I was passing through the hallway in college, I saw a door, that's weird I thought.I had never noticed it before. I went in to see,It was some kind of little closet, It was dark and the walls were caving in on me.I saw someone open the little door abruptly, It was Light. She came in and closed the door.Wow.It felt like a dream, she was so close to me.I wanted to tell her everything how my my body longs for her, what she was doing to me and how I couldn't take this one sided love anymore. I was about to confess.As I began to say something she slapped me, i stood there in shock. I was recovering from it and she slapped me on my face again, she punched me. She was hurting me. And then I saw her taking out a dagger from her shoes, I was so shocked what was happening,what did I do to deserve this,but not the least scared. It was Light after all, she could torture me with that knife and I wont say a thing if it's giving her pleasure. But I had to ask her, why? Why was she doing this to me? She replied "I don't have a choice. It's fate. It was supposed to be this way, you or me, we can't change anything even though how much we want to". And then she stabbed me in the stomach, I saw blood pouring out as she pulled out the dagger. She stabbed me again and again, in and out, so much pain, my blood was everywhere. But I wasn't dying. I was on my knees now, too weak but still alive. What was happening god? There was so much blood everywhere someone could swim in it. I was in so much pain, I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed God kill me, kill me now. I kept screaming and I heard my name, someone waking me up from the nightmare. I opened my eyes and saw my mom and my sister by my bed worried sick. I was screaming so loud I woke everyone up. I needed a second to regain my consciousness. My mom was asking me If I had a nightmare and she kept comforting me, but I was still thinking about that dream, what did it mean it wasn't the usuall kind of dreams I had about her. She was stabbing me and I was in so much pain and she said it was fate? I knew she'd be the death of me I didn't know literally. I calmed myself, just a dream right. Irrelevant dream, or so I thought.