Start of the Operation

Lachlan and the group started settling in, unpacking anything they had on them and settling in the tent. They used this brief moment to relax for a bit, as they'll have a bit of stress to deal with very soon.

Chloe, however, dragged Lachlan, Adam, and Jack away during their relaxation to talk with them. She left Sarah with Dylan in the tent. Although the boys wanted to ask about it while they were walking they noticed Chloe was slightly shaking, it was warm so it couldn't be the cold, but it could be fear.

They finally stopped once they got 30 - 40 metres away from the tents, they saw Alfredo along the way, Chloe told him they were having a private conversation which Alfredo didn't mind, he just continued towards the tent.

"Listen up, if things go bad you need to run, don't try to be a hero who protects everyone with their life," Chloe's voice was quivering, her eyes filled with tears. She was afraid, she tried her best to keep it hidden when they were in front of those leaders but deep inside she was terrified. Terrified of losing her children, seeing them never come back.

"Mum," Jack reached out to her, feeling the emotions he began to tear up as well.

"Don't say anything, just promise me you'll look after yourselves first, nothing else matters," She grabbed onto Jack's shoulders and brought him closer.

"I promise to look after myself and my brother's first," Jack looked deep into Chloe's when he said it, his voice filled with conviction. He didn't want to see his mother cry, even though he wouldn't see it should he die, he could imagine it.

Lachlan and Adam came over and hugged Chloe, "We promise as well, should things get dangerous we'll ditch quickly".

Jack joined in on the hug, "Just make sure to trust us, we know when we reach out limits, you just need to trust that okay".

"Don't worry, I trust your judgement, I just don't want your childish hero fantasies to get the best of you," Chloe said, she smiled while tearing up. She was glad her children agreed, she was still feeling the effects of Darius' death but she needed to move on. Of course, that'll be a much longer goal to achieve, but for now, she managed to get her children to agree with her request.

"Alright, you three should relax a bit and calm your nerves, you'll be fighting alongside the military so you wouldn't want to become a burden," Chloe let go of the boys.

"Ha, they'll be the ones that are a burden," Jack said with a cocky tone. He knows full well some of those leaders could kick his ass, even some of the soldiers could. But his confidence stemmed entirely on the fact that Lachlan was strong.

"Yeah, we'll show them how it's done," Adam said while flexing his muscles.

"Alright, stop showing off and relax," Chloe pushed them back towards the tent. Lachlan stayed a bit quiet but the family was fine with it. He was busy thinking about everything, what situations would put him in a disadvantageous position.

After relaxing for a bit they finally felt calm, relaxing their minds, the family spent some time together, playing with Sarah, using a few toys they found in some offices and the library. There was a Rubik's cube which Sarah quickly gave up on, then there were building blocks which Sarah happily played with.

After that they got up and headed for the STEM area they were at before, once they got there they noticed that the superiors were all there as well, further discussing plans and how to deal with unpredictable situations.

"Welcome, I do hope you've calmed your mind, this operation may be a stressful one," Adam(J) said.

Chloe was still not calm; however, she also knew how important this operation was for all the people here.

She just hated that her children had to be the ones that led it. Adam and Jack were fired up to show their stuff, Alfredo and Dylan were indifferent, completely calm. Lachlan, on the other hand, wasn't sure how he was feeling.

He was excited that he got to fight, for some reason during the last time they fought Lachlan felt amazing. He loved the feeling of being at death's gate but constantly escaping it through his strength alone. However, he was also worried that things might not go as smoothly as everyone hoped.

"Hey, so when are we starting?" Lachlan asked.

"In 20 minutes we'll begin, put on the earpieces and head to the armoury, you will all then go to the top oval and head off from there, I'll also join you along with a few soldiers to keep monsters from swarming us" Adam(J) explained.

"What about the rest of the military?" Chloe asked. She was worried that they weren't going with their full force.

"They'll stay here and protect the base, once we kill the intelligent beast all the beasts under its control were return to normal and cause a lot of chaos and destruction, we don't want out military away from the civilians during such a dangerous time," Adam(J) explained calmly, this was something all the leaders agreed on.

"There's also the fact that the intelligent beast might notice the military missing should we attack it fully. It might decide to send an attack of its own which could very easily kill everyone here including you," Adam(J) explained, this was a more recent thought. They did think of the intelligent beasts as a beast but quickly remembered that it might be able to create operations of its own.

Chloe was satisfied with the answer, there was nothing she could do to refute it as it was perfectly sound logic. She was also glad and military thought about protecting the people, including herself.

The boys quickly walked up the Chloe giving her and hug, they then leaned down and picked Sarah up, giving her and hug as well. Alfredo nodded to Chloe before walking off while Dylan squatted next to Sarah and gave her a high-five.

They then all walked down the stairs back into the armoury where the noticed a few things left on a table. Walking up they realised they were smoke grenades, flashbangs and normal grenades. There was a little not beneath all of that, 'Handle with caution'.

Along with all of that was a strap that went around their shoulder and connected to their belt. It had pockets along it to hold all the explosives, there was also a couple of slots where they could put some more ammunition.

After that geared up, they walked outside and around the corner when they saw where a majority of where the military was station.

There they were greeted by a few soldiers waiting for them, they carried LMGs which would be used in case the beasts attempts to swarm them. Along with the soldiers were a few military vehicles, no tanks or anything, just cars. Inside were a lot of soldiers, all armed to the teeth.

They would be clean up crew and defence crew. Since the intelligent beast was located in the direction of the top oval then his army would be there as well, which meant that would be where the main horde comes from should they successfully kill the intelligent beast.

There were a few more soldiers waiting for them to walk over before they held out their arms and opened up their palms. Within them were a few things which seemed like controllers, however, the controller only had a button behind a protective case.

"Once you finish off the intelligent beast press this button, it'll be the moment where everything goes chaotic and we need to know as soon as it happens," They were the soldiers in charge of protecting the place.

They nodded before taking once each and placing them in a secure pocket, one that had a zip on it. they didn't want it to fall out and some beasts to step on that, that'll really cause some issues.

Once they got it they walked across the oval and up a tiny hill, they were getting closer to the residential area. The soldiers with the LMGs had come along with them. Once they were close to the gate they saw Adam(J) waiting there.

"We'll summon our beasts here while we're still away from the detection beasts. We go in fast and efficient, Dylan since you have a sniper you'll have to either got into a tree or get onto a house roof," Adam(J) started to issue out commanders quickly.

"Lachlan and Alfredo, since you both have shotguns you'll be at the front, we don't want you shooting behind everyone and letting the pellets spray into our backs. LMGs will be station right behind the shotguns, we'll have the soldiers keep an eye on our 6 while Adam and Jack, you two constantly checking the surroundings to our side. I'll be apart of the LMG crew but my main priority is making sure everyone is working together".

Everyone nodded and made sure to remember their part. Lachlan was feeling the adrenaline, even more, he would be at the front.

They all summoned their beasts, the soldiers had one insect each, one had what seemed to be a worm while the other had a grasshopper.



Name: Hopper (Iron-Winged Grasshopper)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Iron

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 7th Grade

Level: 2

STR: 38(+5), AGI: 35(+1), VIT: 30

INT: 26, PER: 32, WIL: 28

Weakness: Weak Leg & Wing Joints

Strengths: Fast, Leaping Strength, Kicking Strength.


Hopper was half a meter tall and 1 metre long. Its wings gave off a metallic look, they looked like they could be used as swords due to the sharp edge of the wings.


Name: Devourer (Iron-Teeth Earthworm)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth/ Iron

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 5th Grade

Level: 2

STR: 34(+5), AGI: 36(+2), VIT: 25(+3)

INT: 15, PER: 28, WIL: 19

Weakness: Weak Body

Strengths: Fast Through Dirt, Vacuum like Ability


The worm looked terrifying. Lachlan didn't mind worms that much when they were small but when they were suddenly 3 metres long and had the girth of an adult human it looked a bit terrifying. Especially consider its name and ability, Lachlan could assume that it would appear beneath its opponents and eat them alive.

Finally, Adam(J) summoned all five of his beasts. His body gave off a light show as there were tattoos spread across his body. Before them stood six frogs, that's right, Adam(J) had six frogs which meant he knows about how he could save space.



Name: Map (Observation Spider)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Wind

Grade: Normal

Innate talent: 6th Grade

Level: 1

STR: 26, AGI: 37(+2), VIT: 30

INT: 37, PER: 74(+2), WIL: 34

Weakness: Weak Body, Losing its fangs, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Sight Share, Can Float with the Wind, Low Poison


Name: Molly (Interstellar Spider)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Space

Grade: Normal

Innate talent: 3rd Grade

Level: 2

STR: 31(+1), AGI: 30(+1), VIT: 40(+2)

INT: 59(+4), PER: 54(+4), WIL: 39(+2)

Weakness: Weak Body, Losing its fangs, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Short Distance Teleportation, Mild Poison.


Name: Flames (Fire Spider)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Fire

Grade: Normal

Innate talent: 3rd Grade

Level: 1

STR: 53(+4), AGI: 36(+1), VIT: 30

INT: 39, PER: 42(+2), WIL: 41

Weakness: Losing its fangs, Leg Joints, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Strong Bite, Strong Poison, Fire Control (Level 1)


Name: Breeze (Wind Spider)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Wind

Grade: Normal

Innate talent: 4th Grade

Level: 1

STR: 45(+2), AGI: 52(+4), VIT: 30

INT: 37, PER: 41, WIL: 48

Weakness: Losing its fangs, Leg Joints, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Floating, Strong Poison, Wind Control (Level 1).


Name: Lola (Spy Spider)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Darkness

Level: 24

Grade: Normal

Innate talent: 6th Grade

Level: 0

STR: 33, AGI: 65, VIT: 19

INT: 31, PER: 46, WIL: 48

Weakness: Losing its fangs, Leg Joints, Sensitive Eyes, Injured Eye

Strengths: Fast Speeds, Weak Poison, Concealing its Presence.


Name: Lucy (Spy Spider)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Darkness

Grade: Normal

Innate talent: 5th Grade

Level: 1

STR: 35, AGI: 66(+5), VIT: 20

INT: 34, PER: 49, WIL: 51

Weakness: Losing its fangs, Leg Joints, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Fast Speeds, Weak Poison, Concealing its Presence.


Lachlan was surprised as just through the sheer number of them they could take down a lot of large and strong beasts. But by themselves they aren't too strong, Adam(J)'s stats that are added on do provide some much-needed strength.