Important Discussion

Lachlan woke up to the sunlight's rays bursting through the gaps in the leaves. It was gentle and warm, something nice to wake up to. By his side Sarah was holding onto his arm, wrapping her legs around it.

She woke up from the slight movement, looking up a smile went across her face, "Morning Lachlan".

Lachlan sat up and placed her in his laps, "Morning Sarah," Lachlan said as he threw her up into the air, catching her on the way down, "Well, how about he go back down?"

Sarah rapidly nodded her head. Lachlan lifted his leg and was about to lean off, he swiftly commanded the gravity stone, "5% Earth's gravity."

As they were about to fall Sarah's grip around Lachlan tightened considerably and she closed her eyes. But when she didn't feel them falling towards the ground she opened her eyes as looked around.

They were floating towards the ground at a slow pace. Sarah's hair was floating up as though they were falling quickly, but she found it fun as they floated down. The leaves that fell into the area slowed down as well, they fell a lot slower.

The rest of the group found it odd, they had just woken up and one of the first things they saw in the morning was Lachlan and Sarah floating down from the tree top.

"Well I'll be damned, never thought of using the stones like that," Flynn remarked. Although they haven't had much time to fully research the stones and its uses, they felt as though what Lachlan was doing was actually a big use.

Should they fall from a high place, with the help of gravity stones they were practically immune from fall damage. Should someone think of it too late instead and their velocity towards the ground was too much, they could easily shift where the gravity was pulling from, hopefully, slowing them down enough to make a safe landing.

After falling for a bit, Lachlan finally reached the ground. His toes tapped the roof of his hut and he launched themselves onto the ground by increasing the gravity to normal.

"Morning Lachlan, you sleep comfortably?" Flynn asked while waving at Lachlan from a distance. He could put a few clues together, it was obvious that Lachlan slept on the tree top. As for the reason, maybe just to enjoy the view.

"Morning Flynn, and yes, it was actually really comfortable," Lachlan said. He didn't think sleeping on a branch could actually be so comfortable, granted that branch was either the same size if not large then their hut.

"We should probably get the others and have a chat, there is something I need to tell you all," Lachlan quickly changed the tone of his voice to a more serious and sterner one, Flynn got the message.

"Alright, I'll gather everyone at your hut," Flynn said as he walked back into his hut. The first person he woke up was Chloe, he then walked out and walked to the other huts with ease. Trying to only wake up the main people, as it might be something only they could handle.

"Alrighty then, they should be ready in half an hour, some of them are just waking up," Flynn explained as he walked back over to Lachlan, "So what does this information concern?" He asked with a curious voice.

"It's about a rather unique case with one of the children and something I believe I should tell you all," Lachlan explained. He felt as though he could trust everyone in the main group now, not to mention it'll be greatly useful to explain things in the future.

"Alright, you should probably get something to eat quickly," Flynn suggested. Through his experience, big and important conversations usually last a while. It'll be much better to get something to eat before going into them.

"Yeah I'll do that," Lachlan responded with a smile as he lifted Sarah back off the ground and onto his shoulders. He decided to run to the beach to get something quickly, although he could very easily just fly he wanted to entertain Sarah for a bit.

Decreasing the gravity slightly he shot off, Sarah immediately felt as though she was on a roller coaster. The force resisting them pulled back the skin on her face, but she found it fun. As Lachlan ran over the tree roots, up the surrounding mountain and then through the thick forest.

Lachlan would slow down every now and then and try out some parkour, jumping from tree to tree as Sarah held on tightly. Even Lachlan found it incredibly fun, he felt as though he looked amazing, jumping from tree to tree as such a speed.

They burst through the shrubbery onto the sand, Lachlan took Sarah off his shoulders and onto the ground. She wobbled momentarily before falling over, "Alright Sarah, just stay there for a quick moment."

Lachlan turned towards the large coconut trees and shoot up, spinning through the air to give Sarah a bit of a performance. He quickly reached the top and ripped off two coconuts, he didn't understand why but the coconut water just tasted so good and it felt as though it could easily replace actual food.

Lachlan leapt down and as he was falling he began ripping apart the coconut husk. The small but perfectly round coconut was all that was left in his hands once he reached the ground. Sarah quickly got up and waddled over, still slightly dizzy from before.

He quickly created a hole in the coconut and gave it to Sarah, he then did the same for himself. He quickly drank the coconut, letting the refreshingly sweet coconut water fill him up. By his side, Sarah was doing the same.

Once they finished Lachlan went to pick Sarah back up, but she quickly distanced herself, "No, I want to ride," She stubbornly demanded.

Lachlan responded with a laugh, "Alright then."

Lachlan quickly summoned Aaron and lifted Sarah up off the ground onto him. Lachlan hopped on after, he sat right behind Sarah for her safety. Once they were ready they shot off and flew around the island a few times, entertaining Sarah quite a bit.

Once they were finished they landed back in front of their hut, Chloe, Flynn, Maddie, and Simon were already there. When they reached the ground Sarah ran back into their hut for a quick second before running out and over to Chloe's hut, to hang out with Sophie.

20 minutes later Georgia finally appeared out of her hut followed by Joe, Zoe. They came over, sat down on the ground and began a bit of idle chat, something to pass the time till everyone's here.

A few minutes passed and Phoebe, along with Tyler walks in. They immediately joined the conversation, giving their two cents.

Finally, now that everyone is here, Lachlan could finally begin to explain his ability. He didn't really know how to explain it without some of them being shocked, so he would just say it straight out and hope they managed to digest the information.

"As you all know, I'm slightly different and no I don't mean I'm talented or anything. But rather, I have a certain ability, one that uses my eyes. Every time I think of the word 'Analyse' a status screen appears before me, on the screen is all of your abilities, strengths, weaknesses, stats, everything," Lachlan told them everything he knew about the ability, then everything he knew about them. Their compatibility, level and the description of their race.

Every bit of information was shocking to everyone, the only one that didn't react was Dylan, but that was obviously because he had hints from before. Lachlan's behaviour was always odd to him, and now he knows why.

Tyler, on the other hand, wasn't all that surprised by his compatibility. He knew he wasn't suited to be a fight/tamer, now he just had confirmation.

"Why not tell us sooner? Don't you trust us?" Simon asked. He felt slightly disappointed that Lachlan kept such a large secret from them all. He thought they had got rather close with each other during the two years on the island, but maybe he was wrong.

"Nope, while I can trust you when I fight with you, trusting anyone with this secret is slightly difficult. Especially if it spreads, just like those children, people will begin to see me as something other than human," Lachlan told them about his concerns, his fear of being rejected by everyone.

Everyone was stunned by Lachlan's honest words, but they really couldn't refute them. They had personally seen the stuff that's happening to the hybrids, the fact they aren't getting treated like a human due to the people's fear of the unknown. They could understand where Lachlan was coming from.

"Anybody else know?" Flynn asked.

"Aside from Phoebe, everyone else that knew is already dead," Lachlan dropped a bit of an emotion bomb on them. Flynn immediately regretted asking, he felt as though it wasn't his place to ask that question as it wasn't his business to know who else knew.

"I'm sorry," Flynn apologised.

"No need to be, it wasn't your fault," Lachlan explained calmly as he didn't want Flynn to feel guilty over a question.

"So why did you tell us now?" Simon asked.

"Because we're going to be cooperating for a while, as such, you should know at least that about me. At least it makes it easier to explain how I get some information," Lachlan explained, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"So, that brings me onto the next part, amongst the children there really is an intelligent beast," Lachlan said. What Lachlan said dumbfounded everyone, but at least he told them how he knows this, which also meant he wasn't lying.

Simon and a few others jumped up and were about to rush off to go to the caves and search for him, Lachlan quickly shouted at them, "Wait! the child is only half intelligent beast. Also, it is still incredibly young, only 1 year old, it can't do anything".

"I don't want it to do anything," Simon said. To have something so dangerous blend in with the other children was dangerous, they didn't know how it would react in the future, whether or not it would continue to get along with all the other kids.

"It might not, but just remember what you're doing, you're going over to kill a 1-year old child," What Lachlan said annoyed them. Although they wanted to kill it then they really wouldn't be any different to the authorities, although they knew this child was at least half intelligent beast.

"I plan on letting it grow up with our organisation, should it at any point bare its fangs to its helpers we'll kill it, but only if it bares its fangs," Lachlan explained his plans for the child, "I want to know whether or not it still has human emotions and whether or not it can work as another human."

Everyone sat back down, Simon was still on edge about it, "So what now?"

"Get someone to invite the family over, we can discuss this matter with them," Lachlan explained.

"Alright I'll go, who is it?" Flynn asked.

"Michelle Scott," Lachlan said.

"What no, she isn't an intelligent beast," The girls were quick to say, this was someone they knew after all. Not only that, but it was also the person that helped them gain another 30 helpers, there is no way an intelligent beast would do that.

"No, she isn't, but her child is half so that only leads us to one conclusion," Lachlan explained with a shrug. Although he knew there might be some other reason to it, possibly a more extreme mutation, the main possibility was something else entirely.

Nobody needed anytime to think about that, some of them reacted in confusion, wondering how it was possible. Others reacted in disgust, thinking that a person would have sex with an intelligent beast.

Flynn was already out the door after that, walking off towards the cave by following the roots that lead to the mountains. Georgia quickly ran up to him and summoned Kyle, suggesting that he should fly over there instead, make the process much quicker.

Outside the hut, they continued to have a bit of idle chat, talked about where to next and such. They were thinking about not having any operations for a bit, not until they actually build the facilities necessary to host a bunch of families.

After a bit, they could see a Flynn coming back with Michelle right behind him holding onto her child and Brian right behind her. They reached the group swiftly and hopped off, Michelle and Brian first looked up at the tree in awe before quickly getting back on topic.

"Hello, so why am I here?" Michelle asked.

"I want you to explain your child," Lachlan said, his arms crossed as he stared at the child in her arms.

Michelle froze, she was a bit shaken, she hesitated for 10 seconds before finally talking, "Whatever do you mean?" She didn't think they could possibly know, it shouldn't be possible for them to know since aside from her and Brian no one else should know.

"We know the child isn't human Michelle, so tell us, what happened," Tamika said, she looked towards Lachlan and mouthed, "I got this."

Lachlan didn't doubt her. The friendly vibe Tamika was giving off would lure anyone into a sense of security, one where they could tell her their worries.

Brian was starting to get fidgety, it was almost like he was about to pounce at them at a moment's notice. Lachlan released a bit of pressure on him, making him quickly realise the difference and what would happen should he confront them.

"It happened near the start of the collision, my husband and I decided to stay in our area and not rush towards the city, how big of a mistake that was"

"We ran out of food and we weren't strong enough to hunt any of the beasts, so we tried making our way to Adelaide where my brother was. We had full knowledge that we had a pass through a death zone, but we couldn't wait"

"Near the end of our travels, just as we escaped the death zone we were attacked. My husband was killed instantly, but it didn't kill me, instead, it decided to have its way with me, possibly attracted to me"

"After it finished it left me, for a while, I stay slightly broken deciding whether or not to commit suicide. I decided not to, I still had plenty more of my life to live, so I continued my way to Adelaide. For some reason no beasts approached me, rather it seems they ran away"

"After that I finally reached Adelaide, they let me through without a problem and I made my way to my brother, explaining everything to him. Fortunately, he was kind enough to let me stay at his place, but unfortunately, I didn't think I would end up pregnant"

"At the start, I thought it was just a mistake, but then I realised what the child was and panicked, I told my brother and we talked it out. I decided to have the child for the reason that people might notice a difference once they get it out of me, I didn't want to attract any attention, so it just gave birth to it normally. I also always wanted to be a mother, although I never thought I would be the mother of an intelligent beast"

"Once it was born it looked no different from a human baby, those features only began to show after a month. And so, I kept my child's identity a secret, only my brother and I knew. My sister in law just thought it was one of those other children, the ones that were unique"

"So, does that answer your question?" Michelle asked. Just talking about it almost made her break down again. Remembering what the Sobek did to her.

"Indeed it does, you can go back now," Tamika calmly said as he went over a gave her a hug to calm her down.

After, Michelle nodded and left with her child in her arms, followed by Brian. Flynn quickly ran up behind them to walk them back to the cave, Michelle wanted to walk back to calm her nerves first, but Flynn suggested that he walks them back and explained, he almost forgot where he was. Not getting affected by the island's gravity makes you forget it even existed.

The group was a bit silent, no one said a word. They were busy digesting the information they were just given.

"Suppose that concludes this meeting," Lachlan broke the ice before leaving and going back into the hut. He also needed some time to think about it all in silence and by himself.

Everyone did the same, going back to their areas to rest or make plans.

Phoebe, followed by Tyler went into Lachlan's hut to talk about everything. There was a lot to talk about, especially concerning the future.