Kill The Chicken To Warn The Monkey

"Oh no. It looks like he hit a sore spot! Let's back up."

Using my hands, I push Andy and Amanda out of the circle and into the crowd.

"Huh?! What do you mean David?"

Not understanding the situation, Andy asks.

"It's like this…"

Looking back at Desmond who's sending the green haired dyed a deadly glare, I continued.

"If there's one thing that can completely set Desmond off it would be to insult his mom, Mrs. Mori...She died two years ago."

"How'd she die?"

"She died in a car wreck."


Andy and Amanda gasped in shock at my revelation.

Of course, there was much more to that wreck but since it's not my place to say it, I won't.

It's a very, very, personal matter after all.

"I can clearly remember how distraught Desmond was when he got the news. If it wasn't for his grandma coming to knock some sense into him, I'm pretty sure Desmond would still be coming to terms with his mom's death."

"Damn. Who would've known something like that happened to him."

"P-poor Desmond."

"Yeah, that's why insulting his mom is a reverse scale to him."

As soon as I finished explaining the reason for Desmond's anger, we heard him say.

"Hey! Fuck face! I'm gonna beat your ass!"

While saying this, Desmond takes off his Blazer and rolls up his sleeves, showing parts of his arm tattoos in the process. This caused the crowd to whisper in surprise.

Seemingly unfazed at the crowd's whispering, Desmond calmly got into his fighting stance.

The boy did as well.

"Come at me! I'm dying to f*ck up those ugly ass teeth of yours!."

Desmond ruthlessly taunts. With a sneer, the boy replies back.

"Haha! You're a momma's boy aren't you? Fine, after I'm done with you, you're going to be crying to your momm-"



Not even waiting for the green haired boy to finish his sentence, Desmond rushes in and delivers a solid punch to his face! Knocking the boy to the floor!

"That's a cheap shot!"

The green haired boy hatefully looked at Desmond as he stood back up from the floor. His nose bleeding a little.

"And? What's that got to do with me? No one said I couldn't punch yo ass while you were talking. Come at me again."


Under Desmond's provocation, the green haired boy throws a couple punches and kicks his way.

But unfortunately for the boy, every attack he threw at Desmond was effortlessly countered.

He couldn't touch Desmond who was very experienced in fighting.

Two minutes have passed since these two started fighting. The boy had a busted lip and swollen eye while Desmond was still in his original state.

With one look you could tell who already won.

"It's time to finish this!"

Using his left arm to block the green haired boy's right hook, Desmond unleashes a nasty right hook of his own!



From the punch, the boy's head is jerked sideways as blood sprayed from his mouth, along with some teeth!

Damn, Desmond showed no mercy doling out that attack!

"See, I told you I was gonna knock them ugly ass teeth out didn't I? Come on get up!"

Desmond tauntingly said as he watched the boy fall to the floor.


The boy showed no response.

Walking up to the boys body, Desmond crouched down and puts two fingers under his nose. After a couple of seconds, he stands back up.

"Huh, it looks like he went nighty night. Now, what about you big guy? You wanna fight to?"

Desmond directed this question towards the big guy that was quietly standing to the side. This whole time, he didn't bother to join in the fight or nothing, he just stood there.

Whether or not he thought about joining in is unknown. Well, either way they wouldn't have beaten Desmond. By my estimate these two are second rate delinquents.

"You wanna go?"

Desmond asked the big guy once again but this time he stood toe to toe with him.

From a spectators point of view it was comparing an ant to a giant

"N-no, I'm good! I'm good!"

But on the contrary to his large size, the guy was quite scared. That fight must've made him fearful of Desmond.

"That's great then. Since you decided not to join in on the fight earlier, I won't punch you. Now, can you show me the person who told you to harass Amanda?"

"Uh-huh? He's right there!"

Without hesitation, the big guy pointed into the crowd and straight at a boy I knew all too well. It was Garrett!

This also caused some of the people in the crowd to gasp in shock. They never thought that the person who was most eligible for Prom King would be capable of doing this?

"You sure that's him?"

Desmond asked in confirmation.

"Yeah, that's him."

"Okay then. Hey what's your name?"


"Alright, Stan, I know it's sudden but I hate to do this to you!"




In a high pitched scream, the big guy who's now named Stan dropped to the floor in unimaginable pain. He was kicked straight in the balls by Desmond.

Just seeing that kick connect made every man in here reflexively squeeze their legs together.


Stan asked with tears in his eyes. I feel your pain buddy.

"Hey, I said I wouldn't punch you. I never said I wouldn't kick you. Sh*t, you guys are lucky I didn't break your legs."

When he was done saying that Desmond walked over to where Garrett was at.

"...What do you want?"

Garrett arrogantly said the moment Desmond got in his face. But I know deep down he's scared. If it wasn't for the fact that there's a crowd here, he would've been pissing his pants right now.

"What's your name?"

Desmond asks.

"Why should I…"

"Listen bruh, I'm not in the mood for your bullsh*t! What's. Your. Name."

Feeling pissed at how Garrett was acting, Desmond coldly and forcefully repeated his question.

The underlying meaning behind his words was 'If you didn't answer the question now, I'm going to beat his ass.'

"...My name is Garrett."

Getting his message, Garrett reluctantly answers. He knows that he can't beat Desmond so his only choice is too comply.

"Hmm, Garrett. I've heard that name before... David is this the piece of sh*t quarterback you be talking about?"

Turning to look towards me Desmond asked with a smirk. Within his eyes, I could see a hint of playfulness. I get what he's trying to do.

With a similar smirk, I reply back.

"Yeah, that's him. He's the little b*tch I told you about."

"I see. I want you to do something for me little b*tch."

"What is it?"

Garrett said with a twisted expression on his face. This is hilarious!

"You see that girl over there?"

Desmond asked Garrett as he pointed at Amanda.

"I see her."

"Good. Now go over there and say sorry."


"Don't 'eh' me little b*tch. Go over there and apologize for harassing her. If you don't you'll end up like them."

"Okay, I'll go."

Remembering how Stan and that green haired boy ended up, Garrett subtly shivers in fear and slowly walks over here.

Tch, good choice.

"I'm sorry."

Garrett said unmotivated.

"Little b*tch say more sincerely and with a bow this time."


After hearing Garrett be called 'little b*tch' a few times, the boys in the crowd snicker a little. I was one of them.

It's not everyday you see someone be called 'little b*tch' and not do anything.

"Kuuh, I'm sincerely sorry for trying to harass you earlier. I was in the wrong."

Gnashing his teeth so hard, Garrett said with a bow.

"U-uhm. It's okay. I-I forgive you!"

Amazed at what's going on, Amanda stuttering forgiven him..

"Alright. You heard that? She's forgiven him. Now go back to what you were doing. President Yang will gather you all for a certain matter later. Oh, and somebody take these guys to the infirmary area. We can't leave them here."

Desmond loudly announced to the crowd as he unrolled his sleeves and put his Blazer back on.

Fearing that one of them would be next, the crowd dispersed but not before grabbing Stan and that other boy. It seems that Desmond put the seed of fear in them.

"Okay, little b*tch, you can go back to what you were doing to. However, don't let me see you near Amanda got it?"

"Got it."

Not waiting for Desmond to say anymore, Garrett quickly left the scene. His face was filled with humiliation.

This left only me, Desmond, Amanda and Andy stand around.

"Sigh, it looks like that worked."

Desmond sighed in relief the moment Garrett left.

"What do you mean?"

Feeling a little dumbfounded at his sudden sigh, I asked.

And with a smirk, he replied.

"I killed the chicken to warn the monkey."