Restaurant Gets Messy

After leaving the office, Valentina returned to her room. She sunk into her comfortable desk chair, custom made by Christina. The soft leather was created from the hide of a wild boar, the leather always remained warm without any electrical heating.

The desk made out of red hardwood, it's been varnished a couple of times to add on a layer of darkness and smoothness. On it was just a pile of papers, a pen and pencil holder, as well as a stapler. It was rather simple but that's how Valentina wanted it, they weren't going to be here forever after all.

"Hey! Who's the boss of this place!" A loud, deep voice boomed through the halls, kitchen and restaurant. It sounded angry, furious even. Valentina got a bad feeling and immediately stood up and dashed out her office, gangs were rather prominent, even in cities like Atlanta which were bustling with life.

Walking through the building and out of the kitchen, Valentina's eyes darted around the shop before landing on a rough-looking man standing at the counter. The man had long blonde hair, it was slightly curly and draped in front of his eyes. On his tanned neck was a tattoo of a tiger, all-black tattoo with exquisite details. The culprit was wearing a vibrant pink shirt and light brown shorts.

Looking towards Valentina the man's eyes widened with surprise before he sighed, walking over he wrapped his arm around Valentina's neck. Valentina felt paralysed, it wasn't as though she was weak but rather, she had just never been put in such an awkward position before. "Hey little cutie, how about you go back into the restaurant and get your boss for me? If you do well, who knows, maybe I can show you a good time afterwards."

Valentina felt incredibly awkward, her body frozen in place as the man lightly breathed into her ear, she almost jumped on the spot. However, with a quick jolt of her memory and who the ones backing her were she felt a wave of confidence. The people backing her were the same people to root out the largest gang in her hometown, not to mention the largest gangs in multiple cities.

Turning to face the man Valentina grabbed hold of his arm and lifted it off her shoulder, Valentina's leg suddenly moved from its original position. The man felt a sudden jolt go through his body, his breathing turned erratic as his hands automatically reached down to his crotch. He collapsed to the floor, rolling around.

The man looked up to face Valentina, his eyes filled with hatred and anger. "Now you did it girl, go and get your boss before I get my boys to tear this place down to the ground. Ha, suppose you can still be useful after a quick session, though you certainly won't be as cute afterwards."

Valentina squatted down and grabbed onto the man's long blonde hair, she pulled his head up to level with hers before talking in a cold tone. "I am the boss of this restaurant, and you just being here really ticks me off. So, I'm going to give you one more warning. Crawl out the restaurant and leave, before you make a decision you'll regret forever."

"Ha, do you think you are a scary little girl? How about I show you something really scary?" The man said coldly, his muscles tensed as he held himself off the ground. The tattoo around his neck started a glow a bright red, the light enveloped the entire restaurant.

When the light dispersed a large 6 metres long, 2.5 metres tall ruby red tiger stood in front of Valentina. The very tip of the tiger's tail was lit up with a small but bright flame. Its stripes were black. It snorted a stream of smoke in Valentina's face. The same smoke filled the restaurant.

The tiger took a step forward and opened its mouth just ever so slightly to reveal its sharp, white teeth. The man gave off a burst of haughty laughter, lightly slapping the tiger's stomach. "See, now tell me little cutie, do you regret your decision in kicking me in the goddamn balls?" The man's voice raising slightly higher at every word.

"No, no I don't," Valentina responded while shaking her head with a composed expression. During her time in the restaurant and around the city she's gotten to know a few people aside from the main group. During her time, she's spent the most amount of time inside Kawata's restaurant and even made a couple of friends, some of which, certainly aren't the most ordinary.

The man's lip twitched with a furious face, he took a couple of steps forward and lightly brushed his hands along his tiger's face. "Kill her, shred her into mincemeat before devouring her, make sure to do it slowly remember, we want her to feel the pain."

The man was tired of playing his usual games, he thought the girl would just go along with it, after all, his name is pretty well known in the food district. Who would have thought he would be so thoroughly humiliated in front of a large crowd of people? The restaurant was filled to the brim with customers, all of which happened to see his pitiful performance.

After that, there was only one way he could redeem himself in his mind. That was to reverse the situation and thoroughly humiliate the girl, even killing her to send a warning to all other places he's going to visit. After all, news travels fast in the food district bustling with life.

The tiger took another step forward, its claw landed on Valentina's foot, it didn't hurt, nor did Valentina feel much force. However, the moment she attempted to move that foot back she realised the tiger had trapped it beneath its claw.

Its other front paw raised slightly into the air, pushing against Valentina's stomach. The tiger slammed its claw down abruptly, ripping apart the lower end of Valentina's shirt, revealing her slightly tanned stomach to all the customers. However, despite all the commotion, she remained still.

Valentina slightly chuckled. "Ha, you badly messed up now, you should have just gone for the kill if you wanted to redeem your pitiful reputation back." At that moment another woman walked through the door, her long black hair draped over her shoulders. She wore a black dress that reached her knees, the sleeves ended at her elbows. There was a black and white tattoo of a snake wrapping around her forearm.

"I would suggest letting go of the girl you piece of shit," The woman said coldly, her arm flashed momentarily before a snake shot out and wrapped itself around the tiger's neck. The snake's body was covered in in metallic scales possessing a grey sheen.

The strength of the snake increased, swiftly cutting off the tiger's air supply. The man felt the sense of danger of the tiger through the contract. He felt the fear of death overwhelm the tiger as it struggled to breathe. It lifted its paw and took a couple of steps back.

The man stared at the woman with wide eyes filled with fear, he was confident in his tiger, that's the reason he was so confident in everything he did. However, once that insurance failed, in a miserable manner at that, he felt his confidence shattered. The woman in front of him was a stunning beauty, but also a silent and deadly snake.

"Now, since Valentina was so nice to let you live once, I'll also give you a choice for survival. Grovel on the ground and apologise to Valentina, make sure it sounds genuine or who knows what might happen to your precious tiger," The woman said coldly, taking a couple of steps forward before standing next to Valentina, her arms crossed as she looked down on the man.

"Ha, I knew you wouldn't be too far away Dakota," Valentina said confidently before opening her arms and wrapping them around the woman. "After all, it seems you're rather addicted to our food, now are you?"

Dakota chuckled and stroked Valentina's head, roughening up her hair. "You're not wrong, and I can't exactly let the restaurant's little owner get bullied by scum like this. Not to mention that it's much safer in the streets if you kill the tiger off while it's still little rather than waiting for it to become a behemoth."

"Are you telling me he as the chance of becoming a behemoth in the gang world?" Valentina asked suspiciously, her hand stroking her chin in a detective manner. "I don't think he would have lasted a few weeks in the gang world, after all, he'll probably anger some current big gang leader and get his throat cut."

"Hey, I know when to keep quiet and when I can speak out of turn," The man remarked in annoyance at the conversation the two girls were having. He had just begun his journey in the gang world, money was running low so he had to find a viable method of obtaining income. How could he have known that his road would be cut so short?

He heard on the streets that there was an up and coming star in the food district, probably earning thousands if not dozens of thousands weekly. Just a couple hundred dollars would have been enough to allow him to live leisurely for a year, let alone a few thousand.

Then, once he came into the restaurant and asked for the boss to come out, he got rather excited to have a small and cute girl walk out instead. He had thought that the girl was the assistant, coming out in the boss' stead, he never would have guessed that Valentina was the restaurants boss.

He attempted to use some force to get what he wants but that completely backfired on him, now he's been put in a situation where he has to grovel on the floor. He absolutely didn't want to grovel on the floor and apologise to the small girl, especially not in front of a crowd of people.

"Oh, it seems you're hesitating," Dakota said coldly. The constriction around the tiger's neck strengthened, the tiger felt as though its neck was going to snap any second. It had never been put in such a situation before, it only fought and hunted large prey that also had four limbs.

The tiger attempted to claw at the snake, however, the metallic scales forced the tiger's claws to merely slide across it. Seeing its opponent attack it so desperately the snake tightened some more, caused the tiger to struggle more. However, despite all that determination, it amounted to nothing. The tiger dropped, collapsed on the floor, its four limbs sprawled across the ground.

"Well, seems you're quite the shitty tamer, to allow your tame to die like that without even the slightest hint of remorse," Dakota said coldly. She despised people like the man in front of her; it was one thing to allow his tame to die but it was another to allow his tame to die while there was clearly a path in which all of them leave unscathed.

Dakota couldn't get her head around the concept of reputation and power, how some people view that as the absolute law. The man in front of her being a great example, he believes himself to have a great deal of power, then, once confronted by his power dispersing, he couldn't handle it, nor did he want to accept it.

"Ha, well then, I suppose you should kill me now, I don't exactly have much else to live for," The man said with a hint of insanity. His last-ditch hope was to rely on being in the gang world, however, he needed strength to get to that, the strength that he just lost. His eyes were sunken, a shadow cast upon them as he stared at the ground.

"Will do." The snake that was originally wrapped around the tiger's neck shot out like a bullet, its mouth wide open, fangs oozing the slightest bit of a dark green liquid. The snake sunk its teeth into the man's body ruthlessly, then, once let go, the man's corpse collapsed on the floor similarly to the tiger corpse. The crowd that was bustling mere moments ago had completely disappeared, scattered in all directions.

Dakota turned around a looked at Valentina. "So, how did I do?"