Preparing for the Operation

"Alright, just for the mother's sake we'll give all of you plenty of armour for protection," Adam(J) said, he needed this operation to work and didn't want Chloe's emotions to get in the way of it. As such, if he can get her agreement with some protection then that'll be perfect.

"Everyone head out!" Adam(J) commanded. Now he was beginning to sound more like a leader, with a stern voice, one that demands respect.

"Yes Major General Adam," All the people replied in unison. That's when the family finally got to know what rank Adam was, although they knew his insignia they didn't know what it corresponds to.

Alfredo was the most shocked and he knew the military rankings, everyone else didn't have a clue but knew it should be high since it had general in the title.

The leaders quickly left to ready their soldiers, the family turned towards Alfredo and finally noticed his expression.

"What's wrong Alfredo?" Jack asked, he had never seen Alfredo so shocked, it wasn't like him.

"That Adam fella is a Major General, that's a position ranked 3rd in the army, equivalent to Rear Admiral and Air Vice-Marshall, he has a lot of authority," Alfredo explained all while keeping his shocked expression.

This time the family joined him, their shock wasn't any lower. Being so high in the military would certainly grant him some authority, but now they had a question in their mind. Why was he here?.

Fortunately, Adam(J) hadn't left yet but was relaxing on the couches, his head tilted back and his eyes closed. He felt someone looking at him. He opened his eyes and looked towards the family, he realised they were all staring at him in shock.

"What's wrong, did my rank shock you all," Adam(J) was happy they were shocked, it was the kind of expression most people would have when they first get to meet him without prior knowledge.

"Sure there's that, but why are you here?" Alfredo asked

"Quite simple really, I have some family here, my parents retired and moved to the rural areas to live the rest of theirs live peacefully. When this whole shit show happened and made sure I got to spend the last few moments with my parents, who would have thought that this would happen," Adam(J) sounded tired and rightfully so.

Since he was in the military that meant he helped keep everyone calm and prevent crime from happening in the last days. Then when he stopped and could finally relax and spend the last few moments with his family the world changed and he was chucked into a new world along with everyone else.

"Oh yeah, I was going to give you this later but I suppose it wouldn't be bad to give it to you now," Adam(J) walked over with something in his hand, Lachlan opened his palm and happily accepted it. When he looked to see what it saw he realised it looked like something you put in your ears, that commonly seen in movies.

"Put this on, it's a tracker and communicator. Should anything go wrong you'll be able to call for reinforcements," He then handed earpieces out to everyone else, "You'll need them for the operation".

Everyone nodded and equipped it. they looked fairly cool like they were just out of some dramatic movies where the president's life is at stake. They then walked downstairs and were led by Adam(J) into an armoury.

The walls were lined with all sorts of weapons. There were also plenty of explosives and even knives, Lachlan wasn't sure how someone would use a knife against certain beasts but he supposed it would be better than nothing.

Looking at all the firearms made it hard for everyone to decide on just one. After all, they all had their purposes. LMGs could be used against hordes should they be swarmed, but shotguns could be used for one on one and do a lot of damage. There was also snipers and rifles, but they didn't suit their combat style.

As Alfredo trained them in boxing they were more familiar with close quarter combat, as such, they got weapons they could use in that range. Alfredo grabbed a pump shotgun, Jack and Adam both grabbed LMGs while Dylan grabbed a sniper.

They looked at Dylan confused.

"This way I can snipe from the back and keep everyone safe, nothing would be able to sneak up on us and nothing would be able to sneak up on me," Dylan said confidently. They knew he was talking about the snakes and he was right in being confident in them.

As for Lachlan, he decided on a shotgun, looking at all the shotguns and names he only knew about two types. Double barrel, and MF (Magazine Fed). Looking at them he decided on choosing a shotgun called the Pardus LAX 12, Lachlan thought he might look call wielding it.

Standing on a battlefield with a shotgun in hand, to be honest, he really could just use one hand to handle it but that would be risky, he might not have the time to adjust his aim from recoil.

Then he chose a handgun, he had to go the movie route and choose the Desert Eagle, while the knife was a Gerber Silver Trident, something he's never heard of before but thought it looked cool.

Seeing Lachlan grab so much stuff made the rest feel a bit stupid. They should bring as many weapons necessary to the fight, just in case one got damaged or they ran out of ammo.

They then put on some gear, there was plenty of cavalier gear to choose from. Although it wouldn't help against brute force beasts, ones that go for slicing would struggle against it. There was also some arm guards, also made of cavalier but much more flexible. Everyone put some of them on.

Chloe was surprised when she saw them all decked out, she also felt a bit more confident in them. She felt bad for doubting them but just didn't want to lose them, otherwise, there wouldn't be a need for her to be in this world.

"You all look really cool," Sarah joyfully complimented them from Chloe's arms. She thought her brothers especially looked amazing.

"Of course we do," Jack said with a cocky tone. He thought he looked the best, but that was also everyone's thoughts.

Walking out of the armour the soldiers and superiors were a bit surprised by everyone's choice of weapons, as most of them were much more difficult to use, compared to many other guns anyway. They did certainly agree with what Adam and Jack chose to use, they just need to spray and pray.

"Are you sure you want to use those weapons?" Adam(J) asked Alfredo, Lachlan and Dylan. Snippers required a certain level of training to properly use it, the same could be said for shotguns. The soldiers that used those weapons are good at controlling the recoil to benefit them, something newbies wouldn't be able to do.

They all nodded and Adam(J) sighed, unsure what their thoughts were when choosing such weapons. Adam(J) shrugged it off as their desire to look cool, as he himself couldn't deny that's what he wanted when he was younger.

Standing behind everyone picking stronger opponents off one by one, or going in full charge, blasting enemies in the face with a shotgun. Completely decimating them without care or hesitation.

Looking at his phone, Adam(J) saw the time was 6:00, there was still roughly 1 – 2 hours before it went dark.

"Alright, I suppose you guys haven't eaten some good food in a while. Come, follow me to our "canteen," Adam(J) gestured for them to follow.

They walked outside the doors and were immediately greeted with a strong cloud of delicious food. The smell itself made them salivate, just the thought of what they would be eating made them excited.

Walking up to where they served food they noticed a menu.

'Curry and Rice'

'Chicken Noodle Soup'



Next to the food menu was an array of drinks, most of which they didn't care about as they all thought the water was a better choice for them right now.

Underneath the names were all the ingredients, some of which made the group drool. It had been a while since they had some good meat or vegetables. So far along the journey, they've been relying on snacks, things like chips and biscuits.

They quickly ordered what they wanted. Lachlan and Dylan ordered some curry and rice while Jack and Adam got spaghetti. Chloe got the chicken noodle soup. Alfredo ordered two dishes, the chicken noodle soup and salad. Chloe got Sarah a spaghetti as it was one of Sarah's favourite dishes.

When they got to a table they quickly sat down and began devouring the food, eating it with much joy. Smiles filled their faces. Although this food wasn't the tastiest things they've had in their lives, at this point it was the most satisfying.

The surrounding people noticed them.

"Huh, look at the new people, wonder what they've gone through to have so much joy over this".

"Who knows, they might have been at in the outback, probably had to deal with a lot of shit to make it this far".

"But look at them, they look fully equipped to go on some crazy mission".

"Yeah, who knows, maybe he is going on a crazy mission, or just going crazy".

They didn't take much notice to the surrounding talk, maybe because they know full well that nothing they say can actually affect them, especially after everything they've been through in only a few days.

Dylan was slightly annoyed at them but didn't care. He knew they would be grateful when they successfully beat back the intelligent beast. Everyone would praise them for their efforts, just thinking about it made Dylan excited.

Once they finished their meal they headed for the tents, where they'll be staying for the night.

Walking to the side of the school led them to the hockey oval they landed on, it was perfectly rectangular, with tents covering it. They saw it connected to the gym, where most likely to superiors are staying, either there or somewhere else in the high school building.

Adam(J) led the way to their tent, which was large enough for their entire group.

Alfredo asked Adam(J) for a private conversation, they back to the building and inside a small room to talk. The rest of the family could guess what it would be about and didn't worry too much, Alfredo would be able to sort everything out.

"As you know, the reason I'm here is also family matters," Alfredo said.

"Indeed, however you never mentioned this family member you desire to see," Adam(J) said.

"That's because I was afraid," Alfredo explained.

"Hoh, and why's that?" Adam(J) asked.

"My wife was in Victor Harbour, as such, when you talked about the whole rescue team getting wiped out I assumed that meant the same for my wife," Alfredo explained.

"That is true, however, she may still be safe. Although they to also wouldn't last against the fire bird's attacks, a group of individuals are sheltered inside the shopping centre. As the rescue team couldn't fit everyone into the helicopters they left people behind, promising to save them soon".

"Do you have any way to get into contact with that group?" Alfredo asked.

"Unfortunately not, however, from drone footage we can assume that they're fine due to the fact that the shopping centre is still unscathed".

"Okay, thanks for that".

"Don't worry, we will eventually create another team to rescue them and you can join them, however, the group at Victor Harbour will have to bunker down and remain calm for a little longer".

Adam(J) and Alfredo split from the room, Alfredo going down the stairs to go back to the tent while Adam(J) went down to the armoury to gear himself, he also set out some other stuff for the group to take with them.