vassal suppliers

Maria and Abigail have left the town hall Abigail asked Maria what her plans are, Maria tells Abigail that she wishes to go back to her home land but she does not know the way there she was kidnaped by slaves at a very young age.

Abigail tells Maria she knows a high elf that can take her home but he is away on a quest right now he should be back in 2 days if she wishes she can get information, of him Abigail is talking about Mulgul

Maria was happy to hear that Abigail also advised Maria to higher some bodyguards to protect herself now that Abigail has protected Maria no one will dear harm Maria but slavers are different because they did not live in the city they tend to be more bold.

They both said goodbye to each other Abigail wanted to stay and protect Maria till she left the city but she has things to do like finding the missing leader of full moon and also recruiting Alonso to her squad.

In a pub in the slums of forest hill city Micheal is sitting down having a drink with one of his closest friend Simon. Simon is also a tall man and just like Michael he is average looking there is nothing special about him the only difference you could say is that Simon has brown skin.

Michael has a bandage around his wrists and fingers he is crying to Michael while drinking beer saying " Simon my life is ruined no money no woman nothing left that bastard king how dare he do this to me i miss the days when i could order that bitch around wahhh! wahh! whhaa!" Michael is clearly drunk

Simon says "i hear you my brother what is the world coming to how can monster and demi humans be the same as humans the king has gone mad i heard a rumor he fell in love with a goblin that's why he changed the law ha! ha! ha!" .

Michael says " no i heard it was an ogre that she is 20 ft tall and as fat has a hippo ha!! ha!! ha!!". "But seriously Simon i dont no what to do i went to the healers and the said it would cost 500 gold to heal my arm, they said my bones is not just broken it is crushed" "where i my gonna get the money"? "wa! wa! wa! wah! wah!".

Simon says" hmm that is a tricky one, your just a common barber and me a labour while those rich fucks keep getting richer we the commoners keep suffering i hear that some nobles still keep slaves in secret and nothing is done about it".

Michael says "those fucking pigs man i miss the old times i miss fucking Maria too she has a nice body dam thinking about it annoys me that fucking whore i spent everything on her and now i can't even go and collect the money from her because of that other bitch".

Simon says "oh you mean the flaming bull i heard she has left town to look for someone", Michael looks over mischievously at Simon and says "ohhh nows my chance maybe i should go over and give Maria a good fuck".

Simon says "you fool don't be stupid what will you do when she comes back you will be castrated Michael wipes the silly smile of his face and says"i will leave the city before she comes back".

Simon says "don't be an idiot you think an S rank adventurer cannot find you she finds hardened criminals for breakfast you will never get away".

Michael says "then what i my meant to do to let that bitch just keep walking high and mighty if i can't have her no one can".

Simons says "it seems to me you want your old life back and not Maria what will you do if you can afford to buy a younger slave more beautiful and sexier than Maria".

Michael says "that's simple then i will be able to die a happy man i would not even care about Maria" Simons says "then it's simple we move to a country that still have slavery legal and by slaves and live there".

Michael says "ha! ha! that sounds like a fantasy where are we gonna get the money to by slaves". "no it is not" says Simon "i am sure you have heard about the vassal suppliers they are gang of slavers and they have just arrived in forest hill city the leader is a super duper scary dude his name is Nightowl i believe he is a vampire".

Michael shivered in fear when he heard the word vampire Simon goes on to say "they will pay you top coin for information with your 2 kids and Maria we will have enough money to move out of this city and buy slaves".

Michael says "hmm are you sure ? the price just for information cannot compare to the price of a slave right" ?, Simon says "some big shot seem to be buying a lot of slaves lately its been the talk off the slums he or she is buying slaves more than triple the price, the price of all the slaves in the western region has gone up significantly because of this mysterious person".

Michael asked "could he be building a country? to buy so much slaves how desperate is this person" Simon says "no you do not understand some people buy slaves just to kill them this is to help them advance in their job or evolve that's how crazy for power they are". "It's probably a rich noble somewhere desperate to advance that he is willing to kill low mana creatures".

Michael says "so that means Maria and my kids will be killed". Simon says "most likely does it upset you" Michael says "huh? ha ha i don't care about that what i care about is if i should buy a blonde or brunette this time ahh i can't wait ha ha let's go meet these slavers time to make some money"!!!.

Simon says "that means we will have to move to the eastern regions where the price of slaves is still cheap it's gonna be a long journey".