unknown meeting

Alonso route to the dungeon was simple in fact, it was a direct road to the dungeon because the dungeon was near a country the vita kingdom trades with, Alonso just had to go through a vast plain of land called the hungry savannah.

Merchant and travelers if they don't have flying vehicles would have to have bodyguards when traveling through this route because many demonic beast roam around the area but it is better than the forest that Alonso 1st came out from because there are no trees, one could spot the danger easier.

Right now Alonso is walking through the savannah he is not using the roads because he wanted to test his magic,

Alonso thinks to himself "hmmm let me try a simple fireball spell he raises his hand spread out his pam and channels mana and boom a fire ball the size of a basketball shoots out at terrifying speeds.

Alonso was shocked "how come its so easy the books made it seem one will have to train for years to do a simple spell" says Alonso

In fact Alonso did not know it was his knowledge for science that made him a gifted genius for magic he already understood how fire is formed all he has to do was link his mana with oxygen particles in the air and ignite it.

Magicians of this world do not know how fire is formed so it takes them trial and error to use a fire spell they just link their mana to any gas hoping to create fire. I should note that not all magicians are like this only the ones without a brain.

Alonso decides to do a bigger fire ball he once again raises his hand and channels more mana to his hand and keeps channeling mana, the ball of fire keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger till it was the size of a bus or even a small aeroplane but it was perfectly round. If one was to look at it it would look like a miniature sun.

Alonso then launched the massive fireball at the ground far away from him. As soon as it hit the ground the impact caused a massive explosion and left a huge crater on the ground it looked like a meteor hit it.

Alonso was happy with the out come but he noticed something strange, his mana seem to refill everytime it is used it up, aslo Alonso mana felt cold like ice.

Alonso focused mana into his eyes and he could see his mana center where mana is created and stored in the body.

It seems that every time he uses his mana his cells will release a cold like mana replacing the mana the mana was just used.

Let me explain the reason for this was when Alonso fused his cells with ice they made Alonso cells structure change, they became ice itself but at the same time they are a living organism and at the same time they are also ice and as ice they have their own mana so instead of just the mana center creating mana for alonso he has millions if not billions of cells in his body creating mana.

to make it simple Alonso's body has become the a world's law.

Alonso did not full understand what happened but he had a bit of understanding, the only way for him to fully understand was for him to check his cells under a microscope so he decided to keep practicing magic for the time being.

during the time Alonso mastered these spells

Element fire - fire ball, fire whip, fire wall

element water - water slash, water whip water ball, water jet

element wind- air slash, tornado ,floating

element space - gravity control, minor teleportation

physical strength boost, speed boost, five senses boost

weapon creation - energy manipulation, lighting manipulation

After mastering a few spells Alonso felt invisible but he knew in a world with demi gods he was not the strongest but he planned to be if he was to survive so he needed to conquer this dungeon get money and start his old life back.

Alonso immediately closed his eyes he then channeled mana into his whole body and next thing you know he started floating in the air, like a speeding bullet he zoomed through the air.

Alonso was flying using gravity manipulation.

Alonso flew up high into the clouds moving as fast as he can, it could be said that flying is an advance magic that even the best magicians can at most just use wind magic to float but Alonso is moving more than 200 mph, such ridiculous speed.

As Alonso was flying towards the metal dungeon on behknowns to him he flew passed and invisible floating island he was lucky that he did not hit the island or run into it because if he did his life would be over

As Alonso flew passed this mysterious island that is hidden from the rest of the world there was a figure sitting right at the edge of the island feet dangling on the air, just one small push and this figure would fall off.

This figure has blood red eyes and black hair and very pale white skin but it did not detract from his beauty or no he was in fact very handsome. His hair was long so long that it reached his knees he has a sharp nose and a thin red lips his skin smooth as butter in fact there is not a single blemish on his skin. He also seem to have to rather big wings on his back his wings sims to be black he stood at approximately 6ft 3 inches tall.

This person name is Warmonger and he is a fallen angel, Warmonger looks at Alonso flying passed him and he squints his blood red eyes looking a Alonso curiously. He the stand up and claps his hands

Out of nowhere another fallen angel appears she bows down in front of Warmonger and says "how can i serve you master". Warmonger says "follow that creature if his part of the demon king's army leave him be but if his not capture him alive his mana will be my fuel to finally evolve to a higher being all these low level humans are not doing anything to me".

The fallen angel woman bows her head and says "it shall be done". Warmonger looks at her and says "i am sure i don't have to tell you but don't be spotted by any human if you do make sure you kill them".