Daily Life and Dungeon Exploration [Rewrite]

Being woken up by Mom the next morning I dragged myself out of bed and went to brush my teeth and change before making my way downstairs for breakfast. Once we were done we made some last-minute preparation before heading off to school. Since I wasn't too used to sleeping as long as I did last night I still felt tired even after walking to school, so much so that I nearly missed Irina if not for the fact that she called out to me.

"Yu~ over here," She yelled running up to me

"What's up," I said trying to hold back a yawn

"Don't you remember what the teacher told us," She said while putting her hands on her hips, "He wanted us to help pass out some papers for homeroom at the beginning of class."

"Oh…" I said finally remembering what I was told to do yesterday, "…Did you already pass out the papers?"

"Nope," She replied holding her head up high, "I just got here. I only remembered after seeing you."

"Then why are you calling me out for forgetting our task," I complained in my mind before releasing a loud sigh, "Even if both of us are class monitors we aren't responsible."

"It's fine we're only kids remember," She said believing she did nothing wrong

Releasing another sigh I said goodbye to my family as I made my way to the teacher's office to complete the task we forgot to do. Though I will comment that I had to ignore the teasing gaze of my parents.

After that, we were forgiven by our teacher for not doing our task under the fact that we were only seven and it was only our second day of school. Just like that, we continued our normal school lives minus the extra responsibility of being class monitors. During that time besides spending some time with Irina (since she was almost always by my side during class), I also tried to find a way to complete my optional quest given to me by the system.

Ever since I got that quest I didn't think I would have trouble finishing the main quest, but the problem laid in one of the subquests. To complete it I needed to gain the trust of all the teachers and facility which overall would take some time since 1) I'm seven years old, and 2) most of the teachers here are very strict.

So for the rest of the week, not only did I make sure I did my best in most of the tasks given to me I also expanded my social circle. Through that, I was slowly connecting myself throughout not only my class but also other classes.

The same could sort of been said for Irina, but while she did make a large number of friends with her cheerful personality she seemed to spend most of her time around me. Unless I was busy with something or I was in the bathroom Irina would almost always be within a two meters distance from me. There was even a time when people thought we were related due to how close we were but when I denied those accusations everyone showed me a surprised expression.


"Bye Yu~" Irina said waving goodbye


After saying goodbye to Irina I returned home with a little peep in my step. I did this not because of anything that happened during the day but because the counter for the dungeon was going to finish soon. Once it was done, not only would I be able to raise my stats by killing monsters but I'll also be able to gain some combat experience.

I won't lie and say I'm a good fighter, I may have some boxing experience from my past life but fighting against monsters and humans are two different things. In the dungeon, I'll have to kill monsters which can be a little scary but nothing ventured nothing gained. In this world with the path I'm taking killing and death won't be something uncommon so it's best to clear out insecurities earlier than later.

Deciding to sleep a little early since I didn't know how long I would be in the dungeon I had the system walk me up a few minutes before the dungeon was done.




*Ding*[Time to walk up the dungeon will be done in three minutes.]

"Okay I'm up," I said releasing a yawn

Rubbing my sleepy eyes I changed out of my pajamas and into more durable clothes. As I did this I made sure not to make too much noise since Issei was currently sleeping in the same room as me. Finishing my preparation I found a place to hide before entering Haven.



Entering Haven I was greeted by the same wide meadow I saw when I first left but, when I looked towards the east side of Haven I found something out of place. It was a cave five meters in height and ten meters in length. In front of the cave were two big ghastly doors.

It wasn't like there was some weird design on them but more like the feeling I was getting from them was throwing me off.

"Is this a part of the dungeon or are my senses off?"

*Ding*[This feeling is due to miasma leaking from the dungeon, it is relatively harmless only giving off an intimidating aura from it. The miasma won't have much effect on Haven since the mana in the air will purify it before it can be a problem.]

"Then why do I feel chills seeing these doors."

*Ding*[After a quick analyzing it has been discovered that you are not scared but excited. This is most likely due to the primordial blood hidden within your veins.]

"It's my bloodline huh?" I though

Up until now, I haven't gotten much information on my bloodline from the system. Every time I asked the system would say I don't have the clearance yet to view that information.

"Forget it I'll ask again later."

Calming my nerves with [Mind of Tranquility] I entered the dungeon. Passing by the big double doors I walked down a large staircase. At the end of the staircase, I saw a wide range of tall trees and exotic flowers.

*Ding*[Notice: Time within the dungeon is ten times faster than time on earth.]

"That's convenient,"


"Woah!" I yelped barrel rolling to the side narrowly dodge an incoming object coming towards my face.



"What the f***," I said gawking at the large furball in front of me.

It was a large mouse, and while it was making cute squeaking sounds its large size and powerful hind legs made it dangerous.



Not even taking a moment to rest it started charging at me once again. This pattern went on for a while since I was trying to completely read its movements and reactions, but it seemed I took too much time doing that.



"Damn," I said noticing a new mutant mouse appear behind me, "I should finish this quickly before more show up."

Releasing my [Spiritual Sense] as well as strengthen my body with mana reinforcement I kicked the ground before me and appeared on top of the first mutant mouse aiming my knife (bought from the shop) at it the nape of its neck. Not even waiting for its body to fall to the ground I pivoted my center of gravity and dealt a strong kick to the second mouse's skull right as it jumped towards me.


"Well that was easy I guess," I said wiping off the small bit of sweat on my brow.

*Ding*[Question: Why did you spend so much time dealing with that mouse. At the start, you didn't even use body reinforcement or your spiritual sense. What drove you to do that?]

"Ha~ I was trying to get used to the sense of combat," I said scratching my cheek, "I'm not used to it, so of course there would be some hesitation when fighting for the first time."

*Ding*[Then why were you able to do it once the second mutant mouse showed up?]

"Survival instincts," I said as the mutant mouse corpses started to disintegrate into pure energy. After the corpses were gone completely that energy flew into my body and I felt a little stronger. Wanting to see the changes I opened my status.


[Name: Yu Hyoudou

Race: Human (Fake) / Genesis Progenitor (Real)

Bloodline: Primordial Bloodline (Dormant State, 0% Awaken)

Rank: Unranked

System Credits (SC): 241 + 10,000 = 10,241


Strength - 21 + 0 = 21

Endurance - 19 + 1 = 20

Agility - 20 + 0 = 20

Intelligence - 30 + 10 = 40

Energy Reserves:

Mana: 4014

Chakra: 2025

World Power: 1000

Bloodline Skills/Abilities: None


[Mind of Tranquility], [Farsight], [Parallel Thoughts], [Meditation], [Pain Resistance], [Mental Resistance], [Mana Manipulation], [Spiritual Sense], [Time Alter], [Leadership], [Planetary Assistance], [Reality Marble]

Magic Affinity:

Attributeless (High Affinity), Space (High Affinity), Time (Low Affinity)


"Meditation helps in increasing my INT stat so that change is reasonable, but why did my physical stats only increase by one?"

*Ding*[It's not like every bit of pure energy will strengthen your body completely. It takes a certain amount of energy to raise certain stats. The higher the stats the more the energy needed.]

"Tsk looks like I'll have to start grinding," I said as another set of system notifications

*Ding*[You have received the quest: Clear the dungeons first floor]

*Ding*[You have received the quest: Mutant Mouse Hunting]

*Ding*[You have received the…

*Ding*[You have…


Multiple quests related to floor clearing and various monster hunting quests started showing up. Monster hunting gave me system points, and floor clearing gave me system points and stat points.

"Maybe I should find a way to rank up Haven to get more dungeon floors," I said going through all the quest I received.