After returning home I did my usual late-night routine of having dinner, taking a bath, spending time with family and once everyone went to bed I made my way into Haven. On a normal day, I would wait for more time to pass before entering but today while at school I felt a sudden change in Haven's Core.
What the change was that I didn't know, but for some reason, I felt that it was related to its upcoming breakthrough into a First Sun Rank. Clearing a space for me to begin meditating I went straight to work not wanting to waste a single second. Then just like that I slowly lost myself in meditation.
One hour
Two hours
Three hours
Before I knew it five hours had passed when I suddenly felt the earth below me start to shake. My first thought was to leave my meditative state and see what was going on, but my instincts told me otherwise. Instead, I continued to meditate as I felt a multitude of energy enter the air.
Not only was the air abundant in mana but I could even sense chakra too, and while I couldn't tell the source I felt the cool breeze of fresh air touch my body. Before whenever I entered Haven the air was neither hot nor cold, and there was a severe lack of mana in the air.
Resisting the urge to snap back into reality I used [Mind of Tranquility] to suppress my wandering thoughts until the shaking stopped. When it did I opened my eyes to see a large meadow before me instead of the usual dirt ground I was used too. The meadow was about one square kilometer in size. Looking around I saw that the items I left here previously were still here which was a good thing since I didn't want to lose those.
As for the border of Haven, there was a thick fog preventing me from going beyond Haven's border which I could only accept since I didn't have the strength to go beyond the fog. Finally, when I looked in the sky I saw a large dimly lit light blue sun, the light from the sun coupled with the stars surrounding it made it look like it was nighttime.
"I wonder if it'll change color when nighttime ends," I said before shaking my head, "System tell me the changes within Haven."
*Ding*[Currently all the mana and chakra contained within Haven's core has been released and has been used to nourish Haven's base. Along with this due to the abundance of mana and chakra two-spirit veins were formed within Haven's core. One mana vein and a nature vein, both of which will greatly increase the overall mana and chakra within Haven's atmosphere. On another note the more Haven grows the stronger and more potent these veins will be.]
"I see," I said before receiving a system notification
*Ding*[Congratulations you have completed the optional quest [Heavenly World Creation] the following rewards will now be distributed.]
*Ding*[Due to the sudden trace of world power within your body you have obtained the skill [Planetary Assistance]]
[Planetary Assistance - Auxiliary Skill]
Passive Affect: Allows the user to manipulate world power
Special Effect: !^&@%$*@^%!^!&%@*$^@%!&%!#*%!
"Looks like I won't get much of an explanation," I said looking at the skill description, "System what's the use of world power I might already know its use but do you mind giving me a refresher."
*Ding*[World Power is the power generated by your Heavenly World it allows you to control the world around you inside the boundaries of Haven within reason. As for abilities outside of Haven, two main abilities can be used.]
"And those are?"
*Ding*[Absorption, and Empowerment. When you are about to get hit by the attack from your opponent you can use world power to absorb part of the damage. The percentage absorbed depends on the amount of world power used. As for empowerment, you can use world power to strengthen your body and attacks for a certain period of time. However, use with caution world power can be very destructive and can even destroy your body from the inside if used recklessly.]
"You said I could control the world around me inside Haven, as long as it is within reason, what do you mean by that?"
*Ding*[As long as your world power reserve can handle it you can eject a person from Haven and send them into the dimensional gap, terraform the ground around you to fit your preference, or you could use it to suppress any enemies within Haven within reason. Even messing with the flow of time isn't impossible as long as you have the power to do it.]
"What if I'm trying to suppress someone stronger than me?"
*Ding* [Abilities like absorption and suppression are very useful against those weaker or equal to you in strength since it gives you an overall advantage against them, but if it is someone stronger than you the results may vary. It could help you shorten the gap between your power level and their's but if the opponent's power overwhelms you completely then there is nothing that can be done.]
"So I shouldn't be stupid and recklessly pick a fight against those stronger than me, good to know," I said nodding my head, "What are the downsides to world power?"
*Ding*[Replenishing world power takes many times longer than any other energy source. Unlike when you use the [meditation] skill to quickly replenish your mana and chakra, world energy can only be replenished through natural means.]
"Well, that sucks," I said, "But it's understandable considering the benefits world power gives. It would be strange if there were no limitations on it. Okay, last question: what is the maximum amount of suns I can form, and what are the benefits of having more?
*Ding*[When six suns have been formed Haven will become a planet, and you will have the option of releasing it into space but even then your connection with Haven will remain. When seven suns are formed natural life will begin to blossom with Haven, as for anything beyond that is unknown. The maximum amount of suns that can be formed seems to be twelve suns in total.]
Taking a moment to digest all the information I just received as well as wonder how I'll rank up Haven further I received multiple notifications from the system.
*Ding*[Congratulations on completing the hidden quest [Speedy Creator]]
[Speedy Creator - Optional Hidden Quest]
Description: Creating a Heavenly World from scratch is not only hard but very time-consuming. Can your hard work and determination hold through? If so how fast can you do it?
Task: Rank up your Heavenly World to First Sun Rank within ten years!
Rewards: Space Magic Affinity, A Reality Marble, and a Dungeon Core
[Space Magic Affinity - Magic]
Description: Grants the user talent in Space Magic
[Reality Marble - Unknown]
Description: The manifestation of one's inner thoughts used to create a small world. A world cut off from normal reality sealed off from the rest of the world.
Danger: Not only does it require a lot of mana from the user but since it's not a naturally formed space governed by the world's laws the world is constantly trying to destroy it, this, in turn, causes the great mental pressure on the user's mind.
[Dungeon Core - Unknown]
Description: A large concentrated volume of miasma that has transformed into a dungeon core. When planted into the ground it will create a dungeon, the higher the mana concentration in the air the larger the dungeon's size.
"Good stuff!" I said pulling out the dungeon core from my inventory and holding it in my hands, "I wonder what benefits can this core give me?"
*Ding*[The dungeon will create monsters, and when you kill those monsters their bodies will dematerialize into special energy. This energy will be absorbed into the body allowing you to assess to a special body tempering and refining resource. With the current mana concentration of Haven, the dungeon core can create at most ten floors the further down you go the higher the yield of energy. To create more it is recommended that you continue ranking up Haven.]
"Does this mean I can grind this energy to temper my body to Ultimate Rank," I said with excitement
"Ding*[Negative, while it isn't impossible it will take longer than natural means. Plus overexposure to the dungeon might cause the miasma in the air of dungeon to corrode your mind leading you to madness.]
"You like to mess with my feelings don't you," I said with a tone full of resentment, "Is there a way to counteract the mind corrosion?"
To that, question the system offered me a long list of mind cleansing items but I ignored it since I didn't want my heart to bleed after I saw the extremely high prices that they would cost. Instead, I walked towards the east side of Haven looking for a place to plant dungeon core.
Still ignoring the system window with the list of items I spent an hour planting the dungeon core. The task wasn't physically tasking more like mentally tasking on my mana reserves. Not only did I have to dig up a part of the ground but I also had to connect the dungeon core with one of the spirit veins. It sounds easy but it's really hard, and once it was over and I filled in the hole I received another system notification.
*Ding*[Dungeon creation process has begun.]
*Ding*[Time until completion six days, twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes, and forty-two seconds]
"Looks like I'll have to wait before I can venture into the dungeon," I said before yawning, "I think I'll head in early for the night."