Meeting Irina [Rewrite]


"What's wrong Yu-nii?"

"It's nothing Issei," I said while rubbing my eyes, "I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"How can you be tired!" He replied with an overly enthusiastic tone, "We finally going to school for the first time!"

Looking at my little brother's smiling face full of innocence I couldn't imagine that he'd soon be known as the Great Breast Dragon Emperor. The contrast between now and then was unbelievable.

Today was the first day of both mine and Issei's first grade year, currently, we were walking down the street with mom and dad in our school uniforms. In all fairness, I wasn't fond of the idea of going back to school. I already had a high school education from my past life which I believe is enough, but then as I thought about it going to school might bring some more color into my life.

After all, it wouldn't be wrong to label my current lifestyle as that of a shut-in from an outsider's point of view, and I didn't want that. Only I knew that I was way more active than other kids my age, but it's not like I can expose the existence of the supernatural world without any sort of repercussions.

"Are you nervous Yu?" Dad said in a teasing tone, "It's okay you can take my hand if you want."

"I'm fine," I said in a tired tone, "I just stayed up too long reading a book, and I lost track of time."

"Oh~," Mom said in a light tone, "Didn't I say no more late-night reading it's bad for your health."

"Did you?" I said while looking away, "I don't remember…"

At that point, mom kept reprimanding me for breaking one of her family rules until we reached the front gate of the school. Once at the gate, I saw many other families with their children who wore the same uniform as Issei and I. Before passing the gate mom and dad gave us a few words of encouragement before sending us off.

Towards Issei, they told him to behave himself and not get into trouble, but for me when I heard what dad told me I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Yu, Listen to me being a loner isn't fun, that's why I'm ordering you to walk into this school and find yourself some friends," He said in a strict tone, "No son of mine will walk down a lonely path."

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed my shut-in like lifestyle.

"Dad it's-" I said but was cut off by dad

"It's okay son," He said while patting my shoulder, "It's best if we fix these things quickly so they don't have any unknown side effects."

"AM I SOME KIND OF SICK PATIENT?!?!" I yelled in my mind before turning around, "Let's go Issei."

"Huh? Ah! Okay, bye Mom, Dad." He said following me past the school gate.

Passing the gate, we hadn't even walked three meters before Issei's pace started to slow down from nervousness. I, on the other hand, was fine since I was thinking of other things like getting money, getting stronger, and making friends.

I needed money since you will get nowhere in life if you're penniless, to survive in life I needed to get stronger, and so as not to get pitied by mom and dad I needed a friend.

"Issei? You okay," I said calling out to Issei who stopped walking

"I'm just a little nervous," He said losing his previous excitement, "I mean we're not in the same class after all, so…"

"You'll be fine," I said pushing him in front of me, "We'll see each other later so just stay strong okay.

"En! Okay," He replied seeming to get a burst of confidence after receiving my encouragement

On that note, I left Issei and went over to my class. Over the years I've gotten to know Issei more than I would have just by reading the book. He was shy in some moments, energetic in others, but overall he was a good kid. He looks up to me not just as an older brother, but even a role model. Whenever he's in trouble he'd always come to me for help first which surprised me in the beginning but in the end, I accepted it.

He knew we weren't related by blood but he still treated me as if we were and I did the same. So ya if I was there when he needed help I would almost always pick him up whenever he was down on his luck. Maybe that was why he saw me as a role model.


The school bell went off and now the class was in session because it was the first day of school and there weren't any assigned seats yet we used a lottery to decide our seats. When it was my turn, I got the middle row back seat, at the moment my partner has yet to be decided.

*Ding* [You've received a chain quest!]


[Honor Student - Optional Chain Quest

Description: You have entered your first grade school year now it's time to prove that all those points in intelligence aren't for show~

Main Quest: End the year off as your grades highest-ranked student

Reward: Skills - [Eidetic Memory], [Language Comprehension], [Thought Acceleration], and 1,000 SC

Sub Quest 1: Gain the trust of all the teachers and staff

Reward: Skills - [Charisma], and [Rally Cry]

Sub Quest 2: Become Class Monitor

Reward: Skills - [Leadership]


Seeing the quest I couldn't help myself from faltering a little wondering how I would use these skills in the future. This quest was nothing special it might be a little time consuming but it isn't too hard, as for these skills they're as good as mine.

"Hi, there! My name is Irina, Irina Shidou. What's your name?" A little girl said startling me with her sudden appearance.

It seems that while I was deep in thought Irina was chosen to be my desk mate. Giving her a quick look I saw that she had light brown hair and violet-colored eyes.

"Hello Irina," I said politely, "My name is Yu, Yu Hyoudou."

Finishing our introductions Irina sat down next to me but would continue to glance at me from time to time.

"Is something wrong?" I asked no longer being able to ignore her staring

"You have the same eye and hair color as me," She said pointing at her hair and eyes.

"That's what she wanted to say?" I commented in my mind, "Sure there might be some similarities but it's not like we have the same features."

To make things clear, while I am the eldest son of the Hyoudou family I don't look like the rest of my family. Everyone in my family has dark brown hair, brown eyes, and easily readable facial expressions.

I, on the other hand, had light brown hair with naturally formed grey hairs in the mix. My eyes also weren't brown and instead was a purple color that had a magenta tone near my pupil, and a dark purple shade near the edge of my iris {A/N: Here's an example of the color:}

As for my facial features, my face has developed a default apathetic expression. Wherever I was, I always had a calm expression that made it look like I could care less about the world around me. This may have been caused by my repeated meditative sessions. Thinking about it now my face probably received a muscle memory of my meditative expression thus leading to my apathetic expressions. I did smile and use other expressions every once and a while but my face would always revert to its default state.

So while we do have small similar traits it's not like we have the same colored features. I could have said this however seeing her face full of curiosity I couldn't help myself from messing with her a little.


"Could it be that you don't like me because of how I look!" I said as I started to fake cry, "You're so mean."

"No, no, no that's not it!" She said in a panic while shaking her hands, "I was just curious that's all."

"Hehehe so easy," I thought

Seeing me "cry" Irina started to panic as she looked around trying to find some way to cheer me up.

"Ah it's okay I'm just messing with you," I said with a cheeky smile revealing a tearless face to the now confused Irina.

"Mmm~," She pouted realizing what happened, "You're mean I'm not talking to you anymore."

She said that but forgave me soon after everyone found their seats. Later when the teacher asked who wanted to be the class monitor I raised my hand to be the male class monitor and got the position unopposed since everyone else was too shy to raise their hand. As for the female class monitor, it was decided that Irina would be the female class monitor since just like me she was the only one brave enough to want the position.

The rest of the day after that was pretty bland in the fact that nothing else happened. I just spend most of the time talking with Irina since she was the only one near me that would talk to me. Finally, once the day ended both Irina and I walked towards the front gate. There I saw Issei with his own group of friends preparing to leave for home.

Since I didn't want to bother him I walked past Issei and meet up with Mom and Dad who were not far from the gate. There I introduce Irina to them which delighted them since I had finally gotten a friend my age. I also did the same thing with Irina's parents as I watched them leave but not before Irina told me to come over to her house one of these days to play.

When I told her I would she seemed really happy and skipped back towards her parents. A little confused by this action I thought about it for a moment before shrugging my shoulders and preparing to go home, but as I turned around I was meet with my Dad who had a cheeky smile on his face.

"So is that my future daughter-in-law," He said in a teasing tone

"Huh?" I blurted out confused, "Dad we're only seven years old"

"Hahaha," He laughed, "Sure whatever you want Yu."

"This guy," I thought as I unconsciously made a quick but powerful punch towards his family jewels.

Leaving him behind I didn't care for the fact that he was stuck in the fetal position and simply followed mom as we made our way home.