The power of an S class

Abigail and Rahab are fighting in the skies under a heavy snow storm but it seems that the snow storm is not effecting them in the slightest this is a testiment to their skill and experience in battle.

Rahab shoots a dark beam of mana at Abigail, Abigail flies to the right dodging Rahab's attack and fires back at Rahab a green fire beam.

Rahab also dodges the attack. This has been how the fight has been going on this is a powerful long range fight, with both sides firing of their preferred element.

Abigail sees that she is in a stalemate so she decided to become more serious she channels her green flames into her arms and froms a long sword made out of green flames on her right hand and on her left hand she channels the same thing.

Abigail is now duel welding two flaming long swords the concentration of heat is so hot that all the snow falling around Abigail is no where to be seen.

Rahab sees Abigail's action and decides to take it serious too he shouts "demonic summoning" he lifts up his black arms that is full of black magic and shouts "hear my call sprit of the dead I summon you Dark avenger".

Suddenly a black hole appears on the top of Rahab's palm and a shadowy creature emerges from the black hole.

This creature looks like a human but it's entire body is ink black and transparent it looked like a ghost. The creature is also holding two guns they are both pistols.

Rahab then shouts "dark possession" suddenly the shadowy creature flew into Rahab's body.

As the creature enters Rahab's body Rahab eyes turned pitch black and two golden pistols appeard In his hands.

Rahab's dark or black magic ability has the power to summon the dead and use the skills of the dead sprit the only downside is that only one sprit can possess him at a time.

Abigail noticing Rahab's action says "seem he summoned a dead human gunslinger, angels and fallen angels do not have jobs but by making a human spirit with a job Possess him , he is able to give himself a job and it looks like he still has his orginal black magic to this will not be an easy fight".

Rahab points his pistols at Abigail and starts firing at her, multiple black bullets come out of the pistols and crazy speeds.

Abigail uses her flaming long swords to deflect the bullets and dodge them at the same time. She is deflecting them so fast that her figure is burly.

As Rahab is shooting at Abigail Abigail is deflecting his bullets as well as flying towards Rahab intending to close the distance and be in striking range. But Rahab is flying away from Abigail and also shooting at her at an incredible fast pace.

Abigail can not seem to get close enough to hit Rahab he keeps flying away from Abigail. The closer Abigail gets to Rahab the further Rahab flies away from her it's like a cat and mouse game.

Abigail been slightly irritated thinks to herself "is his bullets made of mana I was hoping that he would have to reload dam it I better change my tactics".

Abigail points one of her long sword at Rahab and shout "emerald Dragon"! and suddenly a gigantic green dragon of pure flame shoots out of her long sword the dragon is in the shape of an eastern dragon massively long and in the shape of a serpent.

The flaming green dragon shoots towards Rahab Rahab shoots the dragon with every thing he has but as the bullets hit the dragon the bullets simply melts away.

The green dragon hits Rahab and he is completely engulfed in green flames the impact of Abigail's attack causes Rahab to fall crashing into the ground causing a giant creater to form on the ground Rahab is in Agrony his whole body is been burnt, Rahab rolling in the floor in pain flapping his wings and patting his body in a desperate attempt to put out the fire.

Abigail laughs at Rahab while decending from the skies she says to Rahab "is that all you got I am disappointed I thought you will put up more of a fight"

"My ethereal flame is the weakest of all my flames but if you think you can put it out that easyly you are mistaken my green flames is known as punishment flame it has the ability to burn you without burning you, anyone hit with it will feel the pain of being burnt but actually no harm will come to their body this way the person can burn for eternity ha ha ha ha".

Suddenly dark mana covers Rahab's body he disappears Abigail is surpised she says to herself "long rage teleportaion that's very advance magic I will have to go back to the guild and investigate this fallen angel".

Over at the floating island Rahab is next to Warmonger, Warmonger is looking seriously at Rahab, Rahab is still in pain he is screaming. Rahab is lying on what looks like an operating table he is still been burnt by the green flames.

Warmonger simply waves his right hand and all the green flames that was burning Rahab vanishes.

Rahab is breathing very heavily he looks over at Warmonger and says my "lord this servant has failed you" but before he could keep taking Warmonger cut him off saying "I felt your life froce in great pain if you kept suffering like that the seal I put on you would have been released if that happded the Angels would have been able to sense your mana".

"That is the last thing we want we cannot go up against them yet we must be very careful not to attract their attention that is why I put a seal on all of you and sealed more than half of your power so that you don't leak too much mana".

"So tell me who did you fight that you could not defeat without your full power".