blood magic

It is 12am at Night Maria and her children are sleeping in their hut ,Tom and Jack, Tom is 11 years old while jack is 9 years old they are both boys.

Outside The hut there is a C rank adventurer guarding the hut Maria hired him to protect her and the kids he is a human swordsman. the swordsman is leaning against the door of the hut he yawns because he is feeling a bit sleepy.

In the distance he sees a few figures walking toward him one of them is an elegant looking fellow he is Nightowl and next to him it is the fatman that was at the door that let in Michael and Simon, also there are five more thugs making it a total of seven people.

As the swordsman spots the group of people he knew straight away that they are slavers the swordsman then takes out his sword and says to them leave his place immediately or else i would scream for help i may not be able to take you all but i can stall for time, the guards will take care of you".

Nightowl says to the fat man whose name is Moby,"Moby they never told me she hired a bodyguard poor guy i guess his luck has run out".

The swordsman looks at Nightowl and sees he is been ignored so he attempts to shout but before he could even raise his voice he feels a heavy pressure on his face and his eyesight is gone.

It seems that Moby has grasped the swordsman face literally Moby's hand is so big that it covers the entirety of the swordsman's face, Moby's arm is blocking the swordsman's eyes and also blocking his mouth preventing him from speaking.

To moby it looked like he was holding an orange and not even a person's face, Moby slowly tightens his grip and starts to crush the swordsman's head the swordsman struggles in vain but he could not escape from Moby's death grip, as the swordsman skull, cheekbones and jaw slowly cracks he does everything he can to escape punching Moby even using his sword to stab Moby but there was no effect it seems like even swords cannot injure Moby.

In a few seconds Moby has completely crushed the swordsman's face it was like cracking and egg to Moby it was nothing to him, the swordsman is now dead and his face looks like a pile of meat with brain splatter all over the place it was truly a gruesome sight to behold.

Nightowl looked impressed with his subordinate he says "i better put a sound barrier around the area we do not want any unwanted interruptions".

After putting up a sound barrier Nightowl burst through the door destroying the door the noise from the door wakes up Maria and the kids. Nightowl and his thugs walk in, Moby says you must be Maria you are coming with us someone grab her".

One of the thugs rush over to Maria grabbing both her arms and pinning her to the ground Maria is extremely scared she knew what they intended to do she looks over at Tom and Jack and shouts saying "run"! Tom and Jack seeing their mother been manhandled like that were very upset they loved their mother dearly and could not just abandon their mother like that.

Tom looks over at the thug that pinned Maria down and says you "bastard let go of mommy" he then charges at the thug intending to throw a punch at the thug.

But he is only an 11 year old boy with zero combat experience if his 34 year old mother cannot overpower the thug how can he.

Before tom could even reach his mother Nightowl stands in front of tom Nightowl has an expression of bliss on his face he grabs Tom by the neck lifting him up and licked his face saying "aww you smell so nice i can't wait to test your blood".

Jack was watching all this he was so scared that he could not move he was just standing there trembling in fear. Nightowl bit his tongue and his tongue started to bleed he then uses the blood on his tongue to draw a geometrical symbol on toms neck the symbol is in the shape of a sphere.

Nightowl lets goes of Tom and starts walking towards Jack, Maria seeing this she begs Nightowl "please let them go take me instead they are just kids have mercy i am begging you", Nightowl just laughs and said "if you want to blame someone blame their father he sold you out just for some coins but don't worry your children will die a painless death".

Nightowl went over to Jack and picked him up by the neck and drew the same symbol on jacks neck Jack did not say anything he was just trembling in fear while crying.

A second later the symbol on both jack and toms neck started glowing red and a second later Jack and Tom collapses and fall to the ground and another second later all the blood in both tom and jack's body started leaking out from their eyes, nose, eyes and ears.

Their blood was floating in the air as they were leaking out of their bodies, when all the blood of both the boys had all been removed from their bodies the boys blood that was floating on the air came together forming a perfect round blood red sphere.

The floating sphere of blood was floating next to Nightowl then Nightowl waves his right hand then the floating sphere of blood flew inside Nightowl's pouch, it would seem Nightowl's pouch is a magical item that can store any item no matter how big or small it is just like Abigail's space ring.

Maria looks over at her two sons their complexion was pale very very pale their skin looked grey it was clear that they did not have a drop of blood in their body she understood that, all her children's blood has been sucked out.

Maria remembered that vampires uses a different type of magic called blood magic and that is what Nightowl must have used on her children.

Maria's heart was shattered she could not believe her children just died in front of her she was in deep pain she felt strong resentment towards Nightowl and his gang she suddenly burst out screaming.

All of a sudden a powerful mana eveloped Maria's entire body the thug holding her down was overpowered by Maria she stood up from the ground and in great rage she unconsciously channeled mana into her fists and punched the thug that was holding her down.

The thugs head exploded on impact Maria was in so much rage she didn't even noticed what she just did, the thug just fell to the ground like a headless rag doll.

Maria being an elf she always had an ample amount of mana but she has never trained so she does not know how to use mana but this traumatic event pushed maria to unconsciously channel mana for the first time in her life.

Maria glares at Nightowl in a fit of rage Nightowl looks at Maria nonchalantly not even seeming fazed in anyway. Maria charges towards Nightowl and throws a punch at him but Nightowl casually caught the punch he is now grabbing Maria's fist, Maria using her other hand tries to punch Nightowl again but he catches her second punch with ease.

Maria tries to free her hands from Nightowls grip but Nightowl's grip is too strong she could not free herself. Nightowl says "our customer does not care how our goods come in as long as you are alive that is all they care about.

Suddenly Nightowl clenches his fist holding Maria's arms even tighter and with great force he pulls on both Maria's arms ripping her arms from the sockets.

blood is gushing out everywhere maria was in so much pain that she screamed then fainted because the pain is to much.

Nightowl lifts up one of Maria's hands he opened his mouth and let the blood fall into his mouth blood was dripping into his mouth but because there was so much blood it also dropped all over his face and his clothes.

Nightowl turns his bloody face and looks at Moby and says what are you waiting for heal her we need her alive after all.

Moby was standing there dazed he was scared of his boss appearance Nightowl truly looked like a demon from the seven pits of hell at that moment.