Another Surprise

After welcoming Zhang into their organisation they explained the reason they were in this town in the first place. Zhang happily agreed with helping out and immediately went over to the place to scout it out.

Lachlan, Georgia, and Simon immediately followed behind. But once they reached the end of the shrubbery they halted there, Zhang immediately went invisible and ran out. They could tell since they heard his footsteps and bushes brushing against each other.

The three paid close attention to the shop. After such a long time it's gone through a rough change. Lachlan would be astounded if someone decided to still keep it running, as the windows were broken and there wasn't even a door.

Sure, looking to the side they saw all the water tanks there for display. Every single one of them was massive, while there were a few small ones to the side. It seems this shop focused on selling large water tanks then smaller ones.

The three heard a sound and snapped their heads to the source, they quickly realised it was Zhang. He had already made it back from his scouting, 'It seems he'll be a lot more useful then I thought' Lachlan's opinion on Zhang immediately rose from his first impression.

"There's no one in there, it seems the shop has already stopped running," Zhang explained as he released his concealment. No one was surprised by the fact that the shop had stopped running, that much could be told just by looking at the place.

"Alright then, we'll be going in and picking the best water tanks and the best attachments," Lachlan explained. They already had a plan for how they were going to collect the water, those coconut tree leaves were not only large and thick, they could easily transport the water from one place to another.

Lachlan quickly shot out of the shrubbery and into the shop, followed by Georgia and then Simon. Zhang concealed himself before walking over. Unlike the three, he doesn't have high stats or speed strengths.

Once they were in the shop they walked around looking through all the isles. There were plenty of attachments they could put on the tanks, but the main ones they needed were filters and taps. Any pipe extension or what not could wait for another time.

Walking outside they went around and chose what water tanks they would take. Granted it was obvious they were going to go for the larger ones, they had plenty of mouths to quench, there were bound to be more in the future as well.


A door from the side suddenly burst open followed by a young woman sprinting through with a shotgun in her hands. The door was right next to Simon so she attacked him first, swinging the barrel of the gun towards Simon's head.

Although she was afraid to kill someone she wasn't afraid to knock them out. So she didn't hesitate and used her full strength to swing the barrel towards Simon. As for Simon, he was both shocked and unprepared so he was unable to stop the attack.

The barrel smashed into his head, "Ah, shit, what the hell was that for?!" Simon angrily shouted towards the young woman. He swiftly reached out and grabbed onto the barrel before ripping it out of her hands.

The woman was momentarily stunned at the feeling of losing her only weapon, but she quickly snapped out of that mindset and immediately changed into an insane one. Opening her hands she immediately went to slash at Simon's face with her nails.

Simon quickly threw the gun on the ground and grabbed the woman's hands, stopping them from getting any closer to his face.

"Brianna! Calm down," Zhang appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the woman's shoulders before turning her around the face him.

When she saw Zhang she was momentarily confused, she looked towards the three separately before looking back at Zhang, "What are you doing Zhang, why are you helping traitors!"

"Because they aren't traitors, they're just people that have different opinions to the Land and Sky Guardians, you should at least hear them out," Zhang explained the situation as he tried to calm her down.

While all that was going on Lachlan quickly analysed her.


Name: Brianna Law (Human)

Age: 23 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 2/5

Compatibility: Insects (Perfect)

STR: 13, AGI: 15, VIT: 12(+1)

INT: 18, PER: 18, WIL: 20

Weakness: Weak Immune System, Low Stamina, Has a Constant Cold, Naive, Emotional

Strengths: Darkness Control (Level 2), Skin Defence (Level 2), Bite Strength (Level 3), Fire Control (Level 1), Jumping Strength (Level 2)


Lachlan realised the girl was actually incredibly weak and strong at the same time. She was rather weak on the physical side, but her constant cold and low stamina may be the reason she's unable to exercise for long periods of time.

Hell, right now she was heavily panting just from those few attacks, 'It seems those weaknesses will really affect someone's fighting abilities.'

Lachlan couldn't help but pity the woman, as there was a large chance she's had her weaknesses since she was born, especially the weak immune system which might be the cause of that constant cold.

"What Zhang was just saying is completely correct, whatever they've told you about our organisation is all wrong, especially the part about us sheltering intelligent beasts. Those are just children that have undergone a mutation," Georgia calmly explained to Brianna while Lachlan stood to the side, it would be better to let Georgia explain the situation to Brianna.

"But then why don't the military accept that?" Brianna asked.

"We don't know, all we know is that the Land and Sky Guardians seem to have a large amount of hatred targeted towards the mutated children. While the Sea Guardians are the only ones that accept the children as humans, but due to their constant movement they can't build up any political power in any country so it's almost as though their opinion doesn't matter either," Georgia explained their predicament.

It was obvious that the Sea Guardians were a much stronger force due to them constantly fighting and getting stronger. While the Land and Sky Guardians are usually fairly relaxed, especially now that the intelligent beasts have stopped raiding their major cities.

This current peacetime with the intelligent beasts is almost like a vacation for the two military forces. As for the places that are under attack, either the military forces there have already been wiped out or there wasn't any there to begin with, the latter being the most likely reason.

"So you're saying that the Land and Sky Guardians are abusing their powers to force their ideals upon the people," Brianna suddenly responded with something they didn't expect from her at all.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we're saying," Georgia almost didn't know how to react. It was almost as though Brianna suddenly changed, not even a minute ago she was furiously trying to rip apart Simon's face, yet suddenly she seems to be a person with a level of understanding and reason.

"Can I join?" Brianna suddenly asked something they didn't expect from her again.

"Why do you want to join?" Lachlan asked from the side. Since Zhang gave a relatively decent explanation about why he wanted to join, Brianna could probably do the same.

"Because no one accepts me," Brianna briefly explained but Lachlan already linked the two. Someone that was constantly sick might be seen as a hazard, Lachlan just didn't expect that the authorities would just throw her out in this town because of it.

She then continued, "I have a rather weak body, not just in terms of physical strength but also my immune system. I suppose I could be classified as a liability since I could spread illnesses through just being in the city. So they didn't accept me in and instead drove me here. They led me to a bunker had a lot of rations and left before I could do anything"

"The worst part was that It wasn't always like that. I was originally living in the city, so when they walled it off I was still inside. But they quickly found out about me and were really quick disposing of me, luring me into thinking I could be useful, but it turns out they thought of me as useless."

Lachlan could tell that was her naive weakness coming into play. Lachlan never realised it but certain characteristic traits that have been classified as a weakness can really be used against others.

Similar to him making use of Tyler's gambling addiction. He could just as easily make use of others through their easily provocative nature or arrogant personality. It was something he never fully thought about, but now that he did he knew they would need to get rid of them.

"Well, don't worry we'll accept you. Although you're weak now you can easily get stronger," Lachlan explained. 'Since those berries exist there's a high possibility that other miracle fruits exist as well. Including something that could strengthen the immune system.'

"Haha, sweet, so what are you doing here in the first place?" Brianna suddenly remembered where they were and found it odd that the leaders behind that organisation would be here.

"Well, we were planning on taking these water tanks back to our headquarters, who would have thought we would meet get two new members while we were at it," Lachlan said with a joyful tone in his voice.

"Oh, alright, I'll go get some rope and you can tie them onto water transportation you're using," Brinna said before running back through the door. The group waited patiently for a few seconds before Brianna came running through the door with a long rope wrapped around her arms.

"Let's go," Brianna said enthusiastically. This was the first time in a while that people accepted her, she was feeling incredibly ecstatic.

Lachlan shrugged his arms and followed along. She quickly gave Lachlan one end of the rope before sprinting off, circling the other tanks, wrapping the rope around them as well. She made sure the rope was going through the crevices, they didn't want any of them falling along their way back.

She even went to the hassle of wrapping the rope around the smaller water tanks, which the group didn't mind consider right after she ran back to Lachlan and tied it up. Meaning they just managed to take every water tank here instead of just a few.

Georgia suddenly realised something when she saw this and realised how idiotic they were, "We could have just used the stones to bring them back. Even the larger water tanks will weight nothing after the stones nullify the gravity."

Lachlan did a visual facepalm while Simon acted as though it had nothing to do with him.