Artificial Intelligence

Alonso was teleported into a cave in the forest near forest hill city Alonso did not waste any time and immediately he teleported into his lab.

Let me explain how Alonso's system works, Alonso's lab and system are combined into one so his lab is now a system which exists in another dimension just by thinking about it Alonso can teleport into his lab and back as much as he wants, but to make things harder for him the goddess made sure Alonso cannot teleport when enemies are around i guess she did not want them knowing his secret.

Alonso is now in his lab that has been combined with the lab of the Vardosian scientist making it look different and similar at the same time.

Although it is a lab don't be fooled, Alonzo's lab is massive so big in fact that it's like a mini town Alonso's lab has different departments such as , cloning and enhancement department, crafting department , artificial intelligence and bots department ,virtual reality department , information department, storage and entertainment department.

Each one of these department is about the size of a football field, Alonso is walking through the hallway he is heading to the cloning and enhancement department to install a microchip in his brain so he could download information inside his brain.

There is a lot of technology from Vardosia that alonso did not understand lucky Libra had everything stored in a computer so Alonso did not need to learn everything by trial and error. On his way to the cloning and enhancement department Alonso sees an android walking towards him.

"Hello there i am an Intellectual Autonomous Android (IAA) i have been created by Libra to assist you on your mission please feel free to you use me as you like" says Iaa. (that's the androids name)

Alonso is not surprised by Iaa at all, he has built thousands of these in the past, Iaa looked just like a regular human girl but with silver skin glowing blue eyes and black hair. Alonso says to Iaa "okay good how familiar are you with this place", Iaa says "all information regarding your lab as well as information on the planet and its history has been stored in my mainframe there is very little i don't know".

Alonso says to Iaa "hmm so i guess your brain is a quantum computer then, to store so much memory" Iaa says "that is correct i am every bit as advance as androids in on your old world and more, i am sure when you download the Vardosia technology to your brain you will see if for yourself".

The corner of Alonso mouth twitched it seem Iaa is proud of herself its a good thing she has feeling and not just a mindless machine, Iaa and Alonzo are walking together they just reached the cloning and enhancement department.

Alonso opens a shelf and was surprised he thought that he would have to make a new microchip from scratch but to his surprise there where many useful gadgets lying around he was sure they all got destroyed when his lab exploded.

It seems the goddess not only brought back the lab she also brought back all of the tools and gadgets Alonso thought, only big equipment like computer and cryo chambers will be around and he will have to rebuild the small little things.

Iaa was watching Alonso as the puts the microchip inside an injection gun and injects the microchip into his brain through the back of his neck.

The moment he microchip is inside Alonso's brain he felt connected, Iaa on the computer triggered the download all information billions of terabytes starts flowing into Alonso's brain.

About 5 hours later Alonso wakes up and now has all the information he needs, next on the agenda was self enhancement. Alonso together with Iaa transforms Alonso body turning him into a cyborg.

Nanobots where injected into him increasing his strength speed and regenerative capabilities his bones replaced with metals that rivals diamond's hardness, many weapons was also installed inside of Alonso.

Alonso still looked the same but now he was a cyborg oni his body now had its own operating system like a computer he was half organic half robot so Alonso could still use magic and had his esper powers.

After Alonso's operation it was time to get some allies to help Alonso build a country this is where the system comes in handy a creature needed mana to evolve but alonso's system had the power to use the souls of creatures to force a creature to evolve right now Alonso is in the cloning and enhancement department he is looking at a creature that is in a cryogenic chamber this creature is a white dragon and it is dead, Alonso wants to take the dna of the dragon and see if he can clone it, the dragon seems to have come from the Vardosian scientist lab.

But next thing you know Alonso gets a pop up from his system ping!


clone the legendary white dragon

ingredient needed - dragonheart

reward - 2000 souls