cornered rat

Iaa walked up to the cellar door and opened it there is a ladder leading underground from the cellar door.

Iaa Alonso and Abigail go down the ladder to the cellar and as soon as all three of them are in the underground cellar they spot a frightened man quivering in the corner he was pointing a wand at Alonso Iaa and Abigail this man is Simon.

Simon says "you three stay back, this is the underground cella where Cotar keeps the most dangerous magic tools one false move and i will obliterate all three of you". Alonso smiles to Iaa and Abigail and says "looks like we have found the rat ha ha ha ha".

Alonso uses minor teleportation to teleport behind Simon he then uses a chop and hits simon at the side of his neck knocking him out instantly, Alonso was just to fast for Simon, Simon did not even notice any of anything, to him Alonso was just standing in front of him and next thing you know he blacked out.

Iaa carries Simon and puts him on a chair she then uses neurotransmission to search and read Simon's thoughts, it should be said that the person does not have to be awake for neurotransmission to work on them as long they have a functioning brain the technique will always work.

As Iaa is searching through simons thoughts she gets all information she needs, the location of the Vassal suppliers where Nightowl's current hq is.

Simon passes out and collapses on his chair while drooling just like Micheal.

Iaa turns to Abigail and Alonso and says "master i got the location it seems one of Nightowl's subordinate got too drunk and spilled the beans to Simon".

Iaas eyes start glowing and she projects a 3d map of the great forest outside of forest hill city, both Abigail and Cortar are surprised they have never seen such a detailed map before.

On the 3d holographic map there was a red dot at the south eastern section on the map, this is where the vassal supplies are currently located.

A look of impatience and seriousness could be seen on Alonso's face he says "the more time we waste the more likely she's gonna be sold off we cannot waste any time".

Alonso touches Simon and teleports him into his lab Alonso leaves Cortar's shop with Iaa and Abigail.

Alonso looks at Abigail and says can you fly ? Abigail says "who do you think i am?" Abigail then puts her right hand on the floor, all of a sudden green flames engulfs the ground in a perfect circle and in the circle of flames a skateboard with no wheels rise up from the flames.

Abigail looks at Alonso curious face and says "ha ha ha ha this is my magic tool gifted to me by the magic council i call it board of aviation, Abigail's board was green like her fire it was also on fire constantly it seems the flame can never be put out.

Abigail jumped on her board and was floating in the air she says to Alonso "what are you waiting for"? so both Abigail, Alonso and Iaa took off, all three of them flew towards the direction of the vassal suppliers.

Cotar was looking at the sky watching all three people fly off into the distant sky. Cotar is in deep thought, Cotar is a man who has seen the world he is also a man of knowledge just like Alonso.

Many years ago Cotar was kicked out of the magic council and he hated the magic council for that now that he met Alonso he was intrigued by the youngster he believed by following Alonso his dream will come true, Cotar made up his mind that he is going to swear allegiance to Alonso but that is a story for another day.

7 hours ago

Nightowl is in his hidden HQ his, HQ is so big that members of vassal suppliers nicknamed it slave city, they were right to name it that, even though it is not as big as a city it could pass off as a big village.

In slave city they had a number of different slaves of all races and sex anything anyone wanted they could find here even humans are up for sale. Unlike most slavers Nightowl does not like to whip his slaves he finds it too tedious, so he casts sleeping magic on his slaves so they all fall asleep the only time the slaves wake up is to eat or shit.

Right now Nightowl is having a conversation with his number one customer and that customer is Warmonger, they are using a magic tool call reflection its a specially made mirror that acts as a communication device as well as video call device.

Right now Nightowl is laying on his bed while holding a reflection with both his hands while talking to Warmonger. Warmonger is saying "this time i want everything you got do you understand absolutely everything". Nightowl been slightly frightened says "well i understand sir but if you counted up all of our inventory its more than 5000 are you sure you have enough money for" but before Nightowl could finish speaking, Warmonger cuts him off saying "you dare suggest i cannot afford to buy your puny slaves".

"Don't forget Nightowl you are only alive because i allow it, if i choose to i could kill you and take your slaves by force there is nothing you can do, the only reason i am doing business legitimately is because i need a steady supply of slaves and you have proven yourself capable".

Nightowl starts sweating he says "i understand sir but this is a business i cannot sell all my stock all at once, it does not matter how much money you give me how about half of all my stock.

Nightowl was not afraid to sell all his stock he believed that Warmonger could not afford all of his stock and was afraid Warmonger would cheat him, being Warmonger is more powerful than him there is nothing he can do if Warmonger decides to cheat him. So Nightowl is using a roundabout way, by not saying it directly to Warmonger, naturally Warmonger noticed.

Warmonger says "so even if i give you a dragon heart will you say that this trade is fair? also as a bonus i will throw in 500,000 gold coins".

Nightowl is speechless he paused for a moment and says "if that is the case i cannot complain i thank you for your generosity all slaves shall be yours i will go prepare them immediately.

Warmonger says "good i will be sending Rahab he is one of my cataclysms he will arrive on a flying ship to collect all the slaves make sure they are ready by the time he gets there".