A gift

Alonso strokes his non existent beard and was in deep thought he then looks up to Libra and says "hmm a good idea but you should know that science didn't just happen overnight it took years and years of research, trial and errors to get where it is today"." Not to mention the materials and the manual labour needed just to get the simplest of task done what you asking me to do could take thousands of years".

Libra smiles and says "do you take me for a fool do you think i don't know these things do you think that i would ask someone like you to be my champion without incentives hmmm".

Alonso wanted to ask "incentives"? but he did not want to use his questions Libra noticed that and smiled she kept on talking "i am a god and i have the ability to control your reality as i see fit, so i will grant you what you desire and much more".

Next thing you know Alonso felt a burning pain in he his head the pain was so painful that he fell on the floor while clutching his head with both arms screaming in pain he asked "what the hell is going on"?

Libra smiles and says "second question used up" Alonso did not care about that at the moment because he was in so much pain. As Alonso is on the floor Libra stands on and walks towards Alonso saying.

"I have now given you your old lab back also i also combined it with an old Vardosian scientist laboratory he was just like you during his era all his knowledge and research is in his lab plus yours combined i believe you will be unrivalled do me proud".

"I will now transmit how to access your laboratory to your head" Libra clicked her fingers and boom! Alonso's head was suddenly filled with information.


Libra says "this is my gift to you i believe you will fulfill my wish for you are a creature of science now ask me your final question".

"At this point the pain in Alonso's head has already disappeared he stood up from the floor looked at Libra seriously and smiles Alonso says "Libra you do not have any idea how happy you just made me this is the best gift you could ever give me i thank you with all my heart and even if it kills me i will fulfill your wish" Alonso bows to Libra and says "my final question is what are you ? what are the gods"?

Libra smiles and says to Alonso "hmm a predictable question as a creature of intelligence i thought you will ask a better question unfortunately i cannot answer that question because every mortal that found out the answer has been greatly disappointed maybe one day you will find out but i pray you never do for your sake".

"As a replacement for your question let me give you a warning you may become incredible powerful with the system but it may not be enough to fight the oppositions that you are going to face for example the minute you leave this dungeon there is a fallen angel waiting for you she intends to kidnap you".

Alonso was shocked he could not understand how he already had enemies so Alonso asked libra "is she a slaver" ? libra replies "what she does not matter not all i can say is that, as you are now the probability of you being defeated stands at 80% so i will teleport you to any place you wish from here so you can avoid the conflict where do you wish to go.

Alonso says "ahh please the take me to the great forest near forest hill city" Libra nods and says "good take this token this is proof of completion, and also take this gold coin".

Alonso wanted to ask about the so called treasure when completing a dungeon but he already has his lab back, so he did not complain the main reason he wanted money was to build his lab back but now Alonso is happy with his harvest.

Alonso is filled by a white light and is teleported out of the dungeon at the same time there is a female fallen angel floating in the sky watching the dungeon from above this female's name is Armaros, Armaros has light blue skin with pink iris she is an incredible beauty the kind of beauty that a king can go to war for, she has short green hair a blunt nose and juicy lips.

Armaros also has a very curvy body with big breast and a firm round butt she wears black tights with a dark grey leather jacket that exposes part of her cleavage on her feet she wears dark red gothic boots with many straps and buckles.

She has four sets of wings on her back and they are dark red in colour they are waving up and down as she floats there in the air.

Armaros floats in the air watching the dungeon waiting for her prey to come out suddenly she sees the dungeon shaking and next thing you know the whole dungeon sinks into the ocean, proof that the dungeon has been conquered.

Armaros smiles in anticipation on seeing her prey she is ready to fulfill her lords command like a royal dog but alas as the dungeon disappeared into the ocean and no one was there just the old man that was that the entrance looking surprised.

Armaros was confused and irritated she did not understand how could her prey not be there she thought to herself could he have died, she uses magic perception to search the area for Alonso but she could not find him.

Armaros had no choice but to give up she decides to go back and tell her master of this predicament somethings are just out of her control she thought.