Trouble Arrives

Slave city is split up into three districts that is the slave district, where all the slaves are kept in shabby looking buildings and are constantly sleeping, there are about 400 of these buildings. Then there is the members district this is where the members of the vassal suppliers live.

This district is in the middle of slave city while slave district is behind the members district, Nightowl's house is the biggest building in slave city it's at the dead center of the members district. the third district is the visitor or customer district this is the nicest looking district, this is where Nightowl and other members receive their customers.

The members of the vassal suppliers nicknamed this district pleasure district because many high ranking nobles and even some kings have come to the visitors district for holiday, they can get anything they wish as long as they have the money for it . The services that the slaves offers in the visitors district ranges from simple belly dance to violent death matches all for entertainment, let me not even go on about all the sick and perverted stuff that they also provide.

Nightowl is currently linked up to a rather massive magical stone that is floating on the top of the city by linking his mana to the magic stone he can cast wide range magic this is how he casts the sleeping magic on all the slaves.

Nightowl city has existed in this forest for three years now the reason why noone has ever found this city, is one that the forest is extremely big and second Nightowl uses a glamour spell to camouflage the city if anyone walks past the city they will just see trees thinking its part of the forest.

Magic that can cover a whole city even someone as strong as Nightowl is not capable of casting such a wide spell Nightowl uses a magic tool that he stole from his family called hidden whispers.

Hidden whispers is activated by digging the magic tool into the ground and pouring your own blood on it after that it will be activated and the user can control it.

Nightowl is laying in his bed next to him there is a woman putting her clothes on she seems to be in a hurry this woman is the same woman that was sleeping in Nightowl's bed when he met Simon and Michael.

When the woman finishes putting all her clothes on she says to Nightowl "okay i will be going now if you need me you know where to find me" she then turns over to Nightowl's direction leaned over and kissed Nightowl, Nightowl says "bye Elizabeth maybe if my father finally forgives me i can finally come home and we can be together". Elizabeth says "i wait for that time to come my darling" she then turns to a puff of smoke and disappears.

Elizabeth is a very beautiful woman she looks about 18 years old with pink rosy cheeks blue eyes with blue hair and black highlights with a fringe hair cut, her hair reaches up to her neck.

Elizabeth is also wearing a long black dress with patterns of black roses on them on her feet she is wearing 4 inch long high heels red in colour.

it would seem that elizabeth is a very high ranking vampire, the fact that she can teleport instantaneously, not many vampires can do that.

As Nightowl is lazing around one of his subordinate comes into his room and says "boss we have a visitor" Nightowl frowns his face and asked "who is it" ? Nightowl subordinate "says its one of Warmongers envoys i believe his name is Rahab".

Nightowl says to his subordinate "go tell Moby to take all the slaves even the slaves working in the visitor district and load them up in Rahab's ship i just hope they can all fit in".

Right now Rahab is waiting for Nightowl in a luxurious room this room is where Nightowl receives his esteemed customers. Rahab is a fallen angel with a black mohawk haircut three piercing on both his ears. A ring piercing on his lips and nose.

He has red eyes and on his back he has two black wings like every other fallen angel on his neck he has many chains and rings on his fingers, he has no shirt on he is bare chested, Rahab also wears shorts and high top black gothic boots he has blue skin and a tattoo of a woman fallen angel on his back, the woman looks a lot like Armaros

(this is the fallen angel woman that was sent to capture Alonso back in chapter 17)

Nightowl walks into the the room and says "welcome" to Rahab, Rahab is a very impatient fellow he looks over at Nightowl grabs an orange from the table and throws it at Nightowl. Nightowl smiles as the orange is hurdling towards him he can easily dodge it but he did not want to annoy Rahab more so he let the orange hit him.

Splat ! the orange hit Nightowl right at his forehead. Rahab says "that's for keeping me waiting, have you loaded the goods". Nightowl says "yes it's being done as we speak a total of 500 goblins, 400 orcs, 1020 beastman, 311 humans, 99 elves, 183 giants, and 300 half giants, 600 nagas, 701 succubuses, 300 incubus and 1023 Dwarves"

Rahab was surprised he could not believe that Nightowl could subdue so many creatures he started to understand why his master puts up with Nightowl. Rahab says "impressive how did you manage to subdue so many creatures i am truly impressed i really thought all your stock would just be full of humans and demi humans you even have succubuses".

Nightowl says "thank you, that coming from one of the cataclysms that means a lot to me, to answer your question i have gone round and captured most of the inhabitants of this forrest some i captured with force some i captured with trickery ha ha ha".

Rhab says "well whatever" Rahab is not the type for conversation Rahab puts his hand in his pockets pulls out a space ring throws it at Nightowl, Nightowl catches the space ring Rahab says "the dragon heart and 500,000 gold coins, with this our business is concluded".

Nightowl says "are you sure you don't want to stay a bit longer? here in the visitor district there are a number off luxuries we offer although you have bought all the slaves they can start serving you right now like the succubus they say a night with them is a night to never forget".

Rahab angrily glares at Nightowl and says "don't be foolish i may have fallen but i will not partake in the impurities of the flesh do not tempt me next time you do i will not warn you". Rahab waved his dark cold wings and walked off angrily.

Nightowls is smiling to himself he was thinking "a fallen angel still trying to keep the law of angels, what's up with that? he is already fallen what's the point of still keeping the law what a strange guy, i must make sure to keep clear off these guys now i don't have a business anymore.

Right now Iaa Alonso and Abigail are floating over the vassal suppliers HQ Iaa says "master can you feel that distortion it's a camouflage spell" Abigail says "oh you can see it too"? Alonso looks at Abigail and noticed that her iris have turned green.

Alonso asked "what's going on with your eyes"? Abigail says "it's part of my blessing i was blessed by the goddess Libra, i have the ability to fully control fire, as you know fire burns through everything even this illusion spell it can't fool my eyes".

Alonso was surprised to hear the name Libra he started to question if meeting Abigail was a coincidence or it was fate. Alonso then activated the contact lenses installed in his eyes he can now see the real Vassal suppliers HQ.

Alonso says "it seems they are loading all the slaves into a ship, there i spotted Maria, Maria is in a cage together with other elves right now she is being carried on a wagon, being transported to Rahab ship.

Abigail using a skill called burning perception says to Alonso not so fast look at that guy he seems to be hiding his mana but i can tell he is not a pushover and those black wings he is definitely a fallen angel this is not good

Alonso remembered that Libra told him about a fallen angel wanting to kidnap him he wondered if this is related to that incident, but he did not say anything because his priority is rescuing Maria.

Iaa says yes by my calculation he his buying all the slaves the probability of avoiding him in this upcoming conflict is 0.2 percent.

Alonso says "i see Nightowl what! the bastard is killing all his members". Abigail says "well it makes sense all his slaves have been bought off i guess his out of business so his shutting up everyone that knows anything, tying up loose ends as they say, what a bastard plus his getting mana its a win win situation for him.

Alonso says "okay! i am going in to rescue the slaves" Abigail puts her hand up stopping Alonso she says "Alonso i have a bad feeling about this fallen angel let me handle him you go and stop Nightowl i have seen a few things you can do i have faith you can beat him".

Alonso was hesitant he wanted to be the one to rescue Maria but if he did he will butt heads with Rahab

Abigail says "don't you want revenge? for what he did to Maria look at the state of her now, besides if my intuition turns out to be true and this fallen angel is S rank you will thank me later".

Alonso says "okay Iaa go with her make sure to rescue Maria i will deal with Nightowl".