Nightowl roars out loud, the roar is so loud that it causes the surrounding area to vibrate and the ground the shake, suddenly mana envelopes Nightowl's body.

Nightowl points his hands at Alonso and blood red geometric shapes forms on Nightowl's palms Nightowl shouts SOUL DEVOURING PHANTASM! and poof two red bloody skulls shoot out of Nightowl's palms.

The skulls looked like a worm with a human skull they were about the size of human fists.

As the skulls travel towards Alonso Alonso could feel his soul tremble he could tell that they where dangerous so Alonso channels mana into is hands and shouts ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE FIELD!.

BANG! the red phantasm hits Alonso but it could not penetrate his force field but the impact was so strong it sent Alonso flying crashing through a building.

Alonso picks himself back up and he noticed that his force field has a crack on it.

The red phantasms where not done they roared as they where floating in the air they started flying towards Alonso again in great speed.

BANG! the two phantasms crash into Alonso's force field shattering his force field Alonso is sent flying again he crashes into a wall this time.

Before Alonso has anytime to react the red phantasms shoots towards Alonso, the red phantasms hits Alonso body and passes through him it seems they are intangible they can only be damaged by magic.

Alonso did not get sent flying or feel any pain he was surprised as to what just happened.

the two red phantasms fly towards Nightowl and start to rotate around his right arm suddenly the red pantasms eyes starts glowing red and they grew bigger, they are now the size of a basketball and they are also longer in length.

Alonso stood up suddenly he noticed that he is a lot weaker his strength has dropped about ten percent he looks at Nightowl worried and says so that's what they do.

Nightowl smiles and says "ahh are you not a clever one" ? "that's right this little babies eat away at peoples souls the bigger a persons soul is the more time they have to eat". I should commend you for not dying on the first attack!.

Alonso says "don't think that you will get a second chance" Nightowl laughs and says "what hope do you have now you have been weakened the more the eat at your soul the more weaker you become and when they are done feasting you will be dead".

"Your soul will be passed onto me making me stronger".

Alonso looks at Nightowl and says "hmm just who are you ? I hear that only vampire royalty as the ability to devour souls".

Nightowl says "there is no need for a dead man to know anything you have already rejected my offer so you have no right to ask such questions".

The two red phantasms shoot towards Alonso again Alonso looks at the two red phantasm with determination ready to react to them.

The minute they were close to him he uses minor teleportation to teleport in front of Nightowl, Alonso threw a punch at Nightowl, but it was like Nightowl predicted his moves.

Nightowl moved his head slightly left and dodged Alonso's punch and used his right index finger to stab Alonso's right shoulder.

Alonso felt a foreign power invade his body his whole body felt so hot that he fell to the ground shaking in pain.

Nightowl was smiling while looking at Alonso he says "ha ha hurts doesn't it ? I have injected my blood into your body, vampire blood is extremely poisonous to any other creature, most die instantly I am surprise you are still alive".

"But it's a good thing you did not die straight away this way I can claim your soul for myself making me stronger I can tell you have a powerful soul".

Nightowl waived his right hand and the two blood red phantasms few back around him circling around his right hand.

Suddenly the phantasms flew towards Alonso intending to devour his soul and end his life, Nightowl was sure he was victorious.

But as the phantasms were about to hit Alonso a cold bust of energy shoots out of Alonso's body freezing the surrounding area Nightowl was caught of guard but still had enough time to react and jump away.

But still Nightowl's legs were frozen stiff from the cold energy from Alonso's body if he did not back away in time his whole body would have been frozen.

Alonso hair and eyes where now snow white the entire atmosphere of the members district had dropped to -15 the whole ground and was frozen with ice Alonso looked like the embodiment of cold itself.

Nightowl was shocked he has never seen a technique like this in his entire life the cold was just to overwhelming for Nightowl.

Alonso stood up his pure white eyes looking at Nightowl smiling Alonso says "I told you I out class you in every way".

Alonso was holding Nightowl two phantasms in both his arms they were frozen solid and looked like they have no life in them.

Nightowl was surprised it thought to himself it should be impossible to freeze the phantasms they are pure magic.

Nightowl started to wonder who Alonso really is and how can he have such an ability.

Nightowl boiled his blood melting his frozen leg getting ready to counter attack he decided to take this fight seriously.

Alonso right hand transforms into a cannon and shoots a mini rocket out of his right hand the rocket locks into Nightowl's and flies towards him.

Nightowl sees this and flys away but the rocket follows Nightowl no matter where Nightowl flies to.

Unable to lose the rocket Nightowl spits a little blood from his mouth.

The blood is in the shape of a small needle and moves as fast a bullet. The blood needle pierces the mini rocket and explodes in the air causing an ice explosion which surprises Nightowl.

Alonso shoots 5 more mini ice rockets out of his hands and they fly straight to Nightowl again, Nightowl is flying in the air swaying left and right ,up and down trying to avoid the rockets as they are following him, Nightowl is having trouble losing the rockets.

Nightowl spits a large amount of blood from his mouth the blood flows out of Nightowl's mouth and makes a perfect circular shield around Nightowls body.

BANG!! the mini rockets hits Nightowl's and an explosion could be heard as the cold mist clears Nightowl is encased in a round ice ball, suddenly the ice breaks off revealing Nightowl body inside a blood red shield that was formed from Nightowl's blood.

Alonso is looking up at Nightowl he uses gravity magic and starts to float in the air and channels manna into his body, Alonso's cells are producing mana at an alarming rate if Alonso did not have cybernetic enhancement his body would have been torn apart by the amount of mana he is producing.

Alonso mana was cold very cold even the sky started to change in the entire slave city not just the members district.

Snow Clouds could be seen forming in the sky, suddenly a tick cold aura shoots up from Alonso's body all the way to the clouds and the whole slave city is hit with a heavy snowstorm.

It should be said that Alonso's Cryokinesis powers is science but when he mixes it with magic his powers a greatly enhanced to the point that it even surprised Alonso.

Nightowl too was surprised he looked at the snow storm and said "impossible is this guy a demon lord? such power". Nightowl looks at the weather and he sees that the snow storm is only in slave city so he calms down.

Nightowl thinks to himself "if he was a demon lord the whole of the forest should be covered by the snowstorm not just slave city it seems that he is not, but where did he gain such an ability this is clearly not a blessing, and magic should not affect the weather like this".

"I have no choice if i want to survive I have to use my ace in a hole the will cut my life span by 100 years but i have no choice".

Nightowl lifts up his hands and shouts BLOODY INFUSION!! a blood red geometric symbol appears on the top of both Nightowl's hands then suddenly about 10,000 blood phantasms appears all around Nightowl, these are the same one Nightowl summoned before.

They had a skull head with a long tail as a body they looked like a worm with a skull head they were all revolving around Nightowl acting as some sort of shield

Alonso flies up to Nightowl he is now facing Nightowl face to face, Alonso says "it seems it time to end this fight" Nightowl says "yes it's time".