Steady Sailing

Chloe dashed forwards, her body turned into a blur before appearing before Kawata, her fist tearing through the air as she twisted her body. Kawata grinned menacingly, his arm rose up and wrapped around Chloe's arm like a snake. Chloe felt the control over her body disappear as her momentum changed directions.

She was originally going forward but as Kawata twisted his body her body swung through the air. Finally, once the momentum began decreased, she attempted to stomp her feet on the ground and get some better footing to continue her attacks.

However, just as her feet were about to make contact Kawata's leg appeared from behind, smacking into the back of her heel. She felt the world spinning around before her body was completely and abruptly halted to a complete stop. Kawata grabbed and wrapped himself around Chloe's body, restricting any movement. Kawata didn't care who he was fighting, whether they be a woman or male, handicapped or not, he would always go all out.

Chloe felt her head grow light, her eyesight was fading in and out of focus. She felt her breathing slow down as the blood rushing around her body slowed down. Struggling, she attempted one last try to break free, however, her arms felt as though there was no strength in them. It felt as though she wouldn't be able to pick up her child with her strength, let alone a fully-grown elderly man.

"I give, I give," Chloe struggled to say as she tapped Kawata's arm. Kawata pulled back and retreated a few metres, he shook his hand as a light red mark appeared on the skin. She quenched from the stinging pain and looked towards Chloe in shock.

'Really, why does it seem as though everyone here possesses the strength to tear down a mountain' Kawata thought to himself as he looked towards the group like he was looking at a gathering of monsters. Earlier in the battles, similar things happened.

When he attempted to trip the others up the contact made it seem as though his foot would be shattered; fortunately, he had lessened to blow by twisting his body otherwise he really would have shattered the bones in his feet. However, that wasn't the only case. There was also the multiple times where he grabbed onto their hands or wrapped his body around them an exerted a great deal of force on their pressure points.

Usually, it would take a mere fraction of his strength to press hard enough on the pressure points to sap an opponent of their strength. However, the monsters in front of him forced him to use every ounce of strength to gradually decrease their strength. His body was overwhelmed with a rush of excitement staring at them. 'I wonder if I'll be able to train this gathering of monsters properly.'

Kawata created this style of martial arts because he sought after a greater level of strength to defend himself with. However, in front of him were a group of monsters that may be able to further to the level of his technique through their strength alone. Kawata has many ideas for furthering certain techniques; however, he's been restricted by the restraints over his muscles, not to mention the old age which is now causing his health to decline.

"Just wondering, but how were you even able to defend against me?" Chloe asked as she was panting. "After all, with my level of speed I should have been completely out of your eyesight, there shouldn't have even been a way for you to defend against my attack, let alone flip the situation and force me into losing instead."

"The number of battles I've endured through my life could number in the upper hundreds if not thousands; after so many battles, some with your life on the line you eventually gain the ability to react without actually seeing anything. For example, when you and all of your friends disappeared from my line of sight my body immediately reacted to the situation in the best method it could think of. As for the really simple way to explain it, well, I'd call it intuition," Kawata explained joyfully as he smacked the side of his legs, slightly chuckling away at the expression the group was giving him.

"Wait, so you're meaning to tell us that you were never really aware of your initially move?" Lachlan asked as he broke form. He also had thought about the situation, to be able to keep up with someone that has monstrous stats as well as high-tiered strengths is beyond human limits. He couldn't believe what he was hearing right now.

Kawata laughed loudly, arching his back slightly with his hands on his sides. "Indeed, although it may have looked as though I knew what I was doing I didn't really have a clue. Your initial moves were far too fast for me to comprehend; however, once you entered my clutches you weren't able to escape the rest of my restriction moves. And yes, after the initial interaction it was me doing the fighting."

"Well damn, that's impressive," Lachlan complimented with awe in his eyes. Although the differences in their natural strength lay leagues apart, through skilful execution and experience Kawata managed to best them all singlehandedly. Granted, they didn't bring out their elemental control but that was entirely due to it being unfair should they do that.

After that, days passed by steadily, the entire group began training for a few hours a day with Kawata. They felt a few aspects of their strength growing stronger, some of which they didn't know they had a weakness for. Now, when they sparred against each other their footing was much more stable. And aside from Kawata, none of them could trip each other over.

The business was running smoothly as well, it took a couple of days for customers to start piling in but after great perseverance and skilful advertisement, they managed to get it done. The method of advertisement was suggested by Kawata, through the of bright colours they managed to lure a few eyes. However, once they set up their ventilation system properly that's when the real horde of customers came in.

The smell of the meaty juices from the cooking choripán drifted through the ventilation and wrapped around the hungry peoples' bodies. Their stomachs gurgled and grumbled at the delicious smell, taking control of the body and leading it into the restaurant. They would swiftly order the meal before taking a seat at a nice redwood table. The restaurant had been skilfully furnished by Christina who had an eye for these things.

The group would have settled for alright; Christina, however, wouldn't settle for anything less than perfect. The tables and chairs had to either perfectly blend with the interior or contrast beautifully. With the dark oak trees used for the walls, Christina decided to make it slightly contrast but fuse and mix as well.

The kitchen was extremely large with everything Pedro and Elena could have ever asked for. Ingredients were filling the fridge and storage to the brim. The choripáns would be made by the couple from scratch so that they could add more flavours that they want in it. Whether they want a fattier part of the meat or a muscular part, the different seasonings as well. All of this combined created a savoury delight of aroma filling the streets outside.

Granted, not everyone was a fan; however, for the most part just about everyone that walked past decided to give it a try. Some enjoyed it, even coming for seconds and thirds, others didn't find it as pleasant and didn't come back. But that's just how the business worked, they couldn't please everyone, nor did they see a reason to.

In the kitchen behind the couple were two young boys, roughly in their upper teenage years to early adult years. They had pleasant baby faces, unshaven and clean. Their hair was slightly long, nothing too much but just enough to add a few styles to it. Their hair was both black while one had brown eyes and the other had hazel.

Elena and Pedro worked at them extensively, teaching them the ins and outs of how to cook and prepare a choripán. By the end of the month, they wanted the two to have learnt all their cooking methods and teachings, not to mention learn how to handle the business a bit. Granted, that job was given to someone else.

Currently, Valentina was inside an office at the very back of the building. In front of her was another young woman, also in her teenage years. She was slightly blushing as she held onto her hands, she felt incredibly nervous. It was the first interview she's ever been to and if it wasn't for her family needing the extra money she wouldn't have gone for a job.

"Now, please tell me about yourself," Valentina said intimidatingly. A lot of the time, while the others were either working on construction or relaxing, Valentina would go to Flynn to ask for advice on how to run a business. She knew absolutely nothing, however, she wanted to learn so that she could support her parents. Also to alleviate some pressure and time on Flynn's hands since they were currently incredibly busy with the academy.

"My name is Holly Dunkin, I'm currently 17 years old with little work experience. However, I'm going to try my best to challenge myself in this environment and work effectively as a team member," The girl explained briefly as her knuckles were rubbing against each other.

"Do you think you're qualified for the job?" Valentina asked with a stern and sharp expression, her hands clasped together as her chin rested on top of them. She stared straight into Holly's eyes, they didn't move nor did she blink, Valentina just stared and waited for an answer.

"No, currently I don't believe I have the qualities that are suitable for the job. However, I believe I have the abilities and determination to become suitable," Holly answered with a confident outward appearance, internally she felt as though her body was breaking down. She looked to Valentina with a bit of shock. 'What the hell, how come she's so intimidating despite being either the same age as me if not younger?"

"Great!" Valentina said loudly, reaching over the desk for a handshake, her facial expression changed to a much more natural and warmer one. Holly felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, she sighed of relief and shook Valentina's hand.

"So, when will I begin?" Holly asked, sitting back into her chair with a slightly more relaxed composure. She still didn't sit how she usually would at home, if she did, it wouldn't be an understatement to say that no job would want her.

"Well, I suppose we'll begin basic training today and then you'll start tomorrow, come with me," Valentina answered before standing up. In reality, it wasn't as though Holly was the best choice she's had so far. But she felt as though there was something common between them, she also hated the stuck-up attitude that the others seemed to naturally possess. Holly seemed like a normal girl, Valentina wanted to shape and mould Holly's future.

They went outside and into another room, it was a more formal office room with a computer and drawers on both sides. On the desk was a few papers, only stacking roughly an inch high but it still made Holly's eyes widen momentarily.

Valentina tapped on Holly's shoulder. "Alright, turn on the computer and go onto the program at the top left corner of the screen. That should be an instruction manual with a few key ideas to remember when working as a manager. Learn it and remember it."

Valentina left the room and closed the door behind her. That computer program was something she made herself, with the obvious assistance of someone that can actually create programs. She prided herself on it and hoped it worked as well as she thought it would; it was a rather simple program that didn't take too much time to create.