Ocean Elves

Landing on the ground Lachlan waited patiently for the island's inhabitants to attack him, yet he received no response. Rather, he continued to feel several gazes filled with killing intent, all coming from the shadows beneath the trees.

Lachlan created a ball of flames and pushed it towards the source of the gaze, he heard low and deep grunts as the ball got closer and closer. Finally, Lachlan managed to see the tip of a spear, attached to it was a dark-skinned hand while the rest of the body was hidden behind the tree.

For a second Lachlan thought that he had come across another human but the spear moved at the speed of sound, smashing against the ball of flames, causing it to explode and sent shards of flames on to the trees.

Setting alight Lachlan heard much loudly and deep grunts from the treeline, bodies began to emerge, they had blood-red tribal markers painted onto their dark skin. Their hair, as black as coal and their eyes were all green.

But taking a closer look Lachlan thought he had begun imaging something, he summed it up to him not coming into contact with another intelligent being. Attached to their heads were long, pointy ears.

While in a trance the island's inhabitants began to shout at Lachlan in a foreign language, their spears upright and ready to fight as they closed the gap between them. Finally, by the time they reached a distance of 10 metres they shot off, leaving clouds of sand in their wake.

Dozens of spearhead appeared in front of Lachlan, the inhabitants all had faces of viciousness as they pushed their spears forward. Aiming towards different parts of Lachlan's body, trapping him in their attack.

Snapping back into reality Lachlan smiled before disappearing, not even the sand beneath his feet had noticed his disappearance. But the inhabitants' eyes constricted from freight, they all pulled their spears back swiftly before turning around.

Lachlan was standing behind them, nonchalantly staring at them all as he looked towards the status screen in front of him. He never would have thought he would encounter such a fantasy race in such little time.


Name: Ocean Elf

Age: 35 - 70 (Child - Teenager)

Slaves: 0/5 - 2/5

Compatibility: Creatures of the Sea (High - Perfect)

STR: 50 - 68, AGI: 40 - 50, VIT: 100

INT: 15 - 28, PER: 20 - 35, WIL: 14 - 23

Weakness: Territorial

Strengths: Skilled in Teamwork, Maximum Speed (Level 4), Spear Mastery (Level 2), Swimming Speed (Level 2)


Although they didn't necessarily have the most amount of strengths, they certainly had much higher stats in comparison to humans. Rather, it was almost pathetic to compare the two as all the ocean elves staring at him was either children or teenagers.

The ocean elves got back into position but this time they changed formation ever so slightly, creating rows of spears, all facing forwards at different angles. They took steps forward at a steady pace, stomping on the ground with all their might in an attempt to intimidate Lachlan.

He couldn't help but sigh at the sight, he could easily tear through them all just from a single swing of his broadsword. The only problem with that is that he wants to try and communicate with them; they're the only sign of intelligent life and they might be able to help him out with shortcuts, other nearby islands that Aaron might have idiotically not noticed, and just general information.

However, there was one more problem that he needed to solve. His stomach gurgled loudly, making the ocean elves jump in freight as they all stabbed forwards at the same time. Hitting nothing but air as they were too far away.

He was hungry.

He had forgotten to pack food and water, something everyone knows is a necessity yet he managed to completely forget about their very existence. As for now, he didn't want to go back and create an awkward atmosphere. They had all given him a proper farewell, all wishing him luck, it would be awkward and slightly embarrassing should he return.

So instead, Lachlan decided to tough it out. Unsheathing his broadsword Lachlan swung towards the ground before stopping slightly above the sand. The sheer force from his swing sent grains of sand flying in all direction, the wind almost became a torrent as it swirled the sand around him.

Taking control the wind Lachlan dispersed the swirl, peace and quiet reigned as the ocean elves were scared to the bone. They had been forced to drop their spears, gathering together to protect themselves and the children.

Lachlan lightly tapped on the ground with his toes, a thin layer of ice covered the sand before encasing the ocean elves' feet, Lachlan made sure to compact and tighten the ice around their feet to make sure they don't attack.

As for now, his nose was being dragged into the treeline where the fish were being roasted. There were several dozen fish being roasted at the same time, their scent wafted through the air, almost targetting his high vulnerable nose and stomach.

Just as Lachlan was about to sit down his armour sent him alarms, he heard shuffling from above and tactfully twisted his body while jumping into the air. As a silhouette dashed past Lachlan whacked it with his foot, kicking it into the tree.

More and more alarms were being set off, humanoid figures held onto the treetops, staring down at him as they firmly gripped onto their spears. Silence reigned shortly after as the two sides came at an impasse, staring at one another for several minutes.

Lachlan's ears twitched at the sound of bushes rustling in front of him. The only thing he found odd about the new competitor is that it had no killing intent targetted towards him.

The new ocean elf looked old and wise, he had a goatee reaching his waist as he stood 7'2 tall. Similar to the younger ones he had dark skin with red tribal markings across his face and upper body. His hair slightly grey due to old age, his fingers seem abnormally long while his nails were sharp and pointy.



Name: Ocean Elf Chieftain

Age: 178 (Elder)

Slaves: 5/5

Compatibility: Creatures of the Sea (Perfect)

STR: 78, AGI: 60, VIT: 100

INT: 35, PER: 45, WIL: 25

Weakness: Territorial, Degraded Body

Strengths: Skilled in Teamwork, Maximum Speed (Level 4), Spear Mastery (Level 4), Swimming Speed (Level 2), Language of the Living


"Welcome intruder," The old elf said with a smile, he clasped his hands as he graciously bowed his head. "I would like to thank you for not killing our young, but would also kindly warn you to leave the island as you don't belong here."

Lachlan was slightly surprised by the fact that the elf was managing to talk with him, he could already tell which strength was allowing that but was also rather confused as to how it allowed the elf to do that. Lachlan felt as though the language wasn't something one earned with skill, but rather one gains through practice.

Even people like Anne, who had intellect, far surpassing that of the normal populace had the learn and experiment to gain their position in their industry. Lachlan felt as though it was like a cheat to have such an ability, but, he was also rather glad there was a skill like that.

It meant that he might also be able to get a skill of similar properties. It would certainly come in useful for when they do begin to expand their company. Once he finds the method he would either try and bring the method along with him or bring the others where the method was.

"Are you surprised that I can communicate with you?" The elder elf asked as it leaned over to take a closer look at Lachlan. "Considering your external features I would say that you're a human, but the humans have all evolved into brainless monsters. So that leaves all but one solution, you are not of this world."

"Good job with the guess, I'm going to take a bite now," Lachlan waved off the elder elf's words and snatched a fish off the fire. Taking it closer to his nose and took in a large whiff, it was the first time he had seen such a small fish in over two years.

'Aaron, why does it seem like all of Earth's fish traversed through space to get to your planet?' Lachlan joked internally as he took a bite out of the fish. Since Aaron's world experienced a similar evolution, it was quite odd seeing small fish, especially in a world that seemed much more dangerous in comparison to Earth.

'Master, it's likely that those fish come from those small things your humans call germs' Aaron responded seriously without a moment's hesitation. 'Master, I'm surprised you haven't come across similar things back on Earth.'

'Oh shush, I was training on an island for two years, not interacting once with the outside world, of course all the weaker beasts would be dead by then; that's survival of the fittest for you' Lachlan said to Aaron.

While the two were conversing the elder elf's eyebrows were twitching heavily form anger. He had always been respected due to his strength and his title of chieftain. Yet right now, before his eyes, he was being completely ignored by someone of another world.

"Hey boy! Don't ignore me! I'm telling you to leave this island kindly! Otherwise, we'll be forced to take action!" The elder elf said in a loud tone, his voice filled with anger as he stared towards Lachlan as he would a dead man.

The elves in the trees were all shuffling about, preparing their spears to be used right away as they waited patiently for the elder elf to give the command.

Seeing all this Lachlan sighed before bursting into a wide grin, he used two of his gravity stones and forced his surroundings to undergo 30x Earth's gravity while nullifying himself from the effect.

All the elves' pupils constricted as the ones in trees fell down and slammed into the ground, the sound of broken bones echoed through the trees. The elder elf had collapsed to the ground, the gravity was far too strong for him and the other elves to handle.

Using all his strength the elder elf tilted his head upwards to face Lachlan, who was eating the rest of his fish without the slightest care in the world. He took a quick glance to the elder elf before returning to his food.

"You don't have to worry, I'll leave eventually, once I fill my stomach and you answer a few easy questions," Lachlan explained as he eased up on the gravity, keeping it at 6x Earth's gravity. "Are there any other islands in the close vicinity?"

"No. That's the entire reason my clan of elves travelled the sea; to get to an island far away from the mainland and by itself in the ocean," The elder elf answered swiftly as cold sweat trickled down his back, no long underestimating the one in front of him.

"So if I go that way I should find the mainland correct?" Lachlan asked as he pointed towards the direction they were following. He just wanted to confirm their flight path, just to be extra certain they were going in the right direction.

"Yes." The elder elf nodded vigorously.

"Can I learn your skill, the one which allows you to speak my language?" This was something Lahclan was dying to ask. He hoped it was rather simple and that everyone could learn it should they put in the time. It would also keep him entertained as he learned while flying.

"No, it's a skill the chieftain is born with, how else are we supposed to create trading deals with others," The elder elf responded. Lachlan was thoroughly disappointed so he scuffed the rest of the fish down. "But I do believe humans once had a similar skill, I believe it was called something along the lines of world language translation."

Lachlan nodded before taking off, releasing the effects of gravity, allowing the elves to finally take a breath from the tense atmosphere. One of the elves jumped down from the tree and rushed up to the elder elf, grabbing hold of his hands and supporting him. "Chieftain are you alright? The human didn't injure you or anything?"

"No, no, no, I'm completely fine just need to take a quick nap due to everything that's happened so far today," The elder elf brushed the elf's hands off him as he stood up and walked further into the island. Disappearing into trees where moonlight could not reach.

Lachlan returned to the skies but this time with a full stomach. Taking in a deep breath of the ocean air he relaxed his body. He knew it would take a while until he reaches another island, so while he was in the air there wasn't a reason to not take a nap.

Closing his eyes he gave the gravity stones one last command before drifting into a dreamscape.