1st floor

As Alonso is flying towards his destination over at the horizon he sees a vast and expansive ocean, this ocean is known as the great flood and it is Alonso's destination.

Alonso flies across the ocean in great speed not to long after a while he sees a building on the oceans standing firm like it was built on land.

The building is the dungeon it stands at 200 ft long the dungeon walls are all made of metal it is shaped as a rectangle but the length of the building is far longer than the width to make things easier it looked like a rectangular tower or lighthouse, but with pitch black metal walls.

At the base of the dungeon there are metal flooring that surround the dungeon, it forms a little platform where one can stand on to enter the dungeon through the only entrance.

At the entrance of the dungeon there is a very old looking man standing there he has a long gray beard that reach his chest.

Usually outside a dungeon entrance it is a bustling place full of merchants and adventurers, merchants selling potions and equipment while adventures looking for people to recruit in fact some cities have formed around dungeons because of the potential income they can bring, in fact to get into one you will have to join a very long queue unless you have special permission to skip the long queue.

Alonso spots the entrance of the dungeon and the old man standing there sees Alonso descend down and land next to the old man. The old man is shocked had takes a defensive stance as he noticed Alonso, it should be said that Alonso took him by surprise.

Alonso says to the old man "hi there my name is Alonso and i have been tasked with exploring this dungeon here is my pass.

The old man looks at Alonso and "says don't worry go in as you can see no one is here the pass you hold only helps you jump the queue but as you can see there is no queue, everyone seems to have given up on this dungeon the fact an S rank adventure can't figure out how to open the door to the 11th floor everyone has given up on the dungeon" the old man looked rather disappointed.

Alonso said "thank you to the old man and went into the dungeon as he stepped foot into the dungeon he is met with wonder it seems that the dungeon was like another world, there were blue lights everywhere they glowed like fire flies also there is a direct road leading straight it seems like the dungeon is designed like a linear video game one could only move forward and backwards getting lost was almost next to impossible.

Alonso kept walking forward and he entered the 1st floor, and soon he spots a creature these creatures look just like spiders they are the size of a human being and have metal skin and body with glowing red eyes.

Many of the spiders are crawling on the wall and as soon as the spiders spot Alonso they pounce on him hoping to finish him of but Alonso is to quick for them he uses light step to dodge the 1st spider attack and he follows up with a thrust with his bear hands as the spider was still in mid air Alonso's hand stabs through the spider.

The spider drops to the ground a gaping hole is left on the spider body where Alonso stabbed the spider, a second later the spider explodes.

Alonso noticed that these spiders don't seem to be cyborg animals they have no flesh or blood they are fully technological, Alonso has not time to think because as Alonso's mind is wandering off about 20 more spiders are closing in on him at all angles.

Alonso takes a deep breath he uses gravity magic to fly to the air so the spider cannot reach him but as soon as he takes flight one spider shoots webs from its metal rectum entangling one of Alonso's legs.

Next thing you know the spider pulls its web towards itself slamming Alonso to the ground, Alonso comes crashing down to the ground. The others spiders takes note of this and try to use the opportunity to tangle him in their webs, together in unison they all turn around and shoot webs from their rectum.

Alonso was not about to give them such opportunity because if so many webs actually hit Alonso even Alonso will have trouble with them, the reason is because theses webs are not made of silk but iron they are made to copy a real spider webs so they do everything a real spider web can but because of they are made of iron the a much more superior to real spider webs.

Alonso uses minor teleportation to teleport himself out of there he appears behind the 1st spider that shot its web at him.

Alonso throws a punch towards the spiders head and completely smashes it then he channels manna to his right hand and a flame whip is formed.

All the spiders start to run towards Alonso both from behind, in font and even beside Alonso, some shoot their webs at him while some just jump at him hoping to use their razor sharp Cephalothorax (this is a spider mouth and fangs) to tear Alonso apart but Alonso been so quick and nimble moves so gracefully like a swan or like and agile monkey.

Every step Alonso took forward he was dodging an attacking at the same time ending the life of a spider "boom! "boom! "boom! explosions could be heard everywhere, Alonso using his whip to slice the spiders clean in half like a hot knife going through butter there was no resistance whatsoever.

It should be said that this is the 1st floor it's not gonna be challenging, Alonso kept mercilessly killing these mindless spiders, slashing his whip of flame left and right with minimum effort and in a few minutes all spider where dead and all have exploded.

Alonso did not even stay to examine what little remains of the spider pieces he just walked off and entered the 2nd floor.