Zhang Yong

A month had gone past in the blink of the eye. The group almost felt as though their important discussion was only yesterday; Because after that, they were busy with so much stuff they didn't have the time to think.

During this month everyone was busy working on the construction. They were building places to live just outside the cave, as they decided that the cave could be used as a shelter in times of emergency.

As for inside the caves, that's undergone a massive transformation. A lot of the ground by the river had been ploughed and the special trees and bushes have been fenced off. There were a few people amongst the new parents that had out a lot with the construction, while the others would help the kids by either teaching them or just entertaining them.

For the materials, the trees on the island were the main source for the walls. But due to their strength, they couldn't cut it nicely. Which mean they were either walking or sleeping on lumpy floors, which was why Lachlan felt as though sleeping on the tree branch was much more comfortable.

So, they compromised by doing something else. They've been making trips to Australia, main suburbs far from Sydney, taking the wood from there. Considering there were no people where they were taking the wood from, they didn't believe it mattered.

They even went to warehouses and took their storage of already cut wood. Making it much easier to construct the buildings. They even took some cement mix and a mixer, although they didn't use it yet, they didn't think it would hurt them to have it for the future.

Now, after a long month of working, they were going on the construction, they were going to go back to the mainland to take something that would be rather useful. Water tanks.

While although the water on the island was amazing, they realised it was slightly dangerous for young kids to drink it. the only place it was safe was so far downstream that the fresh water mixed with the ocean, leaving a salty taste in the kids' mouths.

So, to solve that issue they decided they would just take some water tanks from Australia, there would be plenty in Queensland. However, they already knew just the right place, it was a small town just outside Brisbane. It wasn't heavily guarded or anything because it was outside the city, but there was a place that sold water tanks there, incredibly large water tanks.

Of course, they might buy the tanks if someone was still operating the business, they could gather everyone's earnings and afford it. But if there wasn't, they would descend upon those water tanks like hungry seagulls and take the tanks with them back to the island before any authority could stop them.

Just like usual, Flynn stayed back at the huts to keep the gravity nullified. Even though, they would still be in the range of activation even if they were halfway across Australia. As for the rest of the group that weren't going, Chloe was keeping Flynn company while the others stayed with the children.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Lachlan asked the three of them that were going, his feet were dangling off the side of Calamity's body. There was himself, Simon, and Georgia, the three of them that possess the means to transport such large water tanks without a problem.

"Yup," Simon responded with a nod. He was riding on Storm, which was his favourite bird due to it having lightning control. It wasn't just that though, it was the fact that Lachlan's Rocs didn't have lightning control that made him like Storm even more, it was one of the things he could actually best Lachlan in.

"Sure am," Georgia said on the side. Kyle's dark glossy features almost seemed light a black hole, absorbing all the sunlight that hit it.

"Well let's go get us some water tanks," Lachlan said hurriedly before shooting off, as he just got into the sky, "The last one that has to do all the laundry for the main group for a week."

The group has managed to solve their dirty clothes and body situation. They just go back to Australia once they've built up a lot of dirty clothes or haven't had a decent clean in a while and use the things there.

There are a few offshoot towns of major cities that still get electricity and water, they just sneak into them and a lot of them have everything they need to clean themselves and their laundry. But because they only go do their laundry once it's built up enough, there is usually a big pile of laundry to hang up to dry which takes forever.

They were just a few days away from doing their laundry again, which meant this bet mattered a lot. Simon and Georgia both gritted their teeth as they shot off from the tree roots as well. Since this matter so much they would use any means necessary to just not lose.

After a quick ride, they finally managed to reach the town. They didn't land right next to it since they didn't want to garner any unwanted attention, so they landed roughly 50 metres away from it. In the thick shrubbery where no one could have seen them.

The first one to land was Lachlan quickly followed Georgia. As for the loser, Simon was fuming on Storm. Because Lachlan and Georgia's birds both had a strength relating to speed, they easily managed to leave Simon in the dust.

"That's unfair, you knew you would win," Simon instantly started to complain to them once he reached the ground. His fists waving in the air, he even punched a tree in rage, leaving a massive indent in the tree.

'Holy crap, who the hell are these people'

"Oh well, let's just quickly get those water tanks and leave, we can discuss the fairness of the bet once we get back to the island," Lachlan suggested with a shrug. Although it would be great to get someone to do his laundry, the main reason he suggested it was so they go fast, meaning they could finish this operation faster and he could get back to Phoebe and Sarah sooner.

'Oh well, the stronger they are the more enjoyable the success'

Lachlan suddenly felt as though something tapped his shoulder from behind. He immediately twisted his body and punched, his fist landed on a tree behind him and completely snapped the tree in two.

'What the fuck, this is way too dangerous, but that won't stop me from achieving my goal'

Lachlan heard the bushes by his side shuffling, he quickly took out his gravity stone, '8 times Eart's gravity.'

"Arg," Somebody collapsed on the ground by their side. Although they were still invisible, they could easily see the body imprint in the grass. The gravity was far too much for them to handle, they were practically stopped before they could even begin.

Lachlan walked on over and grabbed what seemed to his ankle. He gripped tightly and heard the person grunt in pain, he then lifted them from the ground and waved them around.

"Wait, I'll show myself, I'll show myself just stop," The person was a man, the voice had an Asian accent to it. He had quickly given up on escaping and couldn't help but admit defeat, he felt as though he was about the vomit soon.

Lachlan stopped swinging them around and threw them to the ground, "Hurry up then."

Lachlan wanted him to release his invisibility because he couldn't analyse him. He needed to see a majority of the body to analyse. Lachlan also realised something, invisibility was one of his eyes weaknesses.

If his opponent never shows themselves, then there was nothing he could do to analyse them and would be fighting blind. It wasn't something he was used to, he got rather attached to the eyes abilities, granting him the upper hand in every fight, he probably won't do well without it.

"Alright, alright," The man suddenly revealed himself. He was exactly what they expected, Asian. His face looked rather slim and masculine, similar to a martial artist or professional athlete. He had short black hair and when he stood up he was 5'6, taller then Lachlan which annoyed him.



Name: Zhang Yong (Human)

Age: 32 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 3/5

Compatibility: Lizards (Perfect)

STR: 17(+1), AGI: 26(+2), VIT: 13(+1)

INT: 24, PER: 24, WIL: 23

Weakness: Easily Provoke, Childish Attitude, Stubborn

Strengths: Skin Defence (Level 2), Bite Strength (Level 2), Presence Concealment (Level 5), Darkness Control (Level 1), Earth Control (Level 2)


Lachlan could already tell why this person who seemed to be an adult was playing childish games with them. Lachlan almost felt good that there was someone older then him that possessed a childish attitude.

And it seemed his presence concealment made for the perfect game. He would probably attempt to get close to someone and either tap them or just get close enough to them. If that individual didn't notice, that meant he succeeded.

"So, what do you want?" Lachlan asked. He didn't think they would be noticed so quickly in the operation, 'Maybe we should just hurry over and take what we need.'

"Well I was just playing around in the forest when I saw you all descending at a rapid pace, I thought you guys could almost act like bosses in my game considering you're all so strong," Zhang explained while scratching his head in embarrassment. He was an adult, yet he still continued to enjoy these silly games, it was slightly embarrassing for someone else to know, let alone people that seemed younger than him.

"How about we use your game for good, join our organisation and use your abilities for a better cause," Lachlan said with what seemed like justice flowing out of his voice. It was charismatic, it was also something he's been training since he was going to be a leader he felt as though he needed the voice to be one.

"Ah, that's why your faces looked so familiar, your apart of the group that shelters intelligent beas-," Before Zhang could finish what he was saying Lachlan already had his hand wrapped around Zhang's throat.

"Those aren't intelligent beasts, those are children that have undergone a mutation, however, some people just don't seem to accept that explanation," Lachlan sighed with disappointment. While James understood the circumstances around the hybrids, the two other leaders either don't understand or don't want to accept. Either way, it ends up putting hybrids in a dangerous situation.

"Okay, okay, I'm struggling to breathe," Zhang struggled to say. Lachlan swiftly realised he still had Zhang's neck in his hands and let go, "So, do you want to join?"

"Before I answer that I want to ask something. With that strength you possess why don't you just beat the ones that disagree with you to the ground?" Zhang already felt and saw the strength two of these three possessed, it was inhuman like. Snapping a tree in half with a punch was something he's never seen before.

"Will everyone trusts us if we beat them down with strength, or will they think we're working for the intelligent beasts?" Lachlan asked. He had already thought about it long and hard, and while it could work for some people there were bound to be others that would still disagree and instead use their violence as a way to prove it.

"Well I suppose not, but maybe a large fraction will," Zhang argued back. Since what Lachlan explained could be said about everything. There will always be some that disagree with someone else's ideas no matter how ridiculous they sound.

"I'm not aiming for a large fraction, I'm aiming to have everyone accept them as though they were no different than a normal human," Lachlan had some ambitions and to let Sarah live comfortably in the future he needed everyone to accept them.

"Well since you have such a big ambition I suppose I'll join," Zhang suddenly said.

"Huh, I thought you were going to argue back more," Lachlan didn't think Zhang would suddenly agree with him. It almost seemed abnormal.

"Well, I suppose it's because I'm a drifter with no power. If I can join an organisation that has strong individuals backing it, I could possibly become more helpful to the world through their connections or become a strong individual myself and become a supporting pillar," Zhang explained his train of thought and it made sense.

"Well then, welcome aboard," Lachlan went for a handshake. Although he wouldn't tell Zhang anything about him for a while as he would have to first build up trust. Lachlan felt as though Zhang could become an important member of the organisation.

Everyone in their organisation has already been labelled as traitors by the Land and Sky Guardians. However, with Zhang, they could easily infiltrate any city or town without notifying the nearby military.