to watch this fight"

Another person says "what is that's the guild master? i have never seen him i have heard so many stories he is a living legend i hear he is a Superior summoner just one step away from demigod".

Someone heard that and laughs and says "fool don't think he can break into the realm of the gods how many people have tried only to fail and fall into despair and dying never crossing that road".

As Alonso was taking in all the information from the crowds conversation the guild master says "hello there i wish we could have met under better circumstances but whatever, my name is Cheng Gang i am the guild master of this shitty establishment nice to meet you".

Alonso was a bit taken back he was surprised at Cheng's personality he seemed like a very easy going person usually people with power are very arrogant, Alonso had his guard up he did not believe Cheng was being genuine he thought it was all a front but he also knew that fighting the guild master will not bring him any advantages so he croprated for the moment and decided not to kill Rurbun.

Also Alonso did not know if he could beat the guild master, Alonso looks over to the guild master and says "nice to meet you to my name is Alonso" the two shook hands.

Cheng says "come to my office i want to discuss something with you here is to crowded" both cheng and Alonso walk into the building going into the guild master office.

The crowd of people are puzzled, among the crowd of people there are 4 adventures they are a famous group of adventures known as full moon the leader of this party is an SSS rank adventurer.

SSS rank adventures is the highest rank an adventurer can obtain it should be known there are only five SSS rank adventures in the blazing star continent.

It should also be known that SSS rank adventures are on par with demigods to be able to become one you at least have to save multiple countries from destruction or save a race form genocide or extinction and have the power to back it up, also you have to be hailed as a hero by the local people.

The vice leader of the full moon is a woman she is a black woman who stands at 5ft tall she is wearing a light blue corset and tight green trousers and black knee long high boots with high heels she also wears a dark blue hooded cape as an overcoat covering her clothing.

She has pink braided hair tied to a ponytail that reaches her shoulders her name is Abigail also known as blazing Abigail nickname the flaming bull.

Abigail looks at one of a member of her team named Josh he is the youngest member of the team he is 12 years old and has a mysterious maturity to him.

Abigail says to Josh "ha ha ha that foolish Rurbun did he think he could win what a fool did you feel the amount of magical power that oni has i definitely have to recruit him to our squad".

Josh says never "mind that what was that mysterious power he used that was definitely not magic i wonder if its a blessing like you Abigail "?

Abigail smiles at josh not answering his question and says "i wonder what the guild master wants with him".

Another member of the party a female elf named kuvira 20 years old long back hair and brown eyes says " maybe it's about the new dungeon that just risen up everyone is talking about it maybe he wants the oni to conquer it.

The fourth member a male high elf named Mulgul he is wearing a fedora hat but one can see he has short green hair with green eyes he also has a compact bow on his back with many arrows he stands at 5ft 5 inches tall.

Mulgul says "that dungen is so strange from what i heard about it the monsters are made of metal and have strange lights in their body, no one has been able to open the door to the 11th floor even after beating the boss, even the few S rank adventurers went could not understand the mechanism to open the door.

Abigail says yeah i checked it out myself and it seems that you need knowledge of the contraption to open the door they should send someone who has the inventor job to try and see if they can figure it out.