Future Plans

A week had gone by and many countries were changing their laws about the hybrids. As many parents rose up to confront the authority about the issue, forcing them into a corner where the only escape was to make changes.

At the centre of the island, in front of the small huts was a celebratory gathering. The main group along with their family members were celebrating the success of their operation. Enjoying a nicely roasted bird along with the coconut water.

Granted, some of the parents on the island were storing some fine red wine back at home in a wine cellar. They believed they could sell them for a fortune at a later date, but considering everything Bloodied Wings has done for them they decided to give a few bottles up.

Although the group had to go back to get it some amongst them didn't mind.

"Haha, we did it, we finally did it," Simon said happily through drunken slur. His arm wrapped around Flynn who was in no better condition. They were both smiling widely as they took large gulps of the wine.

"Yup, but now what do we do?" Flynn asked as he leaned against Simon and drank.

Most of the group which were drinking coconut water didn't know how to respond. Lachlan sat there eating as he looked up at the sky, Sarah and Phoebe by his wide. He didn't know how to respond, he never planned so far ahead neither did he think they would be able to accomplish their goal so quickly.

"Why don't we start a business? We have a solid reputation and are quite well known, I reckon we could make it big, after a while of course," Chloe said as she took a large bite out of the roasted bird.

"What would we do though? Aside from being known to protect children, we don't have much else to work with," Maddie said as she leaned back, using her arms to support her from the ground.

"Maybe we continue that but just change how we do it. You know, instead of only helping out the hybrids why don't we help out any children that have lost their parents. We could basically become an orphanage," Chloe suggested. She quite enjoyed taking care of the children, something about it felt right.

"Okay, but we need something else to go along with it. Although an orphanage is good it won't get us to the big leagues. We need something that'll make us really stand out, something that hasn't already been done," Lachlan explained as he thought hard about what else they could do. He was struggling though, he isn't a business manager or anything, just someone with a lot of strength.

'My strength, we could become a training centre, a training school' Lachlan realised how good it would be and how easy it would be to convince people. Just looked at their strength, it goes well beyond human.

"How about we start a training school on the island. We have the unique gravity here which will certainly tempt some people, but we could also hire some martial artist or combat specialist to train people's fighting techniques," Lachlan happily suggested.

"Huh, that's actually a pretty good idea, we can charge people to use the island, granted there's probably something we need to do to legally obtain the island. It shouldn't be too hard considering almost no one knows about the island," Chloe agreed with Lachlan.

"I can do all the legal work, just need either Lachlan, Georgia or Simon to get me to Brisbane, the rest of you can start building training areas," Flynn said drunkenly as he struggled to keep his back straight.

"I'll take you over to Brisbane," Simon drunkenly said as he patted Flynn's shoulder with a wide grin on his face.

"Well, what should we start with?" Lachlan asked. Aside from helping build the little hut he wasn't apart of any of the other construction work. "Also, what about the rest of the parents?"

"Hm, well, I suppose we'll give them the news now and see how they react. We'll tell them were planning on starting a business and see if any of them want to help," Chloe said.

"Joe and I can handle that part, you should begin clearing out the trees to create some room," Zoe suggested.

The group all agreed and began to plan. Since they already basically had the orphanage side of things sorted the only other thing they needed was a bit of advertisement and a help number. Which is where a problem comes into play. They don't get any good connection or service here, the number might be useless if people can't connect to them.

Not to mention that since they're technically not going to be an "extreme terrorist organisation" anymore they'll get people flocking to them. They need more helpers, they also need to explain the situation with the other parents.

Joe and Zoe were currently at the orphanage where a majority of the parents are living along with their children. They went up to the main people in charge of the orphanage and informed them that they had something to say to everyone. The people rushed off to gather everyone.

It didn't take too long, only 10 - 15 minutes. In front of Joe and Zoe was a gathering of parents, their children either in their arms or by their side. They were all staring at Joe and Zoe, the two of them really felt the tension.

"Alright, we are here to bring some good news. We have managed to convince the authorities through proper information that your children are, well, human. And although it's just a start, no one will be attacked by others just because of your children anymore," Zoe said formally in front of all the parents.

"What about the discrimination?"

"Listen, the laws are just a start, it'll take a bit before all the children can be accepted again, it's just that you need to endure during this time and make them more acceptable," Joe stepped forward to explained.

"Indeed, everything takes time. Fortunately, unlike certain incidents in the distant past, they've only been discriminated against for only a short amount of time. Meaning, it'll be much easier for them to be accepted back into society," Zoe explained.

"What are you all going to do now?"

"Well, we decided that we're going to start a proper orphanage along with a training school. Since we're no longer "traitors of humanity" we can start a proper business without having to hide," Zoe answered.

"You need some help with that?" One of the parents stood forward from the crowd, he looked like a biker with short black hair, sleeve tattoos and biker clothes. "Because I would be happy to help, just a simple way to repay you."

"You don't need to do that, we also did this in our own self-interest," Joe explained.

"So you built an entire orphanage just for your own self-interest?" Joe was quickly shut up by the man's quick remark. "So you took us all in, fed us and gave us a new home just for your own self-interest? Listen, I may not know how much everything affected you, but I can tell you that everything you've done for me isn't something I can just accept without doing something in return. I was hiding in fear with my family just because of our unique children, yet you took us in and gave us a place to call home, I owe you for that."

"Also, just wondering, but would you be hiring for this new orphanage?" The man asked.

"Of course, didn't think we could get our first employee so quickly. Granted, it's technically not legal yet, but once everything's sorted you'll officially be an employee," Joe explained happily as he walked up and patted the man's shoulders.

"Could I get hired as well"

"Oh, me too"

"Yeah, me as well, I really owe you all"

All the parents quickly surrounded Zoe and Joe, they began asking to get employed to which Zoe and Joe happily agreed with. Since these parents were people that could be trusted, at least much more trustable then anyone they employee from outside the island.


The sounds of an axe could be heard inside the forest. Although it would seem almost pointless since the trees are wider and taller than whole buildings. It would take days, possibly weeks to successfully cut through just one tree.

"Isn't there a better way to deal with the trees," Georgia complained as she smashed an axe against the tree. The handle on the axe finally gave in and snapped in half, the axe head went flying backwards and was quickly caught by Lachlan.

"Well I might have an idea but whether or not it actually works well enough is a whole other thing," Lachlan explained.

"I don't really care, I just don't want to waste so much time cutting down one of the island's trees with a pathetic axe," Georgia said angrily as she threw the rest of the handle on the ground.

"Alright, get ready to see a tree turn into a rocket. I would also suggest that you get back, far back from the tree," Lachlan said mysteriously as he pointed towards another tree into the distance.

"Okay then, you better make sure I see a tree turn into a rocket or I'll be thoroughly disappointed," Georgia said as she walked off. Chloe walked off behind her along with Zhang and Brianna.

'Well if there's one thing I've learnt since us finding Anne, it's that using gravity stones to change the direction of gravity is rather useful' Lachlan thought happily. 'Come on out Aaron'

Lachlan wanted to enjoy the view when he sends the tree flying into the sky. The only thing he wasn't too sure about was the gravity beneath the soil. Fortunately, because they were closer to the beach the gravity in this area isn't that strong so the gravity beneath the ground should to too much stronger either.