Worked A Little To Well

"...To kill the chicken to warn the monkey? What does that mean?"

Andy, who didn't know what the phrase meant, asked with a puzzled expression. The same went for the other two as well.

Looking at how my clever use of the phrase went over their heads, I could only sigh in disappointment.

"Sigh, you guys need to read more world literature. Basically, I just made an example of those three."

"Eh? Wasn't you mad at those guys?"

"Correction, I was mad at the green haired guy. It was until after I dropped his ass that I realized I could use these guys to strike fear into the other students. And before you ask why, I'll tell you. It's for my plan."


All three asked at once.

"Yep. But don't ask me for the details. Ask Big Sis for them."

Because I didn't feel like explaining the plan again, I decided to push the responsibility on to Big Sis who I saw talking to Mr. Braxton out the corner of my eye.

Judging from the scowl on her face and frequent glares she sent this way, I can tell she's pissed about what I did to our classmates.

Our gazes meet.



Oh sh*t! She's coming this way! My sixth sense is telling me to run!

"Where you going?"

Amanda asked confused at me suddenly turning tail.

Without stopping my pace (due to an impending danger), I show her my slightly swollen left hand and say.

"I'm going to the infirmary area. I think I punched that guy a little too hard and bruised my knuckles. Although, I didn't feel it the first couple of minutes after punching the guy, the pain slowly crept on and now it's throbbing like crazy!"

"T-then let me help you!"

With quickened steps, Amanda caught up to me and said.

"Then let's hurry. The beast is closing in!"


Glancing at Big Sis who's getting closer and closer, I walk even faster.

"Not so fast!"

But Alas, it was futile. Before I even had a chance to get a head start she was already a few feet behind me.

"That's not fair! You used your family's 'Water Stride' to get here!!"

Turning around, I complained feeling a little wronged. That move is essentially a real life Flash Step! That's the only reason she could've gotten here so fast!

"Hey, you had a chance to run away but you didn't take it. Anyways, do you know why I'm upset?"

Big Sis asked in a calm like manner as she folded her arms across her bountiful chest. Causing them to become more prominent.

This caused me to give a subtle glance at Amanda's chest as well. Mentally comparing the two sizes, I found out that Amanda is slightly bigger!

Making a mental of this amazing discovery, I hid my perverted thoughts and say to Big Sis.

"Is it because I injured Stan and that green haired kid?"

"No. That's not it. I'm mad because you let Garrett off too easily."

"Eh? Really?

I said surprised as I mentally wiped the sweat from my brow. I dodged a bullet this time!

"You humiliated him in front of everybody, do you think he'll let this down? Knowing his type, I'm pretty sure he's plotting something right now."

Big Sis said a little worried. The other three were the same way as well. They had small traces of worry were on their face after hearing her.

I, on the other hand wasn't all that worried.

"I'm not scared of some rich kid with a hurt ego. If he wants to try something, let him try it! I'm ready for it."

I've had a bad opinion of him ever since I heard David talk about him. And from what I saw earlier, it's even lower now.

He's just a wuss that cowers whenever somebody stronger than him appears. Why should I be scared of that?

"Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go get an ice pack from the infirmary area. You coming Amanda?"


Feeling my hand getting sorer as time went on, I turn around and walk to the infirmary area with Amanda in tow.


When we neared the infirmary area...

"Look. It's that boy with the tattoos!"

"Stand clear of him or you will end up like those two."

"Shh, don't let him hear you!"

I heard people whisper about me. Few were excited while others were wary of me.

This is good! This is the effect I wanted! It should be a lot easier for them to follow directions now.

"Hey, buddy?"

I called out to one of the people meekly walking by. With a nervous and fearful voice, he said.


"Can you find me a first aid kit?"



Before I could even give my thanks, the boy sped away with hasty steps.

Did my show of force work a little too well?

"H-here you go!"

As I was thinking of such things, the boy quickly came back with a first aid kit in hand. His face still filled with uneasiness.

With a light chuckle, I take the first aid kit from him and say.

"Haha, I'm not gonna bite you. Thanks for the first aid kit."

"No problem!"

Feeling a little relieved about what I said, the boy gave a small smile and left.

"...Am I really that scary?"

I turned back at Amanda, a little dumbfounded and asked.

Putting a wry smile on her face, Amanda said.

"...A little."
