Flying Trees

Lachlan hopped onto Aaron and flew up towards the top of the tree. Once he reached a high enough branch he gently placed the gravity stone on it and got Aaron to fly away, roughly 250 metres towards the ocean.

'Alright, let's hope this works. Gravity 200 times Earth's upwards' Lachlan gave the command and he heard the ground rupturing around the tree.

The tree was getting tugged upwards at 200 times Earth's gravity, any roots that were too deep or weak were quickly ripped off and the tree shot upwards. Lachlan waited for two seconds before he gave his next command, '200 times Earth's gravity downward'.

Just like before he watched the trees velocity slow down before coming to a halt after two seconds. 'Nullify all gravity' Lachlan quickly gave his final command and the tree began to just float in the air. The tree's roots were long and thick, with some of the thinner ones being completely broken.

Lachlan quickly moved over to check the ground and saw that it had really ruptured apart. Fortunately, levelling out the ground wasn't a difficult thing to do and wouldn't take too long to do.

The rest of the group that saw what had just happened came over rather quickly, "What did you just do?" Chloe asked as she looked towards the floating tree in shock. She didn't expect Lachlan to do something so extravagant.

"You remember the time we found researcher Anne and I brought the whole laboratory with us?" Lachlan asked. Chloe nodded silently and realised what he had just done, Lachlan continued "Yup, I used the gravity stones to pull the trees out the ground before making them float in the air. Rather simple to do once you practice a bit."

"Alright, but where should we put the trees we rip up from the ground?" Chloe asked as she continued to stare at the tree. It was rather large, roughly 300 metres tall. Not to mention they couldn't really just place it in the ground since some of its roots had been ripped apart.

"Suppose we could try making a wall around the island with the trees. They're long enough and thick enough to provide us with a strong wall, we'll also leave a small gap so that people can visit the beach. Make sure the gap is only wide and tall enough for a human to walk through," Lachlan suggested.

Lachlan then hopped back onto Aaron and they flew up to the tree. Using his crushing grip Lachlan held onto one of the tree's roots tightly as they dragged it along with them. Once they were above the sand Lachlan brought the tree down softly.

He then flew back up and got the stone before flying higher. They reached a point where it was between the middle of the tree and the top of the tree. Lachlan held the stone in his hands as he aimed it towards the tree.

'Change gravity 200 times forward'

The stone shot out of his hand and smashed into the tree. The moment the stone smashed into the tree a resounding bang echoed through the surrounding area. It sounded as though a canon was just fired.

But at the same time, the moment the stone came in contact with the tree Lachlan quickly issued the final command. 'Nullify all gravity'

Since the stone had just smashed against the tree all the speed it built up in that split second was lost. But all that force from the stone was enough to make the tree tumble. It slowly began its fall before it picked up the pace once it was well beyond any saving point.

The moment the tree smashed against the ground a sound shook the surrounding area. Lachlan even saw the ocean ripple at the tree's fall. Lachlan looked at the placement rather proudly, since the tree didn't come close to the water it provided a rather nice wall.

As Lachlan turned around to look to where the others should be he heard a multitude of cracks. As though dozens of shotgun had just gone off a few metres away from him. That's when he finally saw that the rest of the group was following his lead.

There were four more trees floating in the air. But taking a closer look he could see a thick rope wrapped around roots of three of the trees. He then saw Georgia begin flying up on Kyle with the ends of the ropes in her hand.

She went up to the final tree which didn't have a rope around its roots and tied it up. She then began flying towards Lachlan, with all four trees in tow. It looked rather ridiculous, the sight of four extremely large trees following behind a woman on a bird.

"Yo, your idea was really well thought out," Georgia complimented as she flew past. She then flew down with the trees, she placed one down on its roots before untying the rope and flying back up.

She tied the rope around one of the higher branches before flying slightly higher and around to the opposite side of the tree. Lachlan then saw her clench he fist and throw a punch. It landed on the tree cleanly and left a small indent.

She quickly flew down and grabbed onto the rope before giving it a tug down to the ground. The tree landed softly against the ground. Lachlan realised it was a much more efficient way of doing it since it didn't create any sounds and was much more safer.

Georgia then did the same thing with the rest of the trees. Lachlan just sat on Aaron watching the whole thing. He was rather surprised at how efficient Georgia had got by the final tree. The two of them then went back to the group after grabbing the stones.

The entire group continued to do this another 3 times before they were satisfied with the area they created. But at the same time, they weren't too satisfied with the wall they created. It only covered roughly 10 kilometres of the island's circumference. They still had another 60+ kilometres to go before they create a proper wall around the island.

"Well, what should we do now? Should we just say fuck it and finish the wall or leave it how it is for now?" Zhang asked as he looked at the wall with a scrunched up face.

"I feel like we should just finish the wall. We'll spread around the island a bit and take trees from everywhere. At least that way the island won't look bad, not to mention we could just say they're different training areas," Lachlan said as he shrugged his shoulder.

"Yeah, we can have training areas under different gravity. And the test the students will have to go through to reach the next area will be travelling to their next area, that way their bodies will be able to handle the gravity there," Brianna explained happily.

"We could also create caves in the mountain and have them be special training rooms, where only the strongest of students are allowed to train," Georgia suggested.

"What will we do once those students adapt to that level of gravity though?" Chloe asked.

"I suppose that'll be their graduation, once they reach the level where they can handle the gravity in the caves they'll graduate," Lachlan explained.

Although no one said it aloud everyone was thinking about it. The real reason they would get the students to graduate once they adapt to the caves is that they don't want other forces becoming too strong because of them.

They would only allow someone to stay longer and continue to train if they sign a contract. One which forces them to work for them while they train. As for the finer details they aren't too sure about it.

After all. Some forces could send their soldiers to train under the island's gravity and get some super soldiers by the end of it. That'll be rather dangerous, especially if those forces don't have any nice intentions behind them.

After the small conversation, the group went back to work. Ripping the trees up from the ground and creating a sturdy wall for protection. As there was another reason for creating the wall. Tsunamis.

Although they've never experienced a tsunami during the time they've spent on the island that doesn't mean one won't come. They have experienced an earthquake while on the island, granted it wasn't a strong one and they were most likely on the outskirts of the earthquake's effect.

Or, now that they think about. It could be entirely because they aren't actually connected to the ground. Which meant that the only way for them to feel an earthquake is to have the ground beneath them fling upwards and smashed against the bottom of the island.

Which actually made their situation slightly more dangerous. Since they couldn't be certain when an earthquake happens they won't have any warning for when a tsunami strikes. Fortunately, after taking away the gravity stones the trees weighed hundreds of tones.


After spending the day ripping trees out of the ground and creating a wall the ground finally went back to the centre. Zoe and Georgia were there relaxing, they had a list of names in the hand for everyone that wanted to be employed.

Chloe went up to them and asked, "So where's Flynn and Simon?"

Joe looked up at Chloe and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, they haven't come back yet."

Chloe began to worry. Although she knew legal work could take a while, spending an entire day is a little bit too long.

She then turned around at the faint sound of a bird flapping its wings. In the distance was Simon and Flynn flying on top of Storm. But once they got closer Chloe's concerns were justified.

Flynn had a black eye and a couple of bruises on his arm. Simon looked rather fine but that was just because of the amount of strength he had. It was likely that a fight broke out, Flynn might have been hit by something or someone strong.

Chloe knew that Flynn actually had a decent amount of strength from eating the berries. Which mean the opponent had to be pretty strong.

When Storm finally reached the ground Simon helped Flynn off and onto the ground. Chloe came running over and grabbed onto Flynn's face, inspecting it thoroughly before moving on to the rest of the body.

When she finally finished inspecting he stood back up, "Who attacked you?"

"It was the Land Guardians," Flynn answered with a tone of anger.

"But they shouldn't be allowed to attack us anymore, they have no right to since we're no long traitors," Lachlan said angrily.

"Well we got into a bit of a scuffle since they used rather shady moves that provoked us," Simon said angrily from the side. His fist was clenched rather hard. "Seems those Land Guardians never change, they like to abuse their power just to get what they want."