The 10 cataclysms

As Warmonger watches his servant fly off he flies towards a building it seems that this building is a castle, this castle is very big it looks like an old european castle.

Warmonger lands at the entrance of the castle and there are two guards standing guard at the entrance of the castle in front of the gate.

One a fallen angel woman and another a fallen angel man they were both holding silver spears in one of their hand vertically.

As soon as they saw Warmonger they both bowed with one knee on the ground and did not directly look into his face, Warmonger said nothing to them he did not even look at them he walks passed both guards like they did not even exist.

The floating island that Warmonger is on seems to be the size of a country however the castle is the only building there is. It seems only Warmonger and a hand full of fallen angels live in the castle. As for the rest of the island it is occupied by a forest full of demonic beasts and there is also a lovely beach.

As Warmonger walks through his castle he walks passed many floors and rooms and gets to the throne room.

The throne room is massive looking, like an old medieval church with different colored windows it has statues of angels as decoration, there is also a map of an unknown city on its wall behind the throne. There are many stone pillars as support to help reinforce the throne room to prevent it from collapsing.

As Warmonger comes in the walks directly to the throne and sit on it, his posture while sitting gives off a majestic feel like he was born to rule. If one was to see him they would be convinced that he was born to rule the world.

A fallen angel is always beside the throne his name is Procel and he is Warmonger adviser and right hand man.

Procel looks at Warmonger and says "you look rather pleased my lord did anything good happen today". Warmonger smiles at Procel and says " you know me to well i finally found something very interesting Procel let me ask you a question", "is there any oni among the 12 demon generals"? Procel looks confused wondering why his master will asked such a question, but he managed to maintain a poker face.

Procel answers "no my lord there is not as you known the oni are a very pride full race they will never work under a demon lord in fact, the demon lord Gideon tried to subjugate them and he was met with a horrible defeat by the hands of the oni king". Warmonger had no expression on his face and says "is that so, what is Gideon dead"? Procel says "no my lord but he seems to have gone underground no one has seen him for a long time i wonder what he is plotting".

Warmonger says "well as long as it is not the demon king we have dealings with its fine, and if this oni is not in any demon king army then it is really good ha ha ha ha ha" Warmonger laughs really loudly.

the two guards outside the throne room not the guards at the entrance of the castle heard their master laughing and had a cold sweat on their foreheads for all this time hey have served him they have never heard him laugh.

Procel to was shocked by what his master just said so he asks Warmonger "my lord did you happened to run into an oni"? Warmonger says "oh yeah i have not told you imagine off all places in a human continent at that, i saw one fly passed me leaking enormous magical power". Procel was shocked he says "hmm this star blazing continent should not be underestimated 1st we ran into such a powerful human and now an oni they may be other factors we are not aware of".

Warmonger frowns his face when he heard powerful human "indeed that human is powerful that reminds me procell go summon the 10 cataclysms i want to have a word with them all tell them to meet me in the war room it is about time to move to the next faze of my plan says Warmonger.