soul globe

Cheng while sitting on the sofa and smoking his cigarettes Cheng says " this dungeon rank is unknown and it has been around for 3 weeks now and no one knows how to get passed the10th floor , out of every dungeon that has existed this one is the biggest mystery".

"What do you mean" says Alonso, Cheng says "first of all the monsters in this dungeon is like we have never seen before they are made of metal and seem to have strange strings inside their bodies some even have mysterious glass that lights up in their bodies some even shoot beams but they do not use magic".

Alonso looked very excited as he heard this he immediately understood "metal monsters" ? "strange strings in their body"? "the strings must be wires the metal body must be the metal casing of a robot" thought Alonso.

It seems that this world that has no idea of technology will not understand such things in fact the thought actually confused Alonso if the world did not have advance technology how can robots exist and no one knows about them, "just what is going on here" thought Alonso.

Cheng looks at Alonso reaction and could tell he knew something he says to Alonso "do you know anything about this metal creatures"? Alonso looks at Cheng and nods his head saying "nope i am just curious that's all" Cheng looks at Alonso seriously and says nothing he knew Alonso was lying but he chose to be silent.

Cheng says "the only information we have is this insignia of the lost city of Vardosia". The insignia is a dove holding a flaming sword on it beak,"the same insignia can be seen on the dungeon door entrance as well as the walls of the dungeon".

Alonso asked "Vardosia "? "why is it lost"? "what happened"?, Cheng looks at Alonso eger Eyes and thinks "this guys really seem to seek knowledge could he be a scholar why does he want to be an adventurer?".

Cheng says to Alonso "Vardosia is a long lost ancient civilization that existed somewhere in this world around half a million years ago," "no one knows why or how but the city mysteriously vanished". "The only thing left is very few books about the city that's how we know their insignia".

Alonso understood he says " that means that this dungeon is related to this city interesting and you want me to conquer it" ? Cheng says "i don't know if you can conquer it or not i am just following the instruction given to me by Euphemia". "Here take this pass with you this will give you passage to the dungeon and also go meet the girls and register for your guild card you beat Rerbun so you should be at least be D or C rank but something tells me you're much stronger than that .

Alonso looks at Cheng and says "wait i wanted to ask about Euphemia" Cheng immediately shuts Alonso up saying "no can do i was told to not tell you anything about her please don't ask me you don't know how scary gods are if you disobey them". Cheng looked genuinely frightened .

Alonso nodded and stood up and walked off going through the door to the adventures guild he went down stairs and went towards one of the barmaids.

Her name is Stella about 35 years old blue hair and green eyes she was a petite woman with a small statue if one was to see her they might mistake her for a child or a teenager. Alonso goes up to stella and says "i need a guild card".

Stella says "okay follow me" she takes Alonso to the corner of the room where a purple crystal ball is laying on a table the crystal ball is as big as a basketball. Stella says "thIs is known as a soul globe it has the ability to project one's soul in physical form because adventuring is a dangerous job and to stop adventures killing people for loot the magic association made this globe".

"Please place a drop of blood on the globe" says Stella. Alonso did not think twice he bit his finger and dropped blood on the globe. The globe started shining people in the adventures guild could not help but look over curiously.

Suddenly the shine stopped and an ID card popped out the the globe, stella caught the ID card in mid air, on it had a picture of only Alonso`s face and some information seem to be written on it

Name - Alonso Azuma

Race - legendary oni

Age - 20,000

criminal record - none

job - none (monsters don't get job )

adventure rank - D

As Stella looked at the information on Alonso ID card she was shocked with fear she could not help but think "what the fuck is going on Age 20,000 and a legendary monster at that".

One should know that most legendary has to power to wipe out a small country they are not monsters that you should provoke.

If a legendary monster was to come into a country the king will always try to win them over.

All though they are not as strong as demi god or demon lord class monsters they are about the same level as superior humans and should not be underestimated.

Alonso sees the shocked expression on Stella`s face and says "is everything alright" Stella slaps back to reality and says "yes i am fine" and hands him his ID card to Alonso while forcing a smile she then says "be careful not to kill any adventurer if you do it will be recorded on your ID, take care even if its in self defence.

"As you know you are an oni when an adventure kills someone with an ID card that person name will appear on the Killers ID card and the guild will have to investigate the matter". "But as you know there is a lot of discrimination towards non humans so if you as an oni decides to kill a human even if its in self defense they will not investigate and just deem you guilty so please be careful" Stella says nervously.

Stella did not tell Alonso this out of the kindness of her heart she told him this because she was scared that if the guild decides to arrest Alonso it will be a massacre she was sure the guild master could take him out but not will out a many casualties.