I want more

As Michael is dangling in the air while being choked he looked over at the person choking him it is a black woman with pink braided hair the woman is Abigail.

Abigail is extremely furious she could snap Michael neck so easily but she held herself back she could not believe that someone could be so shameless and volatile to her Michael was less than trash.

As the people in the town hall saw who it is they were all shocked they could not believe she was here no one dared to stop her.

It should be known that Abigail is an S rank adventurer and also a well known hero if she killed Michael right now no one will bat an eye.

Abigail lets go of Michael and he drops to the ground, Michael starts to cough and catch his breath he almost suffocated.

Abigail looks at Michael in anger and disdain she then lifts up her right leg and casually steps on Michaels right wrist while he was on the floor the bones in his fingers and wrist were broken.

Michael screams out in agony he has never felt so much pain in his entire life, Michael keeps screaming and crying of a while before he got up, he could not even look Abigail in the eyes this is how scared of her he is.

Abigail says "you better get the fuck out of here before i kill you, Michael without any hesitation quickly runs out of the town hall but not before giving Maria a quick glance.

Abigail now says to the two guards "whose job it is to stop public disputes like this? " "i am ashamed of this city the amount of discrimination is allpauling you two why did you not stop that man",

The two guards looked at themselves then looked at Abigail but did not say anything because they could not tell Abigail that they did not care so they said nothing only putting their head down like a young child being scolded by their parents.

Abigail says "dont forget its people like these elf who work and pay their taxes does same taxes are what pays your wages, for your punishment i am gonna have a word with the citylord you two are gonna have your wages reduced for 6 months for neglecting your duty".

It was like a bucket of cold water had hit them when they heard those words they wanted to say something but did not dear to out of the fear and respect they have for Abigail.

Abigail turned around and faced Maria she looked at Maria up and down and felt pity for her she took out a pill from her space ring and said to Maria "take this it will heal your injuries". Maria says "oh no don't waste such precious things on me i will be fine" but before Maria could finish talking.

Abigail flicked her fingers and the pill flew so fast into Marias mouth and fell down into her stomach before she could comprehend what just happened she has already swallowed the pill.

Abigail says "you don't have to be humble with me you are badly hurt", in a few seconds Marias wounds are completely healed.

Maria bows to Abigail saying "thank you very much", Abigail laughs and slaps Maria lightly on the shoulder saying "don't be so formal we are both women right we have to look after one another what is your name". "Maria my name is Maria" says Maria

Abigail says and i am Abigail Maria stops her saying "of course i know your name everyone knows you, you are the famous Abigail the flaming bull vice leader of the full moon squad".

Abigail blushes slightly and says "aw this queue is long lets go to the front dont worry with my status no one will dear oppose you".

Maria is hesitant to queue jump but Abigail grabs her arm and pulls her to the front Maria has no way to resist Abigail is just too strong for her.

At the end of the queue there is a man sitting down on a chair and in front of him there is a table and on that table there is a big bucket full gold coins this man is in charge of handling the money to the former slaves this man is the master of coin for forest hill city he works directly with the city lord.

As the master of coin sees Abigail he looks frightened but keeps a poker face Abigail says to him "hey baldy this is Maria my friend she has come to collect her goods pay up". the master of coin looks at Abigail and says "of course miss Abigail anything you ask let me just make sure shes on the list.

The master of coin looks through his document and says "ahh there she is Maria Gethnar elf age 34 years old amount 100 gold coins. The coin master takes out a 100 gold coins and gives it to Maria.

Abigail looks at the coins and she has a look of disappointment in her face she then says to the master of coin "that amount is way to small give her 900 more". The master of coin shouts "whatttt! he sees people looking over wondering why he is shouting so he composes himself and says to Abigail "no can do this is the amount agreed on by the king".

Abigail says to the master of coin okay then i guess someone would just have to tell the citylord you have been embezzling funds from the taxes of hard working citizens and of course if word reaches the king i wonder if you will still have a head "ha! ha! ha!" Abigail laughs mischievously.

The master of coin was shaking up by Abigails statement he started sweating bullets he says to Abigail "you would not you are bluffing" Abigail looks at the coin master in his eyes while smiling saying "try me".

The coin master puts his hand in the bucket and picks 900 more gold coins and gives it to Maria saying scram.

Maria being confused was about to reject it but in her heart she knew that Abigail will never let her return it so she accepted it and just counted it as a blessing.