Attacked Above the Ocean

Lachlan's eyes opened at the sense of danger, the sun had finally risen back up and it had only been a few hours since he took a nap. Looking below he noticed a shadow lurking beneath the waters, his eyes constricted from the sheer size of the beast. The silhouette was atleast 50 metres long and 60 metres wide.

The water began to rupture and quake as the beast surfaced; a fountain of water spurt from the beast's upper body and almost hit Lachlan out of the skies. Its skin, clean and glossy. It had 6 pairs of flippers, its tail was similar width of the body as it rose above the water.

It was a whale, granted a rather unique looking one it was still a whale nonetheless. And for some reason, this whale had a problem with Lachlan as it pushed out another fountain of water out of its blowhole, narrowly missing Lachlan once again.



Name: Iron-Toothed Orca

Age: Elder

Attribute: Water/Darkness

Grade: Good

Innate Talent: Elite

Level: 17

STR: 141(+40), AGI: 159(+60), VIT: 200(+30)

INT: 50(+14), PER: 40(+16), WIL: 20(+10)

Weakness: Weak Skin Defence, Prideful, Territorial, Electric Attacks

Strengths: Swimming Speed (Level 8), Water Control (Level 4), Darkness Control (Level 4), Bite Strength (Level 4)


Lachlan was completely shocked to his core that such a large beast wasn't a whale, but rather an orca. Now he was wondering how large a whale would be, would it be the size of an entire country, maybe even a continent.

The orca swiftly sunk back into the ocean, disappearing from Lachlan's sight as its silhouette merged with the darkness. Fortunately, wearing the armour, Lachlan sensed that the orca hadn't given up on him as he felt its killer gaze.

Summing the three Rocs Lachlan told them to prepare their special ability, taking flight to reach a higher altitude they began to perform their special ability. Although it was somewhat too soon for them to use it, the only thing that would be affected would be its strength.

Fortunately for them, the orca was weak against electrical-based attacks, making it an easy target for the Rocs' special ability. However, relying on its instincts and sensing danger the orca made a rush to the water's surface.

The orca jumped out of the water, however, with its tactful control over water, similar to that of Phoebe's turtles it created a path for which it could swim through. Making a beeline towards the Rocs.

Lachlan sighed before rushing towards the water, dipping his hands into it he forced it to freeze. The ice rushed up the water to where the orca was, trapping its body by encasing it in ice the orca fell to back into the ocean.

The darkened clouds above had gathered, the lightning which travelled through the clouds was much small and produced a slightly weaker light. However, with the final screen a lightning bolt, much thicker struck down at the ocean.

The orca, shocked by the abrupt events began to tense its muscles as it swam around rapidly. The ocean began to roughen up, swirls began to appear on the surface before rising up into the air. It was a last-ditch effort to keep itself alive as it dove deeper in the water.

However, no matter how fast its swimming speed was it couldn't escape the speed of light. It reached the surface of the rough waters and electrocuted the surrounding ocean water, managing to hit the orca as well.

The orca's corpse rose to the top of the now calm ocean, it had been chard from the lightning. Lachlan's ears twitched at the sound of water splashing, looking back down he noticed more and more aquatic beasts' corpses rise to the top.

"Oops," Lachlan muttered as he scratched his head. "Well, not my problem, suppose they can be treated as food for any survive aquatic beast in the nearby surroundings."

Unsummoning his Rocs Lachlan continued with his journey, the sun by his back as he flew across the sky. The only thing still in his sight was the great blue ocean that seemed to encompass the entire world.

'Aaron, are we close to another island?' Lachlan asked with a hint of hope, wondering if he would be able to sleep on something stable tonight rather than sleeping in zero gravity.

'Not in a longshot master, that's still probably a days journey until we reach the next island; that's also the island that had the other griffons and beasts that bullied me off' Aaron explained with a slightly saddened tone as he reminisced on those memories.

'Don't worry Aaron, remember, you have the strength of a mountain, you don't need to fear them, but you also don't need them to accept you. Because you have us, who will be with you through thick and thin' Lachlan swiftly reassured Aaron and lightened up the mood.

'Yeah Aaron, unlike you they don't have comrades as strong as us' Catastrophe said proudly, Lachlan felt as though he could imagine Catastrophe puffing out his chest as he said those words.

'Indeed Aaron, they should be surprised and embarrassed by their past actions once they see how far you've come' Calamity said with elegance. 'And just that Catastrophe said, they probably won't be a match for us when it comes to combat.'

'It's okay Aaron, no need to feel sad; think about it this way, if they never pushed you off their island you wouldn't have met us and father' Disaster responded in a slightly shy and childish voice. 'Also, they should be ashamed that they got rid of someone who's able to amplify their strength.'

Aaron let off a burst of haughty laughter. 'Indeed, you're all very much correct. If I wanted to I could have crushed them all into the ground with my strength; they're 100 years too early to beat me in battle.'

'Haha, alright you four settle down now, no need to start shouting through telepathy' Lachlan said with a bright, warm smile. He had the wind stone constantly activated, allowing him to stay rather warm and comfortable over the ocean.


Small birds began to gather above Lachlan, they were much smaller in comparison to the everwinds. Their features fluorescent purple, the bottom of its body was snow-white while it had a tail that looked similar to a pom attached to a piece of string.

Lachlan moved up in the sky, getting close to them. Fortunately, similar to the everwinds they were completely docile. They also managed to survive in a similar way to the everwinds, in that just through the sheer number they were able to activate hundreds of special abilities at the same time.



Name: Purple-Fire Raven

Age: Adult

Attribute: Fire

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 5th Grade

Level: 5

STR: 11, AGI: 19(+20), VIT: 20

INT: 15(+5), PER: 20, WIL: 10

Weakness: Weak Defence, Weak Physical Attacks, Cowardly

Strengths: Maximum Speed (Level 4), Fire Control (Level 2), Wind control (Level 2)


Lachlan had the give it to them, although they were actually quite weak he was somewhat certain just one of them could take out something along the lines of a Trap Scorpion, one of the first beasts Lachlan had a face to face encounter with.

This was entirely based on the fact that the Purple-Fire ravens have control over elements, a huge edge in terms of combat as it brings a whole new lot of situations that could happen.

Lachlan reached up and gently pet it, the raven had hesitated for a moment before accepting Lachlan's touch. He could feel the heat radiating from the bird, coursing along the surface of his skin with the slightest gentle touch of its feathers.

'Aaron, you really have some next level beasts in your world' Lachlan remarked in amazement. 'Although they may not be physically strong, they would certainly be fit to protect someone from danger and even keep someone company when they're feeling down.'

'Of course master, that's just how my world is; as unlike yours, my world hadn't experienced something called a meteorite or comet' Aaron wasn't sure how to word it precisely. 'Anyway, unlike your world which advanced technology-wise, my world advanced in fighting techniques due to the increase in dangerous animals, some of which are somewhat similar to the ones in your present world as well as the prehistoric world.'

'Indeed, we do have orcas in my world, ravens to' Lachlan nodded as he took his hand away from the raven. It was quite adorable with its small size, unfortunately, due to the innate talent, Lachlan wouldn't consider taming it.

Although he wasn't too certain, he was guessing that the higher something's innate talent is when it's a normal grade, the higher their talent would be when in higher grades in comparison to something with a much lower innate talent at normal grade.

However, that's something he would find out once his eyes evolve one more time so until then he wouldn't do anything rash. At the very least, as long as he's not forced to do anything rash.


Back on Earth, the island was still above New Orleans, the group were down in the city reinforcing the walls of their underground passage. The Explorer's Guild building had changed location, it was now underground along with their own businesses.

The passages were filled with people, some of which were apart of criminal organisations; however, those people are too afraid to do anything as of now. Surrounding them are explorer's which have survived for over two years in a ruined city, constantly fighting for survival.

Not to mention everyone was currently enjoying their food, Pedro and Elena were moving through the kitchen at lightning speeds as they cooked.

Simon was currently standing in front of their business front, Flynn and Chloe were by his side doing the same. "Should we make it out of something different? I feel like wood isn't the most stable material for buildings underground."

"While it isn't necessarily the most stable, once we finish reinforcing the walls we shouldn't need to worry about the materials used for the building. Not to mention it creates a slightly more warm and comfortable atmosphere," Flynn explained from his professional construction viewpoint.

"And it's cheap," Chloe quickly added on from the side.

Simon listened and shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, if you say so."

Back on the island Phoebe and Maddie were currently looking after Sarah and Sophie, who were both currently playing around in front of the huts. By their feet was a ball, similar to that of a soccer ball.

They were kicking it around and at each other, attempting to keep it up in the air. Sarah, who was currently in possession of the ball ran over to Phoebe and Maddie. "You two should come and join as well."

Looking towards one another they shrugged their shoulders and stood up. Walking over Sarah kicked the ball at them, Maddie stopped it with her thigh before lightly kicking it to Phoebe high in the air.

Phoebe leapt into the air and headed it to Sophie who also headed it back to Sarah. They managed to continue the header chain for a dozen heads but failed when Phoebe accidentally headed it behind them.

The three lightly chuckled at Phoebe's fail before getting back into position, readying themselves to go another turn.

In the far distance, slightly away from the orphanage Dylan was perched upon his tree, looking over the everyone as they played. He noticed a parent staring at him, the man smiled before waving and gesturing for Dylan to come over.

Leaping down from his tree Dylan appeared by the man. "What's up? Is something wrong?"

"No of course not. How about you join us for lunch, we have plenty of food for everyone to eat, including you," The man explained in a friendly voice. The people behind him nodding. "Listen, we would also like to thank you for watching over us and our children."

Shrugging his shoulders Dylan walked up and sat down with the parents. "Sure, I suppose I can join you all."