Idiotic Contract

Valentina awkwardly chuckled. "I suppose you didn't do too bad, granted, I'd rather you not have killed a person in my restaurant. However, I suppose I also shouldn't be expecting anything more from a person that thinks only with their stomach rather than their brains."

Valentina was oddly okay at the sight of a person dying, not because she's been surrounded by monsters for so long, she's grown numb to death. More so because she's seen it happen so many times, she's never told her parents about it once so they wouldn't know about it.

However, sometimes whenever she went outside her local city, she would come across a group of slaughtered people. She would go outside the city, not too far but just enough to get to where some fresh herbs were growing wild. But, sometimes that distance was enough to come across some more gruesome deaths.

However, despite all that, she saw she would continue to go outside the city to support her family business. That's just how she's been raised, granted, her parents would both scold her to death if they were to hear about all that she's seen, more so about the fact that she continued to go out.

"Anyway, speaking about stomachs, mine seems to be wanting something," Dakota's stomach let off a loud gurgle. It sounded as though Dakota hadn't eaten for days when in reality, she ate at the restaurant yesterday, a whole feast was eaten to be exact, enough to feed 4 people for dinner.

Rather, that's the entire reason Valentina got to know Dakota. One of the apprentice chefs came in and explained that a woman may singlehandedly wipe their storage clean. Granted, that was an overstatement, but Valentina was glad about it.

She rushed outside to see the commotion, only to find a woman sitting in front of roughly 5 large plates which were full of food. Feeling confused she sat down on the other side of the table and immediately fired off a couple of questions, the main one being where the other person was.

Dakota laughed loudly back then before another large plate was placed in front of her and Valentina witnessed the whole thing up close. Dakota's habit of devouring any tasty food on sight, she tore through the meat without any hesitation.

Then, Valentina decided to strike a deal with Dakota. After poking around at Dakota's private life Valentina discovered that Dakota was an explorer, a rather high ranked one at that. So, taking advantage of the situation of Dakota being a foodie, Valentina created a contract with her along with Marie.

Dakota is Marie's company's personal hunter in Atlanta, and, in terms of the benefits of agreeing with the contract, Dakota would get paid plenty of money all the while getting free food from Choripán Reyes. And now, through this simple contract, they managed to get themselves a good meat source.

"Alright, alright, I'll go back to the kitchen and tell them that you're here. Do you want the usual or do you want something different, maybe a bit spicy?" Valentina asked with a hopeless sigh. It seems they might be running low of meat sometime soon if Dakota keeps coming into the restaurant without rest.

"You know how it is for me, I can't handle any spices at all, just keep it nice a simple how you always have," Dakota answered before walking to a window seat and sitting down, she rested her arms on the table and stared out the window, her eyes followed the darting figures of people.

Lachlan and Phoebe abruptly burst through the door, their eyes darting around the restaurant before landing on the motionless corpse on the ground. Lachlan stared at it, then at Valentina, then back at it, then back at Valentina. He pointed towards it and tilted his head.

Valentina understood what Lachlan was gesturing at, she swiftly dashed over to explain to the two in a slightly quieter environment. Grabbing hold of both of their hands Valentina brought them into the kitchen before turning around and clasping her hands. "So yeah, there was a bit of a run-in with some new person wanting to get into the gang lifestyle. However, everything's been sorted and settled, no one has been injured aside from the person wanting to start something."

"Did you kill him?" Lachlan asked in a serious tone, he slightly leaned over, his face got closer to Valentina's, his eyes stared straight through her. "And if you weren't the one to kill him then who did? After all, when I walked in there certainly wasn't anyone that stood out amongst the people as a strong individual."

"No, no, no, I wasn't the one to kill him, but rather, it was the work of a highly ranked explorer, someone Marie and I personally hired to work for us. She hunts down beasts to create the choripán, in return, she gets a hefty paycheck as well as free food from Choripán Reyes," Valentina answered as she waved her hands in front of her face.

"Sounds like a somewhat alright deal, but have you made any specifics with the contract? For example, did you add a bit where she agrees to hunt a certain number of beasts per week? If you didn't, she technically doesn't have to supply you with as many beasts as you were thinking," Lachlan explained briefly. He had heard from Flynn that you always wanted to make a contract or trade fair if you aren't able to tilt it more towards your own side.

Valentina felt her mind pop listening to all of Lachlan's questions before remembering what exactly was written on the contract. She shook her head nervously. "Nope, Marie and I only put that Dakota, the highly ranked explorer was the work for us in gathering ingredients from outside the city walls. We didn't put any consequences, restrictions, or limitations."

"Hai, it seems I'll need to go and get Simon to mediate the matter over, he's much more professional when it comes to stuff like this," Lachlan said while he scratched his head. 'Hopefully, Flynn is able to bring that contract out and make a few adjustments, it'll be a pain in the arse if he can't.'

Just as Lachlan was about to take a couple of steps back and leave the restaurant Valentina dashed behind him and shook her head vigorously. "No, I can't allow you to do that. Since this is a problem created by Marie and me, the two of us are going to be the ones to fix it. This can be a valuable lesson, fixing it can be an even better lesson added on top."

Lachlan and Phoebe were momentarily stunned by Valentina's stubborn nature but chuckled slightly at her determination to fix her mistakes. The two nodded. "Alright, how about we do it this way, you have the rest of today to settle the problem with Dakota along with Marie before we step in. Don't worry, the two of us will be nearby, we'll make sure nothing interrupts your meeting."

"Great, I'll go and get Marie," Valentina said enthusiastically while making a mad dash towards a side door in the kitchen. The side door led to Marie's building, it was full of people working around the clock dissecting the certain parts of the beast that are edible.

"Oh Valentina, what are you doing here? Don't you have someone over for an interview?" An old man asked from behind a workbench. Currently, the machines humanity possess aren't able to accurately dissect the beasts. However, with the slight assistance of human hands, the problem was quickly resolved, or at least minimised.

The old man was slightly hunched over his workbench, in front of him was an arm of a lizard, just its arm itself weighed a dozen kilograms. Then, once the limb was weight a conveyer belt dragged it along in a machine making a lot of noise. Since the evolution, the strength of muscles, bones, and even skin was increased severalfold, as such, humans had to respond similarly with their machines. Increasing the power behind their cuts.

"Indeed, however, I currently have more pressing matters at hand, where's Marie?" Valentina asked hurriedly.

The old man nodded. "Hai, young ones are always in a rush nowadays. Anyway, Marie should currently be within her office; I don't remember seeing her ever come out, but I also don't see much going around in the building." The old man stopped talking and continued with his work, looking through with the operation since mistakes could happen at any second when it came to dissecting limbs.

Valentina nodded before sprinting through the building and up some stairs at the very back of the entire building. At the top was a small room.

In the meantime, Lachlan and Phoebe were just left inside the kitchen. They looked towards Elena and Pedro who both shrugged their shoulders and tilted their heads, they hadn't been listening to anything going on, they were currently listening to some music as they danced around the kitchen. The two apprentices were doing the same, mainly before Elena and Pedro told them to.

Seeing everything running smoothly Lachlan and Phoebe both nodded at the same time before walking out and sitting on a table by the window. It was only one table's width away from Dakota, granted, the two didn't know who Dakota was since Valentina only gave them her name, nothing else.

"So, how about we order something and wait?" Lachlan asked, his arms resting on the table. They were currently just sitting there, which although was slightly fine with them in private, it was rather awkward in public. "Then, we can talk about the next location for our business and whether or not we should start recruiting some students here."

Phoebe nodded and responded sweetly. "Alright, would you please pass over the menu?"

Lachlan grinned and handed over the menu which was filled to the brim with a variety of different choripáns, some spicy, some mild, some acidic, some salty. Just a wide variety of flavours, entirely decided on by what meat was used as well as the seasoning and additional ingredients.

A waitress came walking over, the waitress was one of the apprentice's close friend; hearing that her friend managed to get himself a job at Choripán Reyes she immediately asked if he could help her get one as well.

Standing by the tableside with a notepad in her hands she asked in a polite tone with a bright smile. "Hello and welcome to Choripán Reyes, are you ready to order food as of now?"

"No need to wait I suppose," Lachlan said with a slight shoulder shrug. "Alright, I'll get the spicy choripán with a side of fries and garlic bread."

The restaurant had a much larger menu than the food trucks, most of the dishes were things that Elena and Pedro had ideas of creating before but just never got hold of the ingredients. However, now that they were in a major city of America, the ingredients were easy to come by.

The restaurant also only had 3 sides: French fries, garlic bread, and onion rings. And, since the evolution, all the ingredients were slightly larger while being compacted with flavour. Lachlan almost knocked himself out from the flavour along of the three sides.

Simon, Flynn, Chloe, and himself were the ones to come up with the sides. Mainly due to the large variety of ingredients available around the food district was also due to nostalgia. Getting that taste of garlic bread, something they would order along with pizza back before the Earth evolved, it was just something magical.

"I'll have the mild choripán with garlic bread and onion rings," Phoebe ordered kindly. The waitress nodded her head and walked off, swiftly writing down the order in short abbreviations. At that point, Marie and Valentina burst through the kitchen door and dashed for the seat opposite of Dakota who had already been served her first plate.

Dakota looked up to see two smallish girls staring at her eat, she knew both of them, however, they were currently being unusually weird. "Is there something wrong? I don't have anything on my face, do I? If so, would you be able to get it off?"

"No there's nothing wrong with that, we're just here to try and renegotiate the terms of the contract," Marie answered with closed eyes, her hands clasped as her elbows rested on the table. "Hopefully you would be able to cooperate with us in a professional manner an make this whole process many times faster."

Dakota showed visible signs of panic. "What? You're not firing me already, right? That shouldn't be so, right? I didn't do anything wrong did I?" Food was her weakness, her desire to eat was something she couldn't stop, feeling that it was threatened her mind went into overdrive.