unexpected harvest

Michael and Simon are in the slums they are in the red light district where many shady business practices goes on, they are both in front of a wooden house Simon knocks on the door suddenly a wooden window on the door opens, simon and Michael could only see a pair of brown eyes staring at them through the window on the door.

The person says to Simon and Michael "state your business what do you want" Simon rather nervously says "hi there i have some information for your boss i believe it would be very lucrative for of us all "the person behind the door says "okay but just a word of warning the boss hates people who wastes his time, for your information those that do not please him he will kill without mercy".

Both Simon and michael had goosebumps because of what the person at the door said. The person at the door opened the door letting Simon and Michael in he was a fat overweight man only wearing trousers and a pair of slippers he was holding a candle attached to a glass bowl for light.

The fat man says to Simon and Michael "go down the stairs to the last floor our boss should be there". Both Simon and Michael went to the last floor on their way there they saw other members of the vessel suppliers they could not look more stereotypical, they looked like your average thug.

Most of them were playing cards and gambling, while some were sleeping, while others where with women, it seems most of them lived how they wanted.

As Simon and Michael made their way to the last floor they entered a room and saw a gentleman sitting very elegantly on a chair and next to the chair there is a table were there is a wine glass with wine inside of it.

The glass is half full the wine is so thick that it is impossible for it to be wine it was clearly blood, to his left there was a king size bed and a woman was laying down sleeping if one would look at her neck you will see two bite marks.

Of course Simon and Michael did not notice all these little things they even believe it was wine he was drinking.

Nightowl stood up from his chair and went over to a nearby lantern and turned it on, now the whole room was bright.

Nightowl has silver hair in a short ponytail, he had light golden eyes and very sharp pointy ears more pointy than that of an elf, his skin looked flawless and smooth.

In fact it looked like if any dirt was to go on his face it would just slide off Nightowl also had a well defined chin and a structured firm nose.

Nightowl is wearing a black suit and tie and black alligator shoes, he looks over at Simon and Michael and says to them "please have a sit". Simon and Michael were in minor shock they expected to meet a terrifying villain but to their surprise Nightowl just looked like a handsome playboy he was not intimidating in anyway even his voice was very monotone they could not help but instinctively relax their guard.

Nightowl says" okay boys i hear you got information for me this better be good what is it". Simon says "esteemed sir might i know the price before we do business". Nightowl says none threateningly "i need to know what the goods are 1st then i can quote you a price".

Simon understood he then looked at Michael, Michael noticing Simons mental suggestion he then speaks saying "it is and elf woman and two half elf children".

As soon as Nightowl heard the word half elf children he stood up and shouted out extremely loud ooooooooooooooh!!! yesssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! Nightowl was so happy that he unintentionally released all of his magical power causing the room to shake violently.

This cause Michael and Simon also some members of vassal suppliers that were up stairs to fall on their knees with their two hands on the ground shaking and trembling, this is because Nightowl's magic power is to great it greatly overwhelms those with much lower mana, to them it felt like the gravity of the planet has increased like ten times.

But the surprising thing is that the girl on Nightowl's bed did not wake up she was clearly not affected by Nightowl's magical power.

Simon and Michael where in all fours on the ground trembling over the pressure of Nightowl's magical power.

While Nightowl had an ecstatic expression on his face his cheeks were red and his red tongue is sticking out of his mouth he looked like he was in absolute bliss it seems for some reason he has lost control of his actions.

Nightowl then walks over to Michael and picks him up he grabs Michael by his shoulders with two hands Michael and lifts Michael up, Michael is now face to face directly looking at Nightowl.

When Michael sees Nightowl face he is frightened and confused because of Nightowl's ecstatic expression it looked like Nightowl is about to have an orgasm which greatly scared Micheal, suddenly Nightowl placed his lips on Michaels lips giving him a kiss Michael could not fight back or resist because he was to scared, while Simon is still on the floor trembling he has no idea what just happened.

Nightowl lets go of Michael and stops releasing his magical power it seems he has calmed down Simon gets up dumbfounded and Michael is standing there speechless not knowing what to say or what to do.

Nightowl goes back and sits down on his chair and crosses his leg it seems the gentlemanly aura he had earlier is back, Nightowl says "sorry for that out bust you see there is nothing i love more than half elf blood it's a delicacy you know i will die just to have a sip and you are telling me there is two of them, also do you know how expensive their blood is in the vampire community".

Michael still stunned by what just happened says nothing but Simons says "ohh that is good to hear, but about the female elf"? Nightowl says "hmm of course she will be sold off shall give you a 1000 gold coins for the elf woman and give you 1000 platinum gold coins for the two half breed brats ha ha ha".

Simon and Michael were shocked they did not believe that they will have such a harvest 1000 platinum gold coins is equivalent to 100,000 gold coins it should be said that even some nobles do not earn so much, Michael and Simon where speechless but in their hearts they were rejoicing.

Michael is happy he believed that his luck is finally turning around and thanked himself for having children with Maria.

Nightowl turns to Michael and says "now tell me everything you know about this elf and her kids.