
Alonso and Iaa are on their way to forest hill city Alonso wants to meet Cheng and ask if Cheng's knows where he can find a dragonheart and to also let Cheng know that he has conquered the dungeon.

As Alonso gets to the gate of the city once again he is met with the two guards the, old and young one The young one noticed Alonso returning and says "did we not tell you not to return here don't you understand your kind is not wanted here".

The old guard says "if you ask me, i am sick of seeing you monsters walking around like you own the place". The young guard noticed Iaa he then started blushing.

The old guy also noticed Iaa and says "hugh what race are you meant to be then ? ain't never seen a race that looks like you".

Iaa says "hello there am an Intellectual Autonomous Android but please call me Iaa" the young Guard was nervous he says to Iaa "my name is Declan nice to meet you". The old guard noticed Declan's strange behaviour it was clear that he took a fancy to Iaa he did not know what to do.

Iaa scanned Declan whole body she says to Declan "estimated age 25 blood type A-positive diseases non slightly elevated heart rate it appears you wish to mate with me but without my master permission i cannot have iintercourse with someone eles".

Alonso Declan and the older guard was shocked but mostly Declan his cheeks turned bright red and was very embarrassed. Alonso turned to the guard and said "please forgive my friend you see she is new to the outside world and cannot conduct herself properly".

Iaa wanted to speak more but Alonso put his hand over her mouth preventing her from speaking the older guard looking frustrated just said to both Alonso and Iaa "you two just get in ahhh i dont have time for this today".

As Alonso and Iaa are walking towards the adventurers guild Alonso is explaining to Iaa about social edicate he says "didn't you tell me that all information in the world is in your brain how can you be so socially inept" Iaa says "i may have all knowledge but that does not mean i know the best way to apply them after all i am only a few days old i do not have the experience of social interactions".

Alonso understood he says to Iaa "okay i understand next time when you scan anyone's body do not tell them the outcome okay".Iaa asked why Alonso says "just don't". Iaa had a frown on her face.

While Iaa and Alonso were walking past the town hall they saw a crowd of about 400 demi human and monsters protesting outside the town hall, the city guards trying their best to stop them.

A beastman bunnyman was shouting "we want justice! we want justice now"! then the whole crowds shouts "we want justice! we want justice now! Alonso curious asked a random monster that was in the crowd "hey what's going on" the monster turns around and says to Alonso "huh you dont know its been the talk of the town it's really a travesty two half elf children was brutally murdered and their mothers arms was decapitated and she is missing and these bastards refuse to investigate because they are not human we are protesting we want the citylord to send word to the king and let the royal Knights investigate this matter".

Alonso was shocked he took in a deep breath and calmed himself he looked at the monster and asked "what is the name of the mother"? The monster says i believe her name is Maria i did not know her myself but my sister knew her i heard she was a very sweet lady she would never hurt a fly and those poor kids they never deserved such a death".

Alonso was frozen stiff he could not believe his ears he immediately channeled mana and flew off to the direction of Maria's house, Iaa saw her master fly off and says "master wait for me" Iaa activated the propulsion engines installed in her foot and the palm of her hands and flew off following her master.

The monster and the crowd of people that saw them fly of were shocked they have never seen anyone fly before they thought that Alonso and Iaa were grand magicians they were watching Alonso and Iaa curiously.

Alonso lands at the broken door of Maria's hut he has a very serious expression on his face he looked at the broken door, at the floor he sees blood and brain matter on the floor, and on the door that was broken to pieces by Nightowl the blood and brain matter is of the swordsman adventurer that Moby killed

Alonso walks into Marias hut and he sees a woman standing examining the blood stains on the floor this woman is Abigail. Alonso looks over to Abigail and says "who are you"? Abigail looking very serious noticed Alonso and says "you you you what are you doing here"?

Alonso says "what do you think ? i came to see if what i heard is true" at this point Iaa comes into the hut and starts to scan her surroundings she is examining all the blood and signs of struggle in the hut and putting all the pieces of it together like a master detective.

Abigail says "what is your relationship with Maria"? Alonso says "we are just acquaintances she helped me out so i owe her a favour". Abigail says "i understand", i am investigating this matter personally it seems Maria was abducted by slavers.

Alonso says "hmm it would seem so do you have any leads"? Abigail says "no not yet but i am about to go question her old master he is my number one suspect".

Iaa says "master i have finish putting it together do you want to see what happened here" Alonso says "play it". Out of nowhere a bright light shoots out of both Iaa eyes and there is a 3d hologram of Maria and her two kids as well as Nightowl, Moby and the five thugs of course the hologram can not show their faces because Iaa did not know how they looked like they were all represented by black looking shadows.

Abigail was shocked she could not believe what she was seeing she said "what the hell is that? is that a blessing ?

Alonso says "no time to explain just watch". Alonso and Abigail were watching the whole scene play out, even the bit when Maria's arm was ripped off, they were both disgusted and angry Alonso vowed in his heart he will rescue Maria at any costs.

Abigail says "so that strange ability is it blessing of divination? so this silver skinned girl has a blessing i never introduced myself to you my name is Abigail what's yours". Iaa says "my name is Iaa i am an Intellectual Autonomous Android and this is my Master Alonso nice to meet you.

Alonso says "there will be time for introductions later, it's a shame we cannot here what they are saying or know what they look like let's go meet Maria's Ex master i want to have a word with him".

Abigail says "follow me i have one of my friends watching him he is currently in a brothel it seems he has suddenly acquired a lot of wealth".

Alonso Abigail and Iaa went to the slums red light district where Michael is currently pleasuring himself. Abigail walked into the brothel, the manager of the brothel an old looking woman welcomes her Abigail says to the manager "i will only say this once go upstairs and bring Michael to me and evacuate everyone from the building.

The manager is clearly upset she is clearly gonna lose money but abigail status is to high she is a hero that is favoured by the king if she wanted to burn down this whole brothel who could stop her, even the guards will not even arrest her.

The manager shouted at two hulking big men they are the guards of the brothel she says "you go get micheal you clear everyone out we are closed for today".

A few minutes later the whole building is closed and michael is sitting on a chair looking extremely terrified, in front of Michael the 3 people are all staring at him with a murderous glare.

Michael swallow his saliva he thinks to himself "shit i should have skipped town dam it why did i delay i spent to long indulging myself".

Michael nervously says "i did not do anything you have no proof of me doing anything release me" it is true they had no proof if one was to investigate this matter all the blame would fall on Nightowl and his crew Michael knew this that's why he was confident enough to sell Maria out.

Alonso just says to Iaa "Iaa use neuro transmission to see what he knows".