the goddess Euphemia

Alonso and Cheng are sitting on a red sofa in a luxurious room, this is Cheng the guild masters office. Cheng's office is as big as a small basketball court. The sofa is in the center of the room it is shaped as a crescent moon.

There is a desk and a chair at the end of the room on the desk there is a lot of paper documents and scrolls it seems this is where Cheng does most of his work there is also and coffee table with different fruits and sweets on them.

The room is also filled with bookshelves everywhere it seems like a lot of history books and books about magic as well as excelopedias about different races monster and medical herbs, one can tell that Cheng is a collector of books because the books look very ancient.

Alonso was sitting opposite of Cheng, Cheng puts his hands in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette puts it in his mouth and conjures a little wisp of flame lighting the cigarette. As he breathe in the smoke he looks at Alonso and offers a cigarette to Alonso.

Alonso gives a gesture with his hand indicating that he does not want one at the same time saying "no thank you" cheng smiles and puts away the cigarette.

Cheng says "here have some cake i am sure you have never tried some i got some lemon cake here, have it with tea it really brings out the flavour.

Cheng picks up a little bell from the coffee table and rings it. A few moments later one of the women working behind the bar comes into cheng's office asking what he wants. chengs asked the woman to make two cup of earl grey tea she nods and walks away.

Alonso noticed that cheng seems to be a guy who lives in luxury things like cake sweets and earl grey are not something commoners can afford easily it is a luxury in this world.

This world has the same technological standing as medieval europe they have not been through an industrial revolution and capitalism is not a rampant as it is in modern world.

It would seem that Cheng might be a noble if that is not the case he must be an influential person in the kingdom a man of both power and wealth.

Alonso wondered if all guildmasters where like cheng it seems Cheng has set the bar high for guildmaster`s in Alonso's eyes because Cheng is the 1st guild master Alonso's has met

As cheng was smoking the woman who works behind the bar puts two cups of tea on the table next to Alonso and cheng she bows and walks off Alonso picks up the cup of tea and begins to sip the tea. As Cheng is smoking he asked Alonso what do you think of the tea.

Alonso says to Cheng while sipping tea " hmm i do not know much about human beverages but i believe this is tea i have had it once or twice not bad".

Alonso was lying he new very much about Earl grey tea in fact if he wanted to he could write a book on it.

He just did not want to give himself away he knew Cheng was testing him to see how knowledgeable he was.

One should understand that tea is a luxury for nobles if Alonso lets out all his knowledge the, guildmaster will assume he has been mingling with human nobles or could even be disguising as a noble to infiltrate the kingdom many monsters have done that in the past.

The guild master smiles and take a puff of his cigarette and says Alonso "is it"! "are you from the burning mash lands that is where your people live right, looking at you have the body of a young oni but its clear to me that you are superior what did you do to evolve to such a high level".

Alonso looks at the Guildmaster in shock but he did not give it away with his facial features, Alonso has no clue about the burning mash lands nor did he know he was a superior oni he has never met any other oni to even no he was a cut above the rest.

Alonso smiles and says "hmm your not thinking that i killed humans to evolve are you if i tell you that i did not will you believe me". Cheng has a serious expression on his face he stares at Alonso eyes the tension is clear one false move and heads could go flying Alonso could clearly feel the pressure, sweat dripping from his forehead Alonso knew he was no match for Cheng.

All of a sudden Cheng bust out into laughter laughing so hard that people outside could hear him.

Cheng looks at Alonso as he puts the cigarette into his mouth and inhales the smoke Cheng says "sorry about that i don't mean to interrogate you i just love teasing serious people like you the fact is that i already trust you because you was in my dreams baby".

Alonso looks at Cheng begin creeped out and slightly confused and irritated he thinks to himself "is the fool coming on to me".

Chang sees Alonso's expression and starts laughing again "ha ha ha ha ha this time it's not a joke sorry for calling you baby but i did dream about you"." You may not know but i have a blessing i am blessed by the goddess Euphemia my blessing is foresight and i tend to dream about the future.

Alonso seems very interested all of a sudden he drinks his tea and asked cheng "so you dreamt about me" ? "what was the dream"? Cheng says " there is a new dungeon that no one can conquer, in my dream i was visited by the goddess Euphemia she told me that an oni is going to come that i should guide him to the dungeon.

Alonso was now in deep thought he remembered reading about dungeons in the library. Dungeons are very mysterious, till this day nobody knows how or why the exist some people believe they are trials of the gods to test the creatures of this land but that is a hypothesis no one knows for sure.

Dungeons seem to raise from the ground they have vast treasure and equipment and they range in difficulty .

From E rank D rank A rank S rank SS rank and SSS rank in fact the adventures guild was formed in other to conquer the dungeons.

When a dungeon is conquered the dungeon will sink back into the ground and disappear like it never existed and the person that conquered it will have treasures beyond their wildest dream so much that they could rival a country's national income.

Some dungeon conquers have started their own countries with their treasures,

so you can imagine the race to conquer this new dungeon that just popped up.